Unity – Honey, she's home! Pt 2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Honey, she's home! Pt 2
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue Jan 12, 2010 @ 10:57pm
Location   Sickbay.
Timeline   Early evening


"I'm trying to tell you just a tiny few of the myriad and multiple ways in which I came to the deepset conviction that, whatever your race values or how she behaves, Isha not only cares about you more than you know but that she would be totally lost without you. If I didn't know your Romulan sensibilities would be affronted, I'd go as far as to say *loves* you!

Please don't abandon her when she needs you most because that's precisely when she would push you away the hardest."


“Isha doesn’t want my support and she told me so, I haven’t abandoned her, but I cannot force her to accept my help,” Rh’vaurek explained, “I’ve seen this happen several times, but never like this.” A short bitter laugh escaped his throat, “She’s cold, Chelsea, utterly cold.”

"She's empty, hurt and lost. That would appear cold in someone who is not permitted to display *any* kind of feelings, let alone such devastating ones" Chelsea's face bore all the sympathy she felt for Isha. "Of course she *says* she doesn't want help... you would both think less of her if she admitted it! I don't wish to pretend I know more about it than you do, ira'v'Di, I'm just further away from it and I haven't just been hurt by her behaviour..... not yet anyway... is my theory not at least a tiny bit possible?"

Rh’vaurek’s lips thinned. “She spent an hour with that pompous overblown Cardassian Gul, she told me that anyone who had considered rescuing her from ch’rihan at their own risk was responsible for their own folly.” He paused, “Leave her alone, Chelsea, Isha doesn’t usually act like a Romulan of her rank, when she does she is a phenomenon … like I said, she’s not the Isha you know and I have no way of telling you if she will be again.”

"Leave her alone? You don't want me to talk to her?" Chelsea found that a very difficult thing to be asked to do. She trusted Rh'vaurek for all his protestations that he allegedly 'wasn't a nice man' and the explanation he had given her about how Romulans had very different values and would not feel nor react as Terrans would.

She didn't want to gainsay him, nor to defy his wishes. She was torn. She didn't want to keep away from her dear friend Isha at such a terrible time for her, yet she had no wish to upset her ira'v'Dianvm either.

Dunham walked into Medical hoping to another moment with Chelsea before he shipped out on his next mission, he was not to surprised to find her deep in conversation with her ira'v'Dianvm, Rh’vaurek. “What’s occurring?”

“Maybe you can talk some sense into your woman,” Rh’vaurek said. The secret that Isha was back on the station was not likely to stay secret for long, which suited him fine as he had not agreed to be part of her conspiracy. “Isha’s back.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” said Dunham, with only half the information, He knew Isha was done with her business on Romulus but didn’t know she was back. But from what Rh'vaurek had told him earlier after her communication he feared the worst.

"She's got it into her head that we are all lesser beings and unworthy even to lick the boots of the greatest lady in the empire," Rh'vaurek realised that he was sounding petty and that Chelsea would probably write off his warning, remembering that he and Isha had often displayed a lot of tension around the subject of their relative statuses. "I'm concerned about how she'll react to you."

“Sounds complicated,” said Dunham scratching the stubble on his chin. He felt for the Romulan he really did, but he knew Chelsea may very well not be deterred, come hell or high water she would go and see Isha. She was her friend and that’s what friends did. Dunham too would be grateful to see the Romulan Ambassador, be he didn’t want to see Chelsea’s heart broken. Dunham decided to take another tack, “What about if I went to see her, alone, test the water maybe?”

"You'll be wasting your time," Rh'vaurek breathed loudly, almost a sigh. "I've given orders that no-one sees her, appointment or otherwise - I didn't like the company she was keeping. I can make an exception, but I don't know what good it'll do - particularly if she's managed to discover that I've effectively placed her under house arrest," Rh'vaurek glanced between Dunham and Chelsea, managing to look at least a little sheepish at this admission.

"So are you suggesting we basically let her cool off?" Dunham said looking a little confused

"All I'm saying is that Isha is not the same as she was when she went away, she tore strips off me and I'm used to dealing with her tantrums."

"I'm use to dealing with temper tantrums too, I mean come on I'm going out with Chelsea." said Dunham with a bit of a giggle, trying to make a little light in what was turning out to be a conversation that was getting a bit dark. "What do you think we should do?"

"Yeah, Doctor Adams is a handful," Rh'vaurek agreed. He had tried to warn them off but they were going to insist on seeing Isha, with or without his co-operation, "You can see her if you wish, but don't say I didn't warn you."

"What do you think Chelsea?" said Dunham

Chelsea looked at Rick and pouted. "I don't do tantrums!" she protested looking hurt, but then returned to looking seriously up into Rh'vaurek's eyes and shook her head.

"If you want to go alone Rick, I'm going to leave it to ira'v'Di to guide me. I don't want to leave Isha alone without her friends but at the same time I trust Rh'vaurek's judgement and if he doesn't want me to go, I'll wait for his green-light. I don't want Isha to believe this means I don't care or that I wouldn't brave anything to see her, because that's not true. I'd have risked my all to go out there and get her back. I *know* that did matter.

She either doesn't know what she's saying or she's denying even her closest friends. Rh'vaurek says its a bit of both and I just don't want to either be part of what hurts her, nor absent when she needs me."

Dunham rubbed the stubble on his chin deep in thought, "You both know her better than i do, If I go in there, i have the least to loose. But you are both her friends, if you would prefer to go I will stand down."

Chelsea shrugged, uncharacteristically at a loss "I simply can't be asked to choose between them."

Dunham put his hand on Chelsea's shoulder "Listen to your feelings Chelsea, what is your heart telling you to do?"

~To give up caring about people. It hurts.~ she wanted to reply but looking at these two men who had both been rocks keeping her world from tumbling to dust recently, she couldn't say that. She owed them both better. She put her smile back in place and set her shoulders square.

"We should at least let her chew us out if that's what she needs to do" she agreed looking apologetically at Rh'vaurek. "I'm sorry. It's not that I don't believe you, nor appreciate your trying to protect me. I just can't abandon her. Are you offended if we insist, ira'v'Di? If so I won't defy you."

Dunham put his arm around Chelsea's shoulder

RH'vaurek opened his mouth to speak then closed it again.

Eventualy, he spoke, "Offended, no. I think you're insane ... but you're quite good at standing up to bullies as I recall. Maybe she'll not threaten to shoot you." He glanced between them again, "I'll shoot the pair of you if you tell anyone of this conversation ... if you get more from her than I could, tell me."

"it's a deal!" Chelsea managed a pale smile.

"Do you want me to go with you?" said Dunham holding Chelsea as tenderly as he could.

"I have a feeling I *ought* to go alone. Perhaps as we're both her friends it would seem important to be one to one with her each in our own right?" she was thinking aloud but suddenly she made up her mind at last. "Yes, let's go together." she resolved.

Rh'vaurek grunted, "I'll permit you access." He folded his arms, "I have to go. Send me a message when you're coming."

"Should we come now? I'm off duty shortly" Chelsea offered, looking at Rick. "Or perhaps after our dinner with the Counsellor this evening?"

Dunham slapped his hands together to get himself motivated, he smiled his charming smile. "You should do it now."


A JP between:

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Ambassador

and Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams