Unity – Treatment - Pt 1
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Treatment - Pt 1
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Tue Jan 12, 2010 @ 10:58pm
Location   Main Sickbay - Deck 55
Timeline   SD16 19:15

Having just finished her shift and handed Sickbay over to Ed McBain for the evening, Chelsea had returned to her quarters and, finding Kim out with her friends, was alone with Rick at last. It had been a long day and Chelsea was very tired but they had plans to visit the Counsellor for dinner later so she knew she couldn't totally chill out yet.

Rick was sitting in the big armchair and he reached up as she bent to kiss him, pulling her into his lap and entwining her in his arms. Chelsea melted into his hug and snuggled closer, laying her head on his chest.

He had a smile on his face; the kind of smile that one had when life was good. Even with all the turmoil and the ups and downs things were still brilliant. He had moved in with Chelsea, and every moment with her was like the best moment of his life, things just got better and better with her. Kim was doing well with school and all though he could not dissuade her from joining the marines, it was still good to see her with some life goals, and as an added bonus he was still flying.

He looked at the Chelsea. “I appreciate you agreeing to dinner with Kreallia.” He said with a smile.

Chelsea returned his smile lovingly. "Anything for you, babe" she replied gently placing a kiss on his throat. "Besides... " a mischievous smirk played about her lips. "I *do* have to check out the competition! You haven't stop talking about this Counsellor of yours."

"Oh now that's not true. You know your the only girl for me." said Dunham, he followed up the fact by giving her a kiss on the cheek. "But this new Lieutenant has helped me out in the last few days, and she is new to the station, I feel I owe her one. Besides you get on really well with Romulans." The last he said with a wink.

Chelsea couldn't miss the significance of that remark. Her grin widened. "Go on then" she nudged Rick in the ribs playfully. "I *do* have a soft spot for Rh'vaurek, it's true."

They both knew full well that Chelsea's relationship with the Romulan General was fraternal and that she also had strong ties and affection for Isha too who was in no way romantically a threat, but it was fun to banter and joke with one another.

It was one of those moments that neither of them wanted to end but Rick had something he needed to tell the woman he loved about a mission he was about to go on.

Wrapped up in each other arms, sharing a well deserved quite moment together, neither spoke but Dunham had something on his mind. Soon he would be off with the USS Montana on assignment, soon he would be putting his life in danger again, and he just didn’t know how to put it to the women he loved, as they snuggled together Dunham tried to phrase the bad news in the best way he could.

He sighed, his body tensing slightly, "I have something, I have to tell you." Dunham took both her hands up in his. "I've got another mission to go on. I'm shipping out with the USS Montana for a couple of days. Its a rescue mission. I'll be back before you know it, I promise, and I won't have a scratch on me." He said light heartedly

Chelsea flinched but didn't reply at first. He couldn't see her face from where she lay against his chest but even so he knew her well enough to imagine the mix of emotions that were moving across it.

Choosing to match his light-hearted approach, she muttered into his shirt. "It's not scratches I'm worried about, babe. If whoever she is scratches you, it'll serve you right!" To prove she was kidding she poked him gently in the ribs remembering as she did so, the night of Ryan & Nora's show when Rick had saved Chelsea's sanity by making light of the situation - It had started with a competition to see who was the most ticklish and had ended with Rick covered with water.

Against her heart's protests, Chelsea burst out giggling. "A rescue mission eh? Do you *know* how much that sounds like you've volunteered!"

Before he could reply she was up on one elbow looking right at him. "You're SO asking for another jug of water shower...... it's long past time I got my own back. You seem determined to worry me into an early grave. You *do* know I'm changing my Will in the morning. I'll leave everything to a Cats' home if you don't come back in one piece this time!"

She was joking but there was an element of 'haunted' behind her eyes as she smiled at him and her hands were shaking.

Dunham stroked the side of her cheek with the back of his hand, they stared into each other eyes; through his she could see his uncovered soul. “I love you.” He took his hand and fished around in his pocket, he brought out a folded bit of paper. “I wrote you poem,” he said handing her the piece of paper.......

Chelsea looked at him, stunned. "A poem?" She took the paper between her fingers but wasn't looking at it yet, she was still staring into his liquid eyes, in danger of drowning there.

Rick looked into her eyes also as she began to examine the poem; he could lose himself there a thousand times.

"Ok" she breathed, her voice a little above a whisper as she unfolded the poem and read it.

As her eyes scanned the battered piece of paper she took in the poem.

The sparkle in your eye, The warmth of your skin.
Your breath on my neck, That quivers within.
The touch of your hand, The smell of your hair.
The kindness in your smile, That strength in your stare.

Your kiss on my lips, Your body near mine.
The stroke of your touch, That feeling inside.
The sound of your voice, Compassion in your embrace.
The serenity in your stride, The power in your face.

The calming of your presence, The beating of your heart.
The promise of tomorrow, That we may never part.
The beauty of your kiss, and that magic in your touch.
It is for all these reasons and more, Why I love you so much.

"what do you think?" said Dunham not very sure of his poetry skills.

Chelsea was so moved she was speechless for several seconds until she looked up with tears welling in her large dark eyes and managed to whisper hoarsely "Oh Rick, that's so beautiful. I don't deserve you. I love you too, so very much." her upturned face now wet with tears, drew closer to his. Her lips, softly parted, brushed his cheek and very tenderly she kissed him, a long lasting kiss that deepened as she snuggled back into his arms.

Rick and Chelsea sat there in each other’s arms quietly for a while the Dunham spoke up. “I’m sorry I have to go away, I really am.” He shrugged “But this is what I do, and they're giving me command of one of the Wallace class garrison ships, It will be the first time I get to sit in a command chair, even if it is only over a crew of fifteen.” His eyes sparkled.

Chelsea would have replied but her comm badge chirped.

tbc..... Pt 2

A Jp between:

Commander David Davies

Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt (jg) Kreallia T'jay
Assistant Counsellor

Lt Rick Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams