Interlude – Hard News
by Arrival Thomas Whitlock & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Hard News
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Arrival Thomas Whitlock & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Thu Jun 10, 2010 @ 10:46pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD 22- Evening
Thomas walked through the Romulan section of the base once again. He felt better about it this time and didn't spend as much time looking over his shoulder. As he stepped into the consulate he looked around and noticed that it appeared identical to the last time he'd been there. He stepped up to the desk and said, "Excuse me, I have an appointment with Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian."

"And you've found her." Rianni answered, stepping into view, "You must be Thomas Whitlock. Please, have a seat." She smiled, indicating the sofas to the side, Ashara had warned her that there was about to be a lot of publicity and press attention coming her way, this was just the start of it all.

Thomas nodded and sat on the sofa. "Thank you for agreeing to see me."

"Of course, it's my pleasure." Rianni lied, she had been dreading this, not Whitlock per se, but the interview in general; she'd been receiving a lot more attention than expected lately. "So, what would you like to talk about?"

"Why don't we start with you telling me a little about yourself," Thomas suggested. "What exactly do you do here?"

"I am erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian, I'm the CO of the IRW Dhelan." Rianni began, "And in addition to my duties to my house and the Empire itself I also bear a portion of the responsibility for keeping the station itself safe from outside attack. But, when you have a tool like the Norexan class Warbird to do it with, the job gets a little easier."

"Do you have a role within the consulate itself?" he asked her.

"When called upon by the Ambassador I serve in any capacity she deems needed." Rianni answered, "But for the most part my duties are strictly military."

"What about your free time?" Thomas asked her. "What do you do when you aren't making the sector safe for civilization?"

"I like to do some holoprograms, of course I jog, work out, read a lot." Rianni answered, though she wasn't sure what he was leading to with this, "I spend a lot of time in the shops and clubs on the Promenade when I can, it's fun for me to get out amongst the horde of people here."

"Are you married? Dating?" Thomas asked, making notes on his PADD.

"No on both counts." Rianni replied, "I'm looking to start dating again, but just haven't really had the time to get out there and meet anybody, my job is really involved."

"I see," Thomas said, making another note in his PADD. "What do you think about the current situation with the Cardassians?"

"The Cardassians are conducting diplomatic operations here on DS5 the same as we are." Rianni answered, "Though the situation is pretty tense to say the least. I hope to see a diplomatic solution to any tensions between our people, but suffice it to say, if it comes down to a showdown between us and the Cardassians we are ready to face the challenge."

"What are you doing to help ease the tensions?" he asked her.

"Well, any approach I take will have to change with the ebb and flow of the situation." Rianni said, "I mean, diplomacy, like battle, is a dynamic event and each incident has to be approached differently."

"What incidents have you had to deal with?" Thomas asked, looking at her.

"Nothing major." Rianni replied, she wasn't going to let any sensitive information out into the media, "But, there is natural tension between different species operating on the same facility, and as such sooner or later things will arise."

"Such as the shooting?" he asked.

"What shooting?" Rianni played it off, "You have me at a disadvantage, Mr. Whitlock. Please, tell me about this shooting."

"Are you really going to have me believe you don't know that your Ambassador shot Getal?" Thomas asked her dubiously.

"The Ambassador?" Rianni laughed, "My aunt Isha? Let me tell you something, Mr. Whitlock, in the name of getting the facts straight, if my aunt, or any Khelliana, had shot Gul Getal he'd be dead."

Thomas looked at her for a moment then said, "I would suggest you get caught up on family affairs. The shooting happened in a turbolift and Getal did survive. Talk to your aunt." He looked at her again then added, "Perhaps if you weren't too busy decloaking outside the Cardassian Embassy you would know these things."

Rianni just focused her green eyes on this man and laughed, "Then maybe I should've shot Getal myself. As far as the decloaking goes, well, that's standard operating procedure when bringing a new vessel online, if it made a few Cardies crap themselves, well, oops."

Thomas laughed and said, "I like you Rianni. We'll have to chat more when we meet for dinner tonight. Until then, do you have an official statement you'd like to make concerning the current Romulan/Cardassian situation?"

"Only that I greatly enjoy it here on Deep Space Five and I hope everyone, Cardassians included, enjoys it as much as I do, and I hope for a future of good relations between the Romulan and Cardassian peoples." Rianni replied, and, seeing that he'd turned off his recorder, "So, do we have dinner plans at the same place or was that your subtle way of trying to get a date?"

"That's my way of getting to know everyone on the base and to perhaps have a more detailed discussion about the situation, off the record, of course."

"Oh? And here I thought you were flirting with me." Rianni shook her head.

"That too," he said with a wink. "Dinner at the Box. 1900 hours?"

"All right." Rianni nodded, "Is it business or pleasure? I mean, I need to know if I should bring my uniform or something more comfortable."

"A casual dinner among friends," Thomas said as he stood up. "If there's nothing else, I have another appointment soon."

"Of course." Rianni nodded, "Until next time."

Thomas smiled at her and turned to walk out of the room.


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan

Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter