Things Past – (Backpost) Not Sure How to Do This
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   (Backpost) Not Sure How to Do This
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Nov 20, 2012 @ 12:38am
Location   Tasha's Quarters
Timeline   Around SD58 20:30
Rianni had been thinking about a lot of things that day, not the least of which was the fact that she realized during the staff meeting that she and Tasha Tahir hadn't seen each other since her.... accident. She had missed Tasha, deeply, but she wasn't sure how to approach her, if she'd even want to see her anymore. ~I mean, what if it turns out we were never truly friends at all, just fellow officers, and now that we're not in the same uniform she doesn't care about seeing me? Or wants me to leave her alone? Frack, she might think I'm crazy, too.~ Steeling herself for what she felt was going to be a certain rejection, she stood in front of Tasha's door and rang the chime, ~Here goes nothing.....~

When the door opened she looked up and said, "Look, I understand this might have been a bad idea, and if you want me to leave, I will. No trouble. I was just hoping.... yeah." ~And now the storm starts.~ She thought, expecting everything from the word traitor to maybe even Tasha striking her, expecting every bad thing in the world since, after all, she had no clue what to expect.

Relaxed on the sofa in just a burgundy satin robe, Tasha was not especially happy when her door chimed. She did think for a moment not to answer, but that would be unbecoming of her and if she didn't answer, she would only wonder who was there and what it was they wanted.
She reached across and tapped at the console, releasing the door from its magnetic catch.

She was surprised to see Rianni stride through the doors and began to rant. Her face was reddened, but not in anger.
"Hoping what?" She smiled as she stood to greet the woman who had entered. "that I'd tell to you leave?" Why would I?" She fired the two questions as the door slid silently shut behind the former Starfleet officer.

"I was actually hoping you wouldn't." Rianni replied sheepishly, she was so fond of Tasha, but Tasha seemed to be mad at her, "But, I mean, I would understand, I mean, I guess I'm the enemy to you now...."

Tashas brow dropped. "Enemy? What makes you say that. You are not the enemy just because you have decided to follow in your heritage." Tasha shrugged her shoulders. "I am not happy at how you went about it, but that does not make you my enemy, far from it." She assured Rianni. "Sit down, tell me what is really on your mind."

Rianni sat down close to Tasha, "Really there's nothing on my mind." She answered, "I just missed you, wanted to see you, you know? I mean, I've been through a lot and I don't know, I guess I just needed to talk to someone. And I can understand why you're not happy with how I wound up commanding a Warbird, but believe me when I tell you it wasn't intended to be like that...."

"I had an accident with a knife." Rianni said after a pause, "And some shrink came and put me out of Starfleet...."

Pulling her legs up, Tashas' bare toes dug into the cushion beneath her feet as she angled herself towards Rianni.
"OK, slow down." She beseeched. "Yes, alright, I was annoyed you just up and transferred to a Romulan Warbird, but nobody in their right mind is going to pass any chance to command, no matter what the ship. It just so happens yours came to be something different to what most of imagine. But what shrink? What knife?" She asked in reverse order.

"Okay, look..." Rianni sighed, she couldn't sit there and look Tasha in the eyes and lie to her, "It wasn't an accident accident, it was more of a thing where I was drunk and depressed and did something I wouldn't have done, or even thought about doing, if I hadn't been drunk. I got drunk, thinking about Lee and Aryen and how they both just tossed me aside like yesterday's garbage. For some reason at that moment it seemed totally logical to cut my wrist..."

Riannis admission shook Tasha. She had not been informed, nor had she taken the time to find out that Rianni was in such a fragile state. Her eyes dropped to her wrists and she wanted to reach out and grab at them, pulling them forward for her to examine, but she refrained from doing so and decided to dismiss it, for her friends sake and for her own.

"And found out that it did little good." She said softly and shrugged her shoulders finding nothing else to add. "So who assigned you the warbird?" She asked ~And why?~ she thought to herself as her eyes came back to Rianni's.

"Well, my sister found me in my apartment, her, Rick, and Maiell tr'Than got me to sickbay and Chelsea did surgery on me." Rianni continued, getting to the warbird was a bit away just yet, "Then sector command sent some jackass shrink named Burns out here, who called me a disgrace and put me out of Starfleet on a now Eight. That's when Aunt Isha gave me the Dhelan....."

Tasha listened intently to Rianni and smiled.
"Wrong place, right time." She quipped knowing it was the best place for her at the time and leant a little closer.
"But are you happier?" She asked.

"Honestly?" Rianni answered, "No."

The Captains had dipped. She had not expected a negative response and was not entirely sure of what to say next, but she reached across and lay her hand on Riannis' knee.
Her lips pursed together as she looked into the womans eyes. "What would make you happier? Is there anything I can do?" She asked with a softness to her tone.

"You wanna change teams?" Rianni joked, not sure if she was trying to make Tasha laugh or herself with her subtle come on, "And, seriously, you're helping right now. I was... I was afraid you would hate me."

For a Captain, Tasha was way off base for Riannis innuendo.
"What?" She said with mock surprise, "Join the Romulans," Shaking her head as she replied. "not likely." She rose from the settee gently patting Riannis knee as she did so. "I have enough problems on this team, but I'm glad I'm helping." Tasha edged around the sofa, her hand came to rest on the womans shoulder. "I have never hated you. Tea?" She offered as she made for the replicator.

"Sure, thanks." Rianni smiled, "Oh, and Romulans were so not the team I was trying to recruit you for." It amazed her sometimes how innocent Tasha was in many ways, though that had always been an endearing quality in Rianni's eyes.

Tasha felt herself redden with a blush as she ordered two teas and chided herself for being so imbecilic to some of the intricacies of others personal lives and leanings but she also knew she had a position to maintain as she carried the teas with care back to the sofa and offered one to Rianni before seating herself back on the sofa next to dark haired and not so unattractive woman.
"Ditto as per last comment, I have enough problems on this team." She replied with a smirk, bringing the hot tea to her lips and blowing across the top of the white cup.
She replied carefully, not wanting to upset or embarrass Rianni, or herself further but still managed to maintain the churlish smile on her face as she did so.

"Yeah, yeah, all the pretty together ones with jobs say that." Rianni chuckled, "Now if you were living in your mom's basement? Whole other story."

Tasha looked across her cup.
"Did you live in your basement? You mean you had a whole basement to yourself!" She sounded like she was teasing, but she was not. She never had the privilege of a room to herself. "I had to share a bedroom with my sister. Now if that is going to turn anyone, that surely would!" Her brow raised for effect.

Rianni burst into giggles, she'd not laughed so much in the longest time. When she regained her ability to speak she sighed, "I was an only child for the longest time, I would've loved to have shared a room with my sister."

Her laughter sounded so beautiful as it resounded around her room and she found herself looking around, visually overlaying her old bedroom she had shared with Theresa and she reckoned that their shared room would fit at least twice in her living room alone.
She brought her leg up beneath her, still holding the cup aloft.

"If we could swap places, I am sure both us would realise what we each had. You had the space and privacy, I had a sister. Fair trade some would say." her free hand came up to point at the right hand corner of the room. "Our bedroom, starting from there, would have reached to the middle of the rug there," her hand fell to the plain red carpet about a metre from her foot, "and would have been as wide as that." She arced her arm to the edge of the coffee table a few metres to her left. "Neither of us were allowed to use the living room at home, that was for receiving guests. Our family living room was smaller than our bedroom, but we made the most of it. The room became very empty when Theresa left and for the first few weeks, having all the space I wanted, I began to miss the company of my sister. The late night chats drinking hot chocolate and talking about boys and stuff....." She didn't add any more as she sipped at her tea, allowing Rianni to respond.

"That's what I enjoyed about the Academy, and about being a junior officer." Rianni smiled, remembering how good it felt to have other presences around her at night, "I used to get so scared at night when I was a little girl. I had this huge bedroom, all to myself, and my mom was at the other end of the hall, Papa Gregori was on the entire other side of the house...."

She could not imagine what it would have been like to have been alone growing up, she had her family that lived in their small house, small in comparison to others but there again, bigger than most.
"Papa Gregori?" Tasha began, "Not your father I assume." She stated.

"No, my mom's father." Rianni answered, "I'm surprised you two haven't met. He just loves the pretty young ones."

Tasha wanted to say 'Stop it with the compliments', but she was secretly enjoying them, more than she should and opted to smile instead.
"I don't know what you mean by young, you are nearly as young as me, but your hair is much prettier." She remarked in truth.

"Oh, please." Rianni laughed, "And you would NEVER convince my mom of that. She's still mad at me for cutting it. Greek women, they can hold a grudge with the best of Cardassians."

Tasha chuckled. "I bet they can," Again, Tasha found it pleasant to hear laughter from Rianni. A few minutes ago, she had seemed so scared and inwardly angry and now she was laughing. Tasha could not help but smile, "but I'd rather go up against a Greek than a Cardassian any day." She remarked as she lifted her cup and drained its contents.

"Proof you've never gone toe to toe with my mother." Rianni snickered, finishing her own tea, "She's got a big attitude for such a little woman."

"And I hope I never have to!" Tasha remarked, leaning sidewards and placing the empty cup to one side and rising off the sofa, Tasha had to bring this tête-à-tête to a conclusion, as much as she had enjoyed it.
"Sorry Rianni, but time is getting the better of us and I need to get to bed." She said apologetically.

"Of course." Rianni smiled, looking at her watch and seeing it was definitely getting late. She stood and hugged the tiny Captain close to her, "You know, you're always welcome at my place, Tasha. Stop by sometime."