Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Landings
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Landings
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Oct 11, 2008 @ 3:17am
Location   Deep Space Five, Ops
Timeline   SD-3 10:00
Liz entered ops, with a tired look. "Damn, that last escort sorte was interesting. The Flenetians sure build them big."

The man at the comm panel looked up at the woman, not sure whom she was addressing, but he was totally in agreement.
"Yeh, too big. I just wonder how they manage to keep it running!" He said, adjusting one of the dials.

Liz plopped down, "They must need a hell of a big warp field to get that thing into warp, and lets not go into the warp core they'd need for that behemoth. My guess is they have issues with it. Escorting that thing was like watching paint dry. Hey where's the Captain?"

Robert shook his head, whilst still trying to align one of the phase coils. "I'm not 100%, but I think I heard mention that she was on the way to the brig. Do you want me to confirm it?" He asked, not thinking that she would really want to know where the captain was. He scratched his left temple, before raising his eye back to the CAG. "That good eh? Must have been one long morning for you. Have you ever come across one so big?" He asked, before realising what he had said and the connotation that the question may have sounded like.

Liz put her feet on the console. "The only thing I've seen that topped the big scale was a Jem'hadar Dreadnought. Took several squadrons to take one of those down. Anyway, I don't like having something that big near the base. They 'claim' they're unarmed, but seriously, do you expect a ship like that to go unarmed. I'm beginning to think those Flenetheads are up to something. Hell if I know what it is, and all I've heard was rumor. The Flenetheads are a bunch of Royals." Liz chuckled. "We'll I'll tell you this, any royal that brings that big of a ship must be a royal pain in the...." She turned around and faced the Captain. "Hello Boss. I hope you didn't catch that about the Royals being a pain in the... I think I should shut up now."

Having spoken to both Rakka and 3, Tasha needed to get back to Ops and work on her visit to the Promenade a little later. Her mind was lost on other things as she saw the woman looking rather too comfortable with her feet upon the console and talking about the Flenetians in a derogatory manner. Tasha took a steely breath as she approached the Comms console and waited for Ms Ashcroft to realise Tasha was there.

Tasha nodded her agreement. "I think that would be the best tactic Lieutenant Ashcroft. Robert." Tasha said also acknowledging the Communications officer, turning away from the pair and heading up the stairs to her office.

"ooo, naughty girl." Robert chided, waggling his finger at the woman the captain had called Ashcroft. "Robert Rushtone. Pleasure to meet you," The CWO2 grinned, "but I think the Captain may have a harsh word or two." He warned.

Liz was instantly taken aback by this man's arrogance. "Drop dead!!" She then grabbed and twisted his ear. After a good twist, she left for the turboliftl.

Robert watched her walk away, annoyed at her invasion upon him whilst rubbing his ear and retorted, "Pot calling kettle black!"