Beg, Steal or Borrow – Fallout Part 2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Fallout Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Aug 21, 2009 @ 8:26am
Location   ACMO's Quarters
Timeline   From 23:00 hrs til Morning


He didn't speak. But with one hand simply pressed the entrance button to the door for her quarters and with his other hand took a load of Chelsea's stuff and placed it under his arm. He then walked them both in through into her room. "I think" He said thoughtfully "I should sleep on your sofa tonight. I don't think you should be alone."


Chelsea could have hugged him but she was numb. "Thank you so much" she said.

As she put down the things she had been carrying, she decided to leave it all for the morning. Helping Richard to add the rest to the pile she'd made, she went to the replicator.

"Would you like coffee?" she asked awkwardly.

"Yes please. Chicago black, will do me fine." he said with a warm smile.

"How much did you witness at the theatre?" she asked softly, dreading his answer.

"Enough" he replied simply. "I'm sorry." His tone carrying sorrow and heart felt sympathy.

Chelsea hung her head, ordered drinks from the replicator and returned otherwise silent with his coffee and one for herself.

"I'm good at my job" she felt the need to say defensively, in a quiet sad tone. "He shouldn't have said that. I didn't want you to think he had any justification for it, you of all people.... "

She stopped, sat down, put down her drink onto the coffee-table and pulled her legs up in front of her, wrapping her arms around them in a hug that betrayed how vulnerable and attacked she felt. "Thank you for staying, I hope I'm not going to be too much of a misery and make you regret your kindness." The colourless monotone was uncharacteristic.

Dunham sighed this called drastic action to get her out of a miserable place before she made her feelings worse. Dunham thought an attempt to get her mind off things with maybe a little giggle might help. He sat down next to her on the sofa slid and sidled up to her. He then turned looked into her eyes deeply. Then without warning he placed his finger on her nose and made a funny noise with his lips and tongue.

Stunned she just sat there for a few seconds, not really sure what to do or think. Then she remembered exactly what she should think. She remembered exactly what Richard was so awesome at, which was making her feel like someone very special right at the moment when life and others were making her feel the opposite.

She crossed her eyes and grimaced, distracting him by putting up her left hand to smooth a lock of his hair aside affectionately then, adopting one of his own tactics against him, she tickled him and grinned from ear to ear as he folded in half and landed in her lap.

"Ha!" she teased. "Revenge is a dish best served cold, Squadron Leader Ming the Merciless!"

"If I'm Ming. Then does that make you flash Gordon?" he said with a laugh as he began to tickle her back rapaciously and relentlessly and with giggles looking up at her from her lap. "Or maybe that makes you Dr Zarkov or better yet Vultan" He said with a big smile on his face.

Chelsea squeaked in protest, trying to escape his deft fingers. "Nooo.... " she gasped.

Suddenly she realised she hadn't thought this one out, as escaping whilst his weight was across her legs wasn't easy. "NO…. nooo" she laughed, as she defended herself by trying to roll him off her legs and push him away, hopefully onto the floor so she could escape.

The trouble was, while the plan was scientifically sound, when you're laughing so much you keep collapsing, then you can't get the leverage on a man taller and heavier than yourself even if you tickle him back in the hopes of loosening his hold.

Eventually, she managed to manhandle the top half of him off her lap and sufficiently over-balance him so he slid onto the floor for just long enough for her to scramble up and over the back of the sofa.

She leapt for the kitchen and just reached a jug of drinking water as he caught up with her. With one hand already captured, Chelsea was still able to deliver the contents of the jug by upending it above his left ear, not being quite tall enough to get it over his head. His roar of protest as the cold water sloshed all down him, told her she'd hit at least some of her target.

~Did she just throw water on me?~ Thought Dunham to himself. ~What a girl~

"I’m General Kala!" she gasped in reply to his earlier question. "Launch…. skyrocket Ajax. Fire….. all missiles!" she quoted breathlessly from the classic, 20th Century movie that for some strange, corny reason had appealed to her as a teenager.

Collapsing in a heap of exhaustion, still grinning from the bout of crazy laughter, Chelsea slid down the wall and sat panting on the floor, her legs out in front of her. "Flash…. I love you,….but we only have 14 hours…….. to save the universe!" she adopted a different voice to change the character and the quote she was reciting in puffed-out bursts, as a dripping Squadron Leader stood looking down on her Cheshire cat grin.

"Gordon's alive!" He too slid down the kitchen side to come to a sit down beside Chelsea if only a bit wetter. He reached up above him a dish cloth and started to work the water out of his ear.

"Did I tell you you're….. my saving grace?" she asked, lolling her head back against the door jamb, her chest still rising and falling heavily as she got her breath back. "I haven't had so much…… pure………stupid…….. childish fun in…….. a hundred years" she exaggerated the time wildly, winking up at him, trying to ignore his pretence at a fierce look and not to laugh at the soggy nature of his left-hand side.

" I feel like i have known you all my life." he said quietly almost a whisper.

"Perhaps you knew me in a previous incarnation?" she offered a little foolishly.

Chelsea felt like her life was a roller-coaster ride at the moment. One day, there she was in a relationship that she thought would last forever, the next minute a dance had turned all that upside down. Then before she could realise what had gone wrong, there was Richard, like a guardian angel taking care of her.

In the past 24hrs she had met him, been kissed, torn her ankle-ligaments, flown a fighter plane (almost crashing into the Station!), flown an historic plane (and 'killed' herself in a holo-simulation), become a figure from literature (and met an Elven King), played Pooh-sticks (and cheated!), been adopted by the Tal'Shiar (and had her loyalty tested), 'lost' her best-friend Isha (perhaps even forever?), had her career decimated publicly, lost her boyfriend publicly, trashed his quarters... (a twinge of conscience) ....moved out, sobbed her heart empty and now, here she was, in hysterics with this man, almost a stranger (yet, as he said, he *felt* like a lifelong friend) in the middle of the wreckage of her life, discussing Flash Gordon and reincarnation of all things, and holding his hand like she'd never let it go.

Had she gone completely mad? It felt like it. Hurtling from one extreme emotion to the opposite and back again: love, jealousy, anger, regret, guilt, laughter, humiliation, shame and now, behaving like a 5yr old and laughing like a lunatic. Where was it all going to end?

Chelsea had a bad feeling about the answer to that question. She hadn't noticed herself grab Rick's hand and hold onto it, but here she was, clinging to it as the events that had shaken her world were revolving around her thoughts leaving her dizzy. His hand seemed like it was the last shred of sanity to cling to. She turned to him, her eyes full of every emotion imaginable.

One solitary tear was all that remained inside her as she gazed helplessly at him, as if looking for an answer, or a shelter, or to make some sense of it all. "Would you mind doing me one more favour?" she whispered "I know you've done so much and I wouldn't ask for more, only.... "

"You only have to ask." he said sincerely.

"Hold me please? So it doesn't all wash me away....." she lay her head against his chest, partially damp from the water jug affair, and just clung to him silently for what seemed like a lifetime until she finally fell into a troubled, nightmare filled sleep.

Dunham held her in his arms and stroked her long hair peacefully trying to sooth away the nightmares. As she slept their he kissed her on her head and whispered very softly "I love you"

a jp between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


Lt. Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader/Ming