Judgement – A Cry In The Night, Part IV (back post)
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   A Cry In The Night, Part IV (back post)
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Fri Dec 09, 2011 @ 6:43pm
Location   The Stapletons' Quarters
Timeline   SD 39, 22:53
She was waiting for an update from Jake, having called into Sickbay and taken an emergency day off. Edward was still not home, and attempts to reach him through the Box had proven unfruitful. She wanted to go looking for him, but didn't want to leave her quarters lest one of the kids called with an update. So she reported him missing to Security, and left it at that. She was sick to her stomach with worry, both for Ed and for little Joel. Minutes seemed to take hours to pass, and she was alone with her tortured thoughts. She dressed, ate a small meal, tidied up. Her ears were pricked for the sound of her door chime or the sound of the video call from Earth. She was sitting in a chair reading a book, but not really making any progress. Every few seconds she'd look at the door, and then at the view screen.

When the call finally cane, the view screen didn't even make it's first tone to announce the call before she told the computer to answer.

"Martinez called, about half an hour ago," Jake said, when the connection revealed his unshaven, exhausted face. Morning sun lent harsh shadows to the shaded side of his features. "He's demanding a huge sum of latinum in exchange for Joel." He sighed heavily. "We're trying to stall him so the SID can locate his new position. He's definitely not stupid, and the raid on his apartment showed he'd left just before the team got there. But the good news is, we were able to confirm that he has Joel and he's still alive, because fresh urine on the carpet had Joel's DNA."

"Oh no," Bridget replied, desperately. "If Joel is wetting his pants, that confirms he's scared out of his wits. I hope he's not being... you know." She couldn't say abused. She just couldn't bring herself to consciously go down that road.

Jake visibly swallowed hard. "He's a dead man." his tone was a cold granite, dangerously steady. It gave Bridget the goose bumps. She hoped her son-in-law never had that kind of murderous resolve when it came to her daughter.

"Got him!" came a yell from someone nearby. Jake bolted from the screen without saying a word, but he'd left the connection open, and Bridget heard about half of the details. Apparently the trace team had been able to triangulate the location of the kidnapper's call, from what she could get out of the confused tangle of voices. There was a lot of movement and she wished she could see what was going on.

"I'm going, Bridget," came Jake's voice, but he didn't come to where she could see him. "We'll call you back soon!" and then the line went dead, the kids' living room replaced with the familiar series of logos.

She sighed, frustrated about not knowing what was going on, and physically exhausted from the lack of sleep and worry about Joely and Edward. She sat back against the padding of the chair, letting her eyes close in an attempt to calm her fears. Within minutes she was sliding back into sleep.


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor, (General Practitioner)
Main Sickbay, DS5

Jake NPC'd by Charlene