Time is Fleeting – Mutual Interest (part 1)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Mutual Interest (part 1)
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 6:53am
Location   Main Promenade
Timeline   SD14 - 15:05hrs (backpost before the conclusion of Wargames)
Rh'vaurek was curious, that was why he now stood leaning, arms folded against the railings of one of the promenade levels apparently watching the world pass by on the levels below. But he was still alert to what was going on around him, he saw the arrival of the stranger who had invited him hear but he did not turn or acknowledge him in any way.

Elliot Hartsfield appeared beside the Romulan and simply observed the crowd casually for several moments before speaking.

"I see that you received my request to meet with you. I appreciate it punctuality, it demonstrates your commitment to the task ahead of you." Hartsfield said as he observed the officers that stopped to speak to a Merchant several levels below the two men.

That was quite an assumption to make, Rh'vaurek thought.

“It demonstrates that I have little time to waste and that I thought that your request was worth further investigation and a little of my precious time, nothing more, nothing less. Why don't you give me the details, then we can discuss my commitment,” Rh'vaurek said.

"The task involves finding justice for your own kind, something I'm sure you'd find acceptable." Hartsfield replied.

“The Tal'shiar makes its own justice,” he replied without irony. “Details, please.”

"Dr. Kur'Ann, a Romulan scientist that had the unfortunate pleasure of working with a woman that was very special to Lieutenant Commander Gabriel. The woman died of . . .unnatural circumstances, and Gabriel immediately sought retribution, or at least his own version of it." Hartsfield replied as he observed several other officers moving equipment in preparation for the war game simulation.

Rh'vaurek chuckled and allowed himself a brief sideways glance at the man, “So you're not here to waste my time. The thing with revenge killings is that they so often get out of hand – with each death each side wants more … or else one falls through a loophole and believes oneself safe until years later somebody finds themselves in a position of influence and chooses to revive the vendetta, or else sees an opportunity to make a name for themselves in the name of retributive justice. Most thought Gabriel as guilty as a Ferengi … a messy business.”

"That is correct, and as you are aware, formal charges were never brought against him due to various "extra-judicial" reasons." Hartsfield replied. "However, I'm sure that you would agree that he had burnt more than enough bridges to make himself more than vulnerable." Hartsfield said calmly.

“Much to the chagrin of one of Kur'ann's cousins, being overruled in senate did not sit well with him.” During his recent trip to ch'Rihan Rh'vaurek had been briefed on the situation, he knwe it was coming just not when or where or who … he had an answer now, or part of one.

Hartsfield turned and faced the man for the first time as he responded, "I'm sure that he will present you with the perfect opportunity to use this knowledge against him." he said as he began to leave the Romulan, but before he was out of earshot he looked over his shoulder and added. "You will be surprised to find where you next source of help will come from." he stated.

“I doubt it can be any more surprising than you,” Rh'vaurek muttered with a shrug, his nameless contact required some investigating before he took any action.

Elliot Hartsfield
(NPC by Thom)

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador
NPCd by Louise