Deception: The lesser part of Valour – A Call for Peace
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   A Call for Peace
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Fri Jan 09, 2009 @ 10:10pm
Location   Guardian Platform 1
Timeline   SD6 11:10

Tasha reached across to Rakka and for the first time, was eye to eye with the Nausicaan and gave a single nod, as a mark of respect.
She refaced the small microphone and swallowed hard, mentally preparing her speech.

She looked skyward, before looking the myriad of faces gathered for the service and it made her swell with pride that so many had taken the time out to pay their respects. She smiled, feeling a warmth run through her as she placed her hands either side of the clear rostrum and bore her weight downwards.

"Ladies, gentlemen, honoured guests of all races. I would like to thank you for coming here today, to offer our thanks , especially mine, to Lieutenant Jonathan Riley, a fine security officer." She paused, hearing the echo of her voice around the cavernous guardian platform and allowed her voice to dissipate before continuing. "I have to say that I owe my life to this brave soul and I will be eternally grateful, but some of you will see his departure as an excuse to wage a private little war. I beg you, let this pass, move on and make peace with your neighbours."

Isha glanced at Rh'vaurek but his attention was directed at the crowd in front of them.

"I'll give you a private little war," he muttered and Isha could almost imagine that his dark gaze had somehow sliced through the crowd to find Milarno. She was not about to express an opinion on what Rh'vaurek was insisting to be Tal'Shiar business but she would distract him. Her fingers tightened over the back of Rh'vaurek's hand and he angled his head to meet her gaze.

Isha smiled at him with her eyes as his hand tightened on her waist; deep in the sea of beings nobody would notice the tender gesture. There was something about funerals that made one reach out for the living, even he.

"We have said goodbye to many friends, colleagues and family in the last few months and its time we started to say hello to some new ones. As I look about at you here, I apologise for not knowing your names, but I recognise your faces and I would like to think that some of you have made a home here on Deep Space Five as some of you will be returning at some point in the future and I can assure you, that this is a safe haven for all. Those that dwell, I say hello to you. Those that are passing through, I say welcome. For those that work here, I say thank you." She wiped the tears that began to fill her eyes, her emotions rising and sniffed them back.

Her chin fell to her chest as she momentarily lost her track of thought, closing her eyes, seeing a multitude of colours dancing upon her lids as the sting subsided.

She smiled, lifting her head upwards once more. "We are gathered her today, to celebrate the life of a security officer, who burst onto our station, bearing a gift a few months ago. He was brash, forthright and wanted to change the station for the better. He was not sure what his role was going to be when he boarded, but he found a friend in Commander Rakka." Her hand raised to her Chief of Security. "A friend that reciprocated his friendship and she took him under her guidance and he rose to her challenge. He proved himself time and time again, even when there were children involved. He handled himself with dignity at all times and I ..." Her voice trailed off as she wiped the falling tear from her cheek and swallowed the lump in her throat, as Rakkas hand fell upon her hand, easing her sideways and Tasha realised she was gripping the table.

The Captain nodded, relinquishing the podium to Rakka.

Petro kept her eyes on the Captain, holding back the tears that she felt building in her eyes. It was an odd sensation, to feel grief for someone she didn't know. Perhaps the pain she felt was in knowing how much Rakka cared for the man and how much the Captain understood the complexity of it all. Perhaps it was because she didn't know the security officer and there was regret there. He was a friend of Rakka's and that alone should have been enough to warrant her getting to know him.

If she hadn't been in the Coma, then would she have taken the time to get to know the departed? She couldn't be honest in answering the question. Now, as Rakka took the stand, Petro sat up in anticipation of what her friend might say. She smiled as a way to let the Nausicaan know that she was there to support her. She only wished that there was more that she could do.

Rakka leaned over the podium, gripping it hard, looking poised to leap into battle rather than deliver a eulogy. In many ways, for her, it was a battle. It was a task that needed to be attacked. She glanced down at Petro briefly, and then turned her eyes to the rest of the audience.

"Death is very sad, isn't it?" she began gruffly. "At least, some of you look sad. Others are carefully putting on solemn expressions appropriate to the occasion. I'm sure you feel obligated to be here, and will go back to your daily routine after this is over, hardly giving Jonathan Riley a second thought." She scanned the room, seeing many grow perturbed at the unexpected criticism coming from the podium.

"Which of you," she continued, her voice growing even more accusatory, "can honestly say you called him a friend? Did any of you take the time to get to know Jonathan Riley? I don't see many 'yes'es out there. Maybe not a single one." She took a deep breath, trying to keep back her more painful emotions. "But I knew him! He was my officer, yes. But I have also had the privilege of considering Lt. Riley a friend--of which I certainly

have precious few. And I can tell you he was a friend worth having. Since you have all missed out on this chance, I will tell you exactly what you have missed."
Rakka swallowed. She hadn't fully considered what she was going to say, but left it to spontaneity. She had been worried the words wouldn't come, but she could feel them rising up, and now she only hoped she wouldn't say too many.

"Riley was a fighter. He had so much... life... in him. He was possessed with a sort of... passion. This same passion not only gave him courage in battle--and in arguments with a sometimes overly belligerent Nausicaan -- but it also made him the most perfect sort of friend. 'Giving up' was not in Lt. Riley's vocabulary. He never gave in to an enemy in a fight. He also never gave up a sense of responsibility- -albeit probably misguided--for the death of his brother, whom I hope he has met again. And Riley... he didn't give up on a friend... ever. If he saw something was not all right... he would let nothing deter him from digging out the problem and doing everything he could to fix it." She looked down at the blank podium. "Sometimes I HATED that about him!"

Rakka heard a few chuckles, and was grateful for them. "But I wish... I had had the opportunity to thank him. It takes... an extraordinary person... someone with endless patience and supernatural understanding. .. to put up with the 'friendship' of someone like me."

She glanced down at Petro again, briefly. "We were both endlessly stubborn. Maybe that's why, in a way, we understood each other. But this isn't about me."

She looked up at the audience again. "Lt. Riley gave up his life for his Captain, and those of you who were witness to it will know that he did it without a moment's hesitation. An officer is expected to do so--but how many of you could honestly do it so freely? Many of you have families... loved ones... aspirations. Without any of these things it's a whole lot easier to imagine giving up one's life. But Riley was not a person who had nothing else to live for. He had a fine career that was just beginning to blossom. He had... growing friendships. " Rakka swallowed hard, not really wanting to say what she was going to say next, but it was coming out anyway. "He also... loved someone. And he died letting it go unconfessed. Riley was on the cusp of.... wonderful things. But in that moment... he let it all go. And if any of you want to deny that he was a brave man, you'd better believe I am ready to challenge you!"

She took a deep breath, in and out, letting herself calm down. "I don't know how affected any of you really are by Riley's death... but for me, I know I'll never be quite the same. If any of you are interested in taking anything away from this experience, let it be this: Don't let things go unsaid."

She shut her eyes. "Riley--keep on fighting. Maybe I'll see you on the other side." With a short sigh, she stepped quietly back from the podium.

There was a part of Petro that wanted to stand up and clap, but as she understood funerals to be, that would be inappropriate. Instead she sat, grateful for a friend like Rakka and saddened that more people were not willing to become friends.

Ayren had been standing at the back, listening to the proceedings and regretted not knowing the man. Basically she hardly knew anyone on the station apart from Captain Tahir, Commander Rakka a little and that only work related and her own staff. She had had to go away for a while, but still... she suddenly felt cold as she realized how lonely she really was.

Tasha's hands came to her eyes as she also stepped back from the podium, standing to attention and giving a curt salute, before turning 90 degrees to face Lieutenant Freeman, who had been waiting patiently at the console. She dipped her head with a single solemn nod, the sign to the engineer that he could launch the casket.

Freeman again straightened his tunic and pressed the torpedo launch button and then saluted as the casket was being launched into space.

Tasha took several steps backward to the front row of the gathered crowd as the lights in the guardian platform dimmed and a single shaft of light erupted downwards, illuminating the casket as it began to make its final journey.

The Captain closed her eyes as the chamber hatch closed upon Riley and said a silent prayer, more for herself, as the tube was ejected into space, the final resting resting place of Lieutenant Jonathan Riley.


Lieutenant Jonathan Riley (Deceased)
Captain Tasha Tahir
Warrant Officer Petro
Isha t'Khellian & Rh'vaurek Raedheol (NPC)
Lt. Cdr. Rakka
Lt. Bruce Freeman