Judgement – Grief Hath Twenty Shadows
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Grief Hath Twenty Shadows
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Oct 22, 2010 @ 7:05pm
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD 35 0800

When Yolanthe entered sickbay, everyone turned to look at her, the early shift falling quiet as she headed towards the bed where Schrödinger was recovering. She was obsidian black from head to toe, except for her pure white irisless eyes. Even her clothes were black.

"Hey, Ding, how are you?" Her smile was brittle, and her breath reeked of kanar.

To his enhanced feline senses it smelled like a rotten fish had just crawled up his nose and died. "I feel like I've been hit around the hid by a slice of lemon....wrapped around a large gold brick." He looked her up and down, he was one of the few people in this sector of the galaxy he knew her mood to colour spectrum "that can't be good, what's up?"

She didn't have a clue where to begin. She sat there for a whole minute in wretched silence, not knowing how to begin, needing to be calm and strong for her friend on the bio bed. "Klia's gone. She - " her voice wobbled, she stopped, gathered herself. "She went missing, and they found her last night." Again she took a calming breath, then forced herself to say the words. "She's dead, Ding. I've lost her."

The Catian placed one furred covered pay over her hand, and patted it sympathetically. It was the best the old space cat could do. He wasn't mush of a people person; he was a scrapper and a con artist, also part time thief. With the other paw he leaned back and placed it under his pillow, it then re-emerged with a hip flask in it. He took swig and offered it to his friend.

She gulped it down, not asking what it was or how he'd smuggled it into the infirmary. "What do I do now, Ding? She's gone."

"We need to find the bastards that did this.....then kill um" The cat alien spoke through gritted canines

Yolanthe absorbed his words, then said. "Security are treating it as suspicious. I have to ask Ding, this couldn't be related to those...tribbles... could it?"

The caitian shook his head slowly. "No...." he said thoughtfully. "It was clean heist, couldn't be traced."


He shrugged his shoulders lightly and tried to smile. "Hey its me"

Her shoulders slumped, but she didn't cry. "I want this to be a nightmare. I want to wake up and find its all a dream. Its like I lost an arm."

The catian lifted the covers back that covered him. He then tried to lift himself off the bed. The big cat, wanted to give comforting words, but he was not like that he was a man of action, and right now he wanted to kick some ass. He put his feet down on the cold metal floor. "Lets go"

"Go?" She said in alarm. He was still more stitches than scars, and looked like a stiff breeze would knock him down. "Go where?"

"First were going to the bar...." He took a few tentative steps leaning on the women for support. "....and your going to show me the security report. Then..." The big alien took another few steps "were going to her quarters, to see if security missed anything."

"But you're a wreck!" she protested, but her heart wasn't in it.

"That doesn't matter" said ding, followed with a gritty stair. "She was are mate, and she'd want us to find these scum bags that did this to her....then stab um in the face."

She leant her head against hsi shoulder as she took his weight. "I like that plan. Let's get you to the Box."

~Then I need to take something for the pain~ thought Ding to himself as the aches of pain shot up and through his body.


Schroedinger the Catian
Played by Dunham

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights