Unity – You are only postponing the inevitable
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   You are only postponing the inevitable
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Sun May 16, 2010 @ 4:34pm
Location   OPS + Science Lab 2
Timeline   SD 17 - 15:10hrs

"Those of you who are within our secured locations, please do not attempt to fight us or disrupt what we have planned. The same request goes to the civilians throughout the station the station. Once we have completed our work, I assure you that this will all seem like nothing more than an inconvenient dream." He said as he prepared to close the link.

"You must trust me when I say, we are here to save you." he said as he closed the channel.


As the comm unit closed Elliot turned to Anthony who stood over the feed between himself, Kash, and Stacey on the planet side. As long as the team throughout the station kept the vital areas of the station secure the plan would succeed.

"Anthony, Krah." He said as he walked over to the main viewscreen that Anthony was facing. "I thought you said you could have the coordinates as soon as you obtained the Romulan core?" He said in a hurried voice.

"Krah, what is the problem? I thought you had the Romulan Ambassador and the Cardassian Science Officer with you in the lab? Why haven't they completely accessed the core?" He asked.

The Trill bristled. "The problem is the Cardassian scientist collapsed, he was on his last legs and is unconscious! All I've got to work with is a stubborn lump of an ambassador who likes to dress himself in a Tal'Shiar uniform to impress people. There's nothing in this idiot's head but his next drink," she said with scorn. "He's all we have to work with and knows something about the code anyway." Krah levelled her weapon on the ambassador, "Its time," she said.

Rh'vaurek grunted. His time was up, he held up his hands in a plaintive gesture, "I'm an ambassador, not an operative, what did you expect?" he asked with a smirk before hitting the button to initiate the final sequence. He had done enough to corrupt the file without them being able to detect it until they tried to use the translation.

He could feel his hands forming a tightly-knit fist as he looked from the Trill to the Romulan. Elliot took several deep breaths and look down at the the console before him before looking up again. "What is your name?" he asked calmly to the Romulan on the screen.

"Raedheol, Rh'vaurek," Rh'vaurek said rubbing his fingers along his collar as though it constricted him, like a man who would orefer to wear an open shirt.

"You don't strike me as being a product of the malignant hierarchy that has afflicted the Romulan Empire for so long." Elliot said while studying the man and his uniform. "In fact, I would wager that you had to earn all of your current accolades and status within your government. You, Ambassador Rh'vaurek, appear to be nothing less than a. . .self-made man, as my people would say." Elliot added.

Rh'vaurek smiled, albeit briefly. "I've never had anything given to me, friend. I told your people here as much. I don't care what happens as long as me and my family are ok," the latter was a lie as Rh'vaurek had no faily, but he thought it added a sincere touch to his story.

"So you then you can understand the magnitude of our mission today. We are not trying to take over any planet or territory. We are simply trying to put right what has been made so horribly wrong. Can you understand such a Cause?" he asked.

Rh'vaurek smiled now. "I can," he said adjusting the datastream to what he hoped would be the man's satisfaction. "How can you help me?" he asked.

"We can help each other, Ambassador." Elliot stated. "That device in front of you is the key to our success today. It appears that the Federation handler for that device is otherwise unavailable. You can help us by following my associate's directions" He said indicating to Krah.

"I'll do what I can, if the lady would stop waving that weapon under my nose," Rh'vaurek said, "I'm no technician," he added with excessive self deprecation. Krah shrugged and shook her head, Fanatics! she thought to herself. let them get on with it in the name of their cause and screw common sense.

Elliot looked in Cordova's direction to see if the Romulan had actually began transmitting the datastream

He stared at the screen for a moment more, watching the incoming datastream, "Its on its way," Cordova confirmed a moment later.

Elliot nodded . "Well since that has been taken care of, we need one finaly thing from you. The temporal coordinates for the third Iconian Gateway within the Alpha quadrant." He stated. "Your people were aware of it for quite sometime." he said.

"From me?" Rh'vaurek asked in puzzlement. "Perhaps you've got the wrong Romulan. I'm just here for a good time," he said, "You've no idea how dull it can be on ch'Rihan. Out here though, there's everything on a plate if you have a couple of strips of latinum to rub together. I want to help, really I do, but I don't think I'd know a co-ordinate, temporal or othewise if it was handed to me."

He was currently carrying the burdens of the quadrant on his shoulders and his patience was beyond wearing thin. "You are lying!" He said as he slammed his fist down. "Stop playing games with me, Ambassador!" He said angrily.

So they were close to the time for whatever it was they proposed, Rh'vaurek thought, he knew the co-ordinates, and even though he had been forced to abandon his own plans he was curious - was Prendergast dead or working with them? If the archaeologist had doubel crossed him then Rh'vaurek was going to be very pissed off, and unlike he, Rh'vaurek knew that Prendergast did have a family - for now.

I have complete control of this station and its weapons systems. As long as you remain with that Core, you are safe. However, your Embassy is a completely different story. It would behove you and those you are responsible for to remember that your attempts at subterfuge are only post-poning the inevitable. The choice is yours." Elliot said with finality as he cut he channel.

He immediately turned to Cordova who had witnessed the recent discussion. "Go into the Commander's office and get me the Strategic Officer and bring him here." he said as he sat in the center chair of the consle beside him.

Vincent returned with Cordova, protesting vehemently. He was getting comfortable huddling in the corner. He fell silent as he was brought before the man that he assumed was responsible for all this.

Elliot looked up at the man as he spoke. "I want you to use the information the Romulan has uploaded and search for the temporal coordinates within the Alpha Quadrant." he said in a calm, but tired voice.

"Uh," Vincent faltered. He had no idea what the man was talking about, let alone how to go about doing it. He never had any real training in that line of work. Silently he cursed the day Admiral Uhlan offered him this "easy" undercover job. "That sounds pretty complicated," he ended up bluffing. "I could probably do it, but I'll need time. Oh, and help. I'll need lots of help..."

Elliot had gone beyond caring by now. His patience was gone and he quite frankly didn't give a damn about winning over the acceptance of the masses. He stood up and stared the man directly in the eye.

"I'm tired of hearing excuses. You will get me the information I have requested or else the next casualites on this statement will be directly attributable to your failure." He said coldly.

Vincent swallowed the lump in his throat. He really did not need all that pressure. He was probably going to fail anyway.


Elliot Hartsfield
(annoyed) Founder of the Beginning Solider
NPC'd by Thom

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Masquerading as an idiot.
by Louise

Vincent Tan
Very much out of his depth.
by Vana