We All Fall Down – Sniper Action
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Sniper Action
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Nov 24, 2014 @ 11:46pm
Location   Verex 3
Timeline   Prior to WAFD MD01
The general hubub settled as the new meat was presented on the podium. She didn't look at anyone. Torm knew right then and there that he was going to have her and nothing would get in his way. The auctionneer, a fat Orion so vast that his blubber had love handles, drew in a deep breath.

He pulled a small handkerchief from his sleeve, embroiled with gold stitching wherever it could fit. He dabbed his forehead, removing all the sweat he had generated from climbing the three steps to the podium. "We are here today to auction off some of the finest merchandise this side of the quadrant. I'll skip the formalities and go straight into the bidding. Who will start me off at 35 bars of gold-pressed latinum?"

Torm was nodding at the auctioneer before he'd finished speaking. thirty five? he'd pay ten times that. A hundred. He had to have the snivelling quim.

"Our first bidder of the day!" The auctioneer exclaimed, not seeing people in the audience but seeing how much commission he could make from each cheque book.

"50!" A Ferengi shouted from somewhere near the front.

"Seventy five!" Torm glared at the Ferengi, and wiped sweaty palms on his tunic jacket

The fat auctioneer made a pointing gesture and a delighted sneer. "Seventy five! Will anyone go higher?"

"150." Came the dark retort of a Saurian, who rose out of a seat and dwarfed most of the buyers.

D'Liiin barely noticed the Saurian, his eyes fixed on the woman up for auction. She would be useless in the mines, but his sister, Ca'ila, might enjoy her. Though, as much as he looked her over, he couldn't get over how much like that Orion from the Box of Delights this one looked, so, in spite of the price being much higher than he would ever consider paying for a whore already, he bid, "Two hundred bars."

Torm's head snapped round to see D'liin, and his face contorted with disgust at who was challenging him. "Two Fifty!"

"Two hundred and seventy five." D'Liin replied, even if that ruffian did get the girl, he was going to pay dearly for her.

Torm nodded to the auctioneer, "Three hundred."

"Oh, let's really get the game going, shall we?" D'Liin laughed aloud, "Four hundred bars of gold pressed latinum."

"Four hundred! Remarkable! Does anybody want to go higher? We can do a lot better than that people!" The auctioneer exclaimed, the cheque book in his head getting fatter and fatter.

"Five Hundred!" Torm again.

"One thousand." D'Liin shrugged, he could more than afford it, but he knew that fool would bid again, anyway, ~I might just make that fool pay ten thousand bars for this one.~

The auctioneer stood with his mouth agape. "One thousand bars of gold-pressed latinum. By the stars."

Torm sputtered at the affrontery of the dog romulan, foam flecking his fat lips as he stuttered out, "Eleven Hundred!"

"Oh, did I say one thousand bars?" D'liin laughed, seeing he was really getting under that fool's hide, "I meant two thousand bars." Even if the ogre dumped her on him it was worth it, he was enjoying tormenting this.... person.

Torm almost growled, and glared laser eyes at the Romulan who was getting in his way. But a thousand bars! That was fifty bricks! He swallowed and remained still, uncertain if even this morsel was worth it.

"What's the matter?" D'Liin laughed, taunting his opponent, "Big mouth and little money?"

The auctioneer couldn't believe it. Two thousand bars was enough to buy a small fleet. He wiped the sweat trickling down his face and couldn't wait any longer. "Two thousand bars! Going once? Going twice?"

Torm felt his heart beat lurch and accelerate to a high hum, but he couldn't lose, "Five Thousand!" he squeaked, then coughed and brought his voice down to a more normal register "Five Thousand Bars!"

D'Liin rose from his seat, walking closer to the terrified Orion girl on the auction block and looking her over, debating making one final bid to make Shrek over there pay even more than he was already going to, "Well, well, aren't you a pretty little thing?" He sneered, though the closer he got, the more she looked like the girl who ran that Cardassian fracking Bokkai slut's holosuites, ~Uncanny!~

The girl raised her head, barely making eye contact, but when she did, her green eyes went wide, "I know you!" her voice quavered with hope. "From DS5. Please! Help me!"

~By Eisn, it is her!~ D'Liin grinned wickedly, then raised his hand, "Five thousand five hundred bars." He smiled and turned his head to her, "Your name is Klia isn't it?"

Torm ground his teeth and then managed, "Six Thousand."

The Orion looked desperate. "Yes. Yes! Please, get me out of here. I have friends. We can pay you back."

"Well, that is an intriguing offer, my dear." D'Liin smiled warmly, "Tell me, any of your friends I might know? Six thousand bars is a lot of latinum after all." He turned to the auctioneer while he awaited her answer and smiled, "Sixty one hundred." With that he turned back to Klia, "Sixty one hundred bars, excuse me, miss."

Torm flicked his tongue over suddenly dry lips. THis was getting silly. But he would not back down to that guttersnipe Romulan. There was more than the slut on the line. there was his pride and his ego to consider. He nodded to the auctioneer, signalling his willingness to go to sixty two.

"I bet Rianni and Yolanthe would love to see you again." D'Liin smiled, waiting for a second to see the light of hope in Klia's eyes before walking away to that ogre, "Have her with my compliments, my friend."

The whale-like orion auctioneer looked around the room, amazed, then reached for the bell that hung next to his podium. "Once at Six Thousand bars to Torm! Once! Twice! Sold!"


NPC by Notty

NPC by Ben

D'Rek D'Liin
NPC and total D-Bag by Drea