Incommunicado – Senior Staff... ASSEMBLE! (Part 1)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Rakka & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Senior Staff... ASSEMBLE! (Part 1)
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Rakka & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jul 01, 2012 @ 10:50am
Location   Senior Officers' Conference Room, Deck 14
Timeline   SD58, 0800 hours

With the Operations meeting complete, even with a somewhat underwhelming turnout despite the circumstances, Relma was fairly pleased with his debut as DS5's Chief of Operations. A far greater test awaited him now, however: his first senior staff meeting at his new post. As the Operations department personnel, as well as the eager and efficient young engineer who had invited herself along, filed out of the room, Meryn stood from the seat at the head of the table and moved himself onto the third chair down the table on the left-hand side, awaiting the arrival of his first colleague.

Petro entered the room, fatigue apparent on her face as she set a PADD down on the table and took a seat at the far end of the room. She sat down, allowing the chair to envelope her.

Meryn tried to catch the J'naii's eye, but she was obviously lost in her own thoughts for the time being and that, combined with the sound of the door opening made him think twice, and he returned his attention to the PADDs about the Operations duty assignments.

Rhiana entered, she was hardly ready to deal with the rest of the senior staff let alone attend a briefing, she took a seat and looked around, ~What the hell is going to happen now?~

Tasha arrived, a little short of breath with Rakka behind her, appearing like a bodyguard as the two of them entered the Conference room.

She cast a quick glance around and at least this time, was grateful that she was here to greet others as they entered. She made for the large seat at the top arc of the table, in what she felt was the most important chair, hers, though each and every chair afforded everyone a view of each other. This seat however, had the advantage of also behind directly in front of the large picture window that looked out into space, so even those who were distracted, at last appeared to be looking at the Captain, even if they were dreaming of a life beyond DS5 through the window. She pulled the seat forward and clasped her hands together on the desk in front of her and nodded to the others as she sat down. The warmth in the seat made her shift position as she glanced at Relma, sending a mock accusing glance of disdain that someone had been occupation her place on the table.

She took a breath. "Thank you for warming up the 'Hot Seat' Chief." She smiled as she said it and hoped that Relma knew she was teasing.

The Bajoran nodded to the CO in acknowledgement of the comment. He was already beginning to like the Captain and her warm personality. She and her XO couldn't be more different and it made Meryn glad that the CO had such a personality given his disastrous meeting with Commander Villiers the previous day.

Chelsea arrived looking tired but took the seat to the left of the CO, carefully leaving the seat at the Captain's right hand for the XO. She hadn't seen Rick lately and had no idea where he was but she was sure he would be on his way...... unless he was out getting himself burned up in his fighter in the way he usually did whenever he went missing early in the morning. A woman in a less strong marriage might worry about her husband's early morning vanishing acts!

Rakka, meanwhile, beelined for a seat beside Petro. "You okay?" she whispered.

Petro turned her head towards Rakka and smiled. She gave a slight nod. "Tired. I lost track of time last night and ended up sleeping in the office."

Saria arrived as well, nearly jumping out of the turbolift. "Sorry if I'm late, I had some things on my mind." She said.

Tasha watched the woman waltz in and did not recognise. She drummed her fingers on her knee and made a mental note to detain her after the meeting to find out who and what she was.

Rick was next to enter. In one hand he held a large mug of black steaming coffee in the other was a PADD which he was intensely reading. Almost on remote he went and sat down next to Chelsea. This was a senior staff meeting so he was ever his professional self, but this did not stop him from putting his coffee down and finding her hand under the desk to squeeze as a hello.

Chelsea shot him a quizzical look and arched one eyebrow at him but she returned the affectionate squeeze and shook her head softly as if to say "what are you like?" but with a sparkle in her eyes that denied any seriousness. Next, casting a second questioning glance at his coffee which asked "'where's mine?" she rolled her eyes at him and smirked gently. This entire animated *conversation* was completely conducted without a single word spoken.

Rianni didn't know why exactly she'd been called to this meeting, she'd been tempted to no show, or show up in her panties and a t-shirt, but, Isha would blow a damn nacelle if she didn't show up looking the absolute picture of Romulan nobility, so, she had put on the dog for the same rabid dobermans who had tossed her aside a few months before. She walked by and gently stroked Petro's hair, the memory of their night together bringing a smile to her face as she took a seat near the end of the table. "Okay." She sighed, "I'm here."

Rakka let out a quiet snarl as the woman touched Petro's hair. She fixed a hard glare on Rianni, inching her chair protectively closer to her J'naii friend.

Darson walked in through the hatch at a fast clip, wrapping up a quiet but intent conversation with a senior warrant officer who was taking notes on a large PADD. He took possession of it, pressed a few commands, than handed it back with a gesture of dismissal. The warrant officer saluted and took off back through the open hatch. Darson sighed in an annoyed fashion as he made his way down to the end of the table, a position that signified how the Marines were not really part of a station’s operating crew. But that was the truth and Darson didn’t really care. He knew his place, and what was expected of him.

As he sat down in a chair that was a far cry from the luxurious trappings of his own lair, he leaned forward on his elbow and began to drum his other hand’s fingers in a quick repetitive beat on the metal table. His masked face looked around and took a quick reading of the mood, before returning to a normal alert state in anticipation of the start of the meeting.

Rianni looked to Rakka and raised her hands in a gesture of confusion, as if to say 'What the Hell?' before shaking it off and sighing, ~And speaking of rabid dobermans....~

The action and reaction sequence between Rakka and Rianni did not go unnoticed by Petro but at the moment she was too tired to think about it.

Bruce walked in quietly and choose to stand in one corner of the room. It wasn't normal for him to do this but being one of the last people in he decided to remain quiet.

Relma sat in his place, uncomfortable to say the least, the only person on the station he knew appeared to have some history with the most capable member of his department and the head of the department with which his had to work most closely. Rianni seemed sure enough of herself that either she'd allowed her naturally arrogant Romulan streak to come out now, or she was still drunk from the night before. One thing was for certain: she wasn't hungover. He was about to try and make eye-contact with her when he noticed the gold-collared Lieutenant Commander enter. By his reckoning that must be Freeman, but he was standing so far away and so engrossed in his PADD Meryn decided to leave introducing himself personally until after the meeting. Just as he was about to try attracting Petro's attention again he was distracted by movement to his side.

Rhiana leaned back to Commander Freeman, "Any ideas on the subspace interference Commander?"

"Not at the moment, haven't really looked too far into it given the recent events. Honestly it could be a number of things though. A relay short, transponder problems, radiation interference, or even a passing Cosmozoan. Most likely nothing shipboard given everything was green system wise when I got here." Bruce replied turning the padd and showing the read out to Rhiana. "I would bet my next job after this is checking them again.

Tasha waited for the room to settle having seen some of the staff interact before she cleared her throat to announce the beginning of the meeting.
She took a meaningful glance around the room, her eyes falling to the empty chair beside her, that of Commander Villiers.

"Before we begin, is anybody aware of Commander Villiers whereabouts?" She asked and for some unbeknown reason, her eye fell to Bruce before settling on Rianni.

Each turned to look at each other, but it was Commander Dunham that offered up a possible explanation.

"Urrrmmm" said Rick as he struggled to find the right words to describe this morning events. He scratched the stubble on his chin thoughtfully "Well the last time I saw her this morning she was escorting a Klingon off the flight deck, some sort of important contact."

Tasha nodded at Dunham's explanation and then brought her attention to Rianni. "Sub Commander, forgive me, but can I ask what has brought your attendance on this meeting?" Tasha asked politely.

"The usual." Rianni laughed, "Her Majesty commanded, so here I am. Kind of how it goes down there. Anything else, well, I guess that's blanks for you to fill in for me."

Again Tasha gave an understanding nod assuming that 'Her Majesty' referred to Isha, the Romulan Ambassador.

"Very well, I have no objection to the Sub Commander's presence, any objections?" Tasha inquired, more as a courtesy than an invitation.

Relma shook his head gently as he looked up and down the table. There was obviously a lot of animosity in the room towards the Romulan - and for once (strangely for him) he was not the source. As he glanced back down the table he caught Rianni's eye and nodded to her by way of subtle support - still trying to work out what, if any, after effects she was suffering from the night before.

Rakka sniffed significantly, but said nothing. She could tell from a glance around that this Rianni was not popular, but she wasn't about to raise her hand and ask that the woman leave simply because she had been so shamelessly inappropriate as to touch her precious Petro's hair. There was a story there, and she seethed to know it, but kept her formidable jaws shut and slid down a little lower in her seat, impatient for this meeting to go on.

"In that case, we'll start the meeting with some introductions." She glanced around the room and settled her eyes on the Bajoran across the table "Chief Relma Meryn, our new Chief Operations Officer." Tasha raised an eyebrow to Meryn to introduce himself.

The Bajoran nodded in appreciation and deference to the woman before beginning to speak as he tried to make eye-contact with everyone around the table "Thank you Captain. I'm very excited to be here and to add to the excellent reputation of this facility."

"Next, some of you may remember Commander Rakka, who is acting as Security Consultant and Training officer." Tasha stated as she then gave an inclination of her head to the Nuasicaan.

Rakka cleared her throat noisily. "Yes... hello," she rasped.

Chelsea remembered Rakka and acknowledged her. They had spoken since the Nausicaan had arrived but she made an official comment of welcome.

Tasha allowed them to chat for a minute as she pressed at her PADD and connected the device the large picture behind her, that was doubled as a display when needed. She tapped her PADD and the data was instantly mirrored on the viewer.

The Captain cleared her throat a she signaled that she was ready to initiate the meeting properly.

"Ladies, gentlemen, what we have on the screen behind us, is the raw data from the Pollux. Communications are becoming near impossible and we are now beginning to see minor fluctuations in our power reserves. Yesterday, Commander Dunham along with Lieutenant Petro and Chief Rushtone were dispatched to collect as much data as they could to explore reasons as to why communications are positively pathetic to say the least. What we can determine from that data, is on the wall behind me. Commander Dunham, can you tell us in your own words, what you experienced yesterday?" Tasha asked as she leant back into her chair.

Rick took one final swig of his coffee before scratching the stubble on his chin and clearing his throat with a quick cough. He leaned forward in his chair meshing his hands together as he did. "Ok as we approached the anomaly we kept all wires and sensors open and online, an analysis we ran showed interference on low band frequencies. As if something was riding the carrier waves. We then tried a high frequency spectrum analysis of the upper carrier waves on beta and theta bandwidths, whilst integrating it with a photon polarity matrix beam in the lower waves. It was then that we were able to isolate the signal that seemed to be interfering with communications and noticed a pattern. The same pattern that is riding on all the frequencies in every spectrum and bandwidth. This indicated that the pattern was artificial in with this in mind and that nothing else had been really effective I ordered a focused type 6 static tricyclic tayron beam through the graviton subspace phase emitters to see what we got.

After they adjusted the beam to it would not hurt anything that we may find out there we switched it on and that when everything started going to hell.....I swear whatever it was or is 'growled.' Everything began to vibrate on a harmonic frequency, structural integrity began to fail. LCARS displays melted. So we got the hell out of there. We did retrieve a packet of data which we handed over to science." He leant back in his chair done.

Relma was listening intently to his 'gym-buddy' from earlier as he spoke. The information made no sense. Glancing around the table he could see he wasn't the only one who thought so. "Sorry, Commander" he began, nodding to the man and then the woman at the head of the table, "did you say the signal appeared artificial? So are you saying someone created this jamming field? Who has that kind of capability - especially all the way out here?"

"Someone or something" said Rick getting out a gum from his pocket and unwrapping it. "By artificial in nature I mean it is not a natural phenomena created by lets say a pulsar or gravity wells, temporal rifts, tachyon fields, neutrino cascades that sort of thing. By artificial in nature I mean created by something. As for who has that kind of capability I think the engineers or scientists could help us answer that one."

The Captain nodded at Ricks report and she had not quite heard Commander Freeman's quiet explanation to Rianni.

"Sorry Commander Freeman, you have some input?" She apologised as she eased the PADD aside and wished that she had brought in some coffee herself as the aroma of Petro's beverage wafted across the desk.

"One of our techs said it was too regular to be purely natural then our equipment went off line due to the level of interference, plus Chief Ayers pointed out that the patterns were also....this sounds silly but they were organized." Rhiana said

"I was just saying that I hadn't really looked into the problem yet given the state of the Pollux. However there could be different reasons for the anomaly. A relay short, transponder problems, radiation interference, someone trying some new way of communicating. All possible reasons, I've gone over our systems and it's nothing on our end. Buuut, as per protocol I'll check them again." Bruce gave his answer.

Relma had spent the previous half a minute or so tapping furiously at his PADD and, stopping, raised his head following Freeman's statement. "Commander, what do you make of the brief power drain in the logs about 20 microseconds right before the harmonic surge? It seems negligible and is well within parameters, but surely it's too much of a coincidence? Only thing I've ever seen with vaguely similar properties is the Breen energy dampening weapon and even that's very different to this."

"Well then, take into consideration what's been brought to us from the Pollux findings, and add Titan's findings from a few years ago it is probably an unknown Cosmozoan." Bruce answered.

"With your permission I could have my science officers on the Dhelan run some tests, Captain." Rianni offered, unable to stop herself from deferring to Tasha as though she was still in Starfleet. Old habits truly did die hard.

"I will try to run some tests from here. See if I can determine if someone or maybe something created it." Saria said, while making some notes on her own PADD.

A joint post by:

Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Commander Chelsea Dunham

CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham

Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Assistant Chief of Science

Lieutenant (JG) Rhianna T'Sahan
Acting Chief of intelligence (NPC JW)

erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO IRW Dhelan

Commander Rakka
Security Training Officer/Consultant

Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer

Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant JG Petro