Unity – My Grandfather's Daughter's Son's Brother's Father's Whereabouts?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   My Grandfather's Daughter's Son's Brother's Father's Whereabouts?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 8:06pm
Location   CMO's Quarters
Timeline   SD34

Chelsea Adams was in her quarters, looking through an intergalactial catalogue of wedding dresses and trying to imagine which shape and line would suit her and be appropriate. What she'd give now for Isha to help her choose. She really missed her friend so much these days. She had put in a call to see if Isha would be free for a coffee and a chat to catch up, but like all the rest of her many similar calls, she had been put off by a flunky or nine, with some put-off about the Ambassador being too busy.

Chelsea was too polite to say what Rh'vaurek would have done: imirrlhhse but one of these days she was resolved to marching in there and demanding those obstructive little green-blooded puffer-fish stand aside, as she was *sure* Isha herself wasn't getting any of her messages or she'd have had at least *one* reply by now.

Frowning as she thought of this situation and absorbed with the overwhelming array and choices of possible dresses, she was frustrated enough to want to snap at the visitor who innocently happened to ring her door chime at that moment.

"Who is it?" she said less hospitably than she would normally.

A polite voice came from the other side of the door. "Federation Science Council Ma'am, Temporal Investigation division. I would like to talk with you about Lieutenant Richard Dunham?"

Chelsea actually went to the door to meet this person, rather than just to let him in.

"I'm sorry?" she asked, defensive of Rick. "Which investigation Division did you say?" she looked the man up and down. He looked familiar. Her mind searched to see if she could remember meeting him before.

The man wore a black pin white striped suit. He had a blonde beard and moustache. The man took out his wallet and showed her his I.D badge. It was Federation issue and read Temporal Investigations. "Temporal Investigation Ma'am. I wanted to speak with you about the Temporal rift incident in deep space five space, a month or so ago. I believe....." he took out a padd from inside his blazer pocket. " that a Lieutenant Richard Dunham, passed through the anomaly? I was wandering if we could discuss his medical status afterwards?"

"Medical I can do, but I don't have a clue what happened, he never talks about it" she replied frankly. "Come in" she moved back from the doorway and let the man in, still puzzling about his familiarity.

"What do you need to know exactly... er.... you seem to have the advantage of me as you know who I am..... how official is this? Do i need to call up the records for you?" she looked at his collar for an insignia of rank.

"Sorry how rude me of I didn't say my name. Apologies." He tilted his head in an apologetic gesture. "My name is Mr Warren, just tell me what you remember from the incident, and if any temporal distortion still remained in his system?"

"Not that showed on any of our instrumentation. I ran all the tests, I had an interest in being thorough." she replied, her brow furrowed in query. She moved to the computer terminal and brought up the reports in question, offering a view of the screen to the officer.

"Does this tell you more than it tells me?" she asked, partially curious and partially disbelieving.

The man looked at the data scrolling up the screen thoughtfully. “Can you tell me what you meant by an ‘interest in being thorough’ it sounds a little personal?” He continued to look at the data, as if it was a fleeting question, one just to make conversation. He pulled out a tricorder and started to make notes on the data. To a technical mind though, the tricorder was scanning the room.

"I meant that i had a personal interest, yes. I have a very personal interest in Lieutenant Dunham, he's my fiancé" Chelsea replied, still puzzled.

"Really" said the man slightly shocked. He looked at his wrist watch tapped it, frowned put it to his ear and listened to it work, frowned again. Shook his wrist and placed it to his ear again. He mumbled the word 'early' under his breath. "Congratulations." he said with a smile. He changed the subject. "Well these scans indicate their is only a slight flux of background temporal radiation."

"How is it possible to measure that?" She asked, looking intently at the man's watch. "Erm... could I ask you a question now please? May I see that watch? It's remarkably like one I have seen before.... I'm confused... where did you get that?"

Her eyes widened as she got a closer look at the watch. It was distinctive, unique and very valuable, sentimentally and monetarily. It was Rick's watch without a doubt. Chelsea paled.

"Who the Hell are you and where did you get that? Where's Rick? What have you done with him...... " she moved to slap her comm badge to summon help.

"urmmmm thats not going to work. I already have a jamming signal in place, know one will answer." He shrugged "Sorry, I don't do it on purpose, comes with some of the implants I have anyway...." He waved his hands to dismiss what he was talking about "I'm sorry i'm not hear to hurt you Da.....Lt Dunham is fine I'm sure. I'll go now, just let me have that info and I'll be off."

"No, damn you." she cut the information from the screen and pressed the lock key which meant it couldn't be reshown without her codes. "You're sure he's alright eh? Well, I'm not... he would never give that watch up. Now I don't care if no-one comes to my aid, you'll get nothing more from me you fraud." she was so worried about Rick, she was convinced this person would have to have killed him to get his own father's watch off him. Rick would never have parted with it willingly. This person had to have harmed Rick and even if he was jamming her comm badge... which did at least seem to be true, she wasn't giving him jack to help him if he'd harmed her Rick. "Go to hell" she growled as he stepped towards her.

"Look I'm sure he's fine," said the man pleadingly, as he stepped back to give her plenty of room, "...but I can't tell you about the watch you just have to trust me ok. If you don't give me those scans something bad may very well happen. Please trust, you know in the back of your head, but you just don't know why you should. Please." then he mumbled 'Bloody hell she did have a temper when she was younger'.

"How can I trust you when you've clearly done something bad to Rick?" she replied, looking intently into eyes that were too much like Rick's for comfort. ~I'm hallucinating! Am I asleep? What the Hell is going on?~ she tilted her head to one side and pinched her own arm hard. "OW..." she involuntarily cried out. "Okay so I'm not asleep.... and yet this isn't real...."

It was then that she noticed the way *Mister Warren* tilted his head. It was exactly the way her reflection had just done it in the mirror behind him. She knew it was a mannerism she had begun to take on recently, affected involuntarily from the same thing that Rick did.

"Oh my God." she tried to work this out. "You're the image of him..."

She took a deep breath and went on thinking out loud. "We don't have the technology to scan for temporal residual radation, why did you think I could do that? What sort of implants jam comm badges in close proximity to their own computer system? How could Rick be dead if I don't know about it... he called me on this very jammed comm, just a few minutes ago... he was on a flight in deep space.... you can't have killed him and got the watch off him and then still have been back here in 10 minutes..... so none of this fits."

Chelsea sat down heavily on the chair and put in her codes. "I don't know who the hell you are, but you're too like Rick to be a murderer - you have eyes that I trust... i have to, they are Rick's eyes..... so here.... take your information.... but you listen to me....IF you HAVE hurt him I personally will give up everything and spend the rest of my life hunting you down across however many universes it takes.... I swear by the Prophets!" she threatened in full seriousness, moving aside from the screen and letting him scan off the information.

She had decided he *had* to be from parallel universe. She had heard of them and knew they could mirror, sometimes changing good people into bad ones and vice versa but then if this man was Rick, or Rick's son, even from another parallel, her heart couldn't resist the pleading in his eyes.... Rick's eyes, in this man's familiar face.

Something deep inside her instinctively felt a connection. She presumed it to be the similarity.

"I'm sorry I can't answer your questions." said the man looking thoughtfully at his tricorder and looking at the data, that was coming off Chelsea's computer and downloading onto the palm held machine. It looked Starfleet issue only thinner and more complex in its abilities. "But the answers will come soon I promise mu.....Mrs Adams." He said 'Adams' as if it sounded weird on his tongue, like in his mind he should be saying something else. "Yeah that's what I thought." he said looking at the data on the device. "Let me write this down for you...." he went about the room looking for a padd to write on, as he did he continued to talk. "I'm going to give you a formula that I would like you to make. You must then inject it into Mr Dunham, or his body is going to go into temporal displacement fl......" he stopped what he was saying, instead picking up a half made bolster wood model spitfire and smiling at it wistfully, as if it brought back treasured memories. He put it down and continued while picking up a padd and typing in it. "....temporal displacement flux. He will literally phase out of this space time continuum. Here." he passed her the padd with the formula in it.

"Time? Flux? 'Temporal Investigation Division'?" Chelsea was still thinking aloud again. She held out her hand and obediently took the padd. "It's Commander Adams, not Mrs.... I've been engaged three times but never married. Perhaps it's me?" she had no idea why she had just admitted that. "If Rick disappears from this space time continuum as you suggest he might, then I'm never going to try again. Three times burned is too many for anyone. I'll dedicate my life to Medicine." She looked at the formula quizzically. It was like nothing she'd ever seen.

"It's ok..." The man spoke sympathetically and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You'll get married, it will a beautiful wedding, and their will be lots and lots and lots of photo's, believe me." He smiled but his voice was slightly tired, as if he spoke like a man who had seen the photos many times. "Trust me its not you, you and Richard are amazing together...."he stopped realising he had said too much. "Right I better go. Give him that and he will be fine."

"Promise I haven't helped you hurt him?" It was almost a plea.

"I promise, and I promise everything will be ok." said the man sympathetically and stroking his beard.

"I have no idea why I trust that answer, or you, but thank you" she replied, quiet now after her alarm of earlier. She reached up and touched his cheek very lightly with her fingertips. "Nor do I have any idea who you are, but if Rick will give you that watch then you're obviously someone very special. Be safe and I'm sorry I was difficult earlier, the watch frightened me. I'll do as you ask with this." she held up the padd containing the formula and took one last look into *Rick's* eyes, noticing for the first time that they were just slightly a different shade.

~Do we really call him Warren?~ she thought, some pieces finally falling together a little bit at last.

"ok, and don't worry about Richard." The man looked at his watch tapped it again and smiled. "He's downstairs getting promoted to Lieutenant Commander." The man then pulled out a fedora from his pocket and put the hat on his head. "Thank you kindly for your cooperation Ma'am" he said with a tilt of his hat, he began to walk to the door.

"Lieutenant Commander? Damn... that means I don't get to order him about any more?" she joked, watching with pride as the man with the watch left.

He turned one more time to face the Doctor whilst the door opened and he stood in the door frame. He smiled his eyes sparkled, when he smiled the ridges on his nose twitched. He stepped across the threshold and the door closed behind him.

It was the first time Chelsea had noticed those faint ridges. Part Bajoran? Not full, not even half like her.... perhaps a quarter? She smiled and her eyes filled with tears. ~I'm going to do something awesome one day.... I'm going to make *him* possible!~ she thought, puffing up with pride and happiness.


A JP between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


The Man
NPC'd by Dunham