Unity – You bought *what?* - From whom???
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   You bought *what?* - From whom???
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Mar 29, 2010 @ 3:00pm
Location   Joint Quarters
Timeline   14

“Honey I’m home” said Dunham as he crossed the threshold into their quarters, with a smile on his face. He looked around the living space and tutted to himself. Even though he had promised to keep the place tidy to Chelsea, already small bits of model planes were encroaching on the mutual living space. He tossed a couple of padds on the living room table; they contained the details of his new ship purchase and the parts he needed. “Hello?” he said again, he wasn’t sure if he was alone in the spacious apartment. He headed to the bathroom to wash off the grease and oil smudge marks off his face.

Already in the bathroom, taking a shower, was the CMO on a well deserved extended brake from sickbay. She could hear little outside over the pounding of the water and was standing with her neck stretched back and the back of her head against the rear panel of the shower, soaking up the relaxing feeling of being warm, clean and cut off from all stresses and hurrying.

She jumped almost out of her skin when Rick's head appeared round the side of the cubicle as last she had looked, she'd been alone in their quarters.

"Hello beautiful" said Dunham with an impish smile, and happy cheery mood. He headed to the sink, and started to clean his face. As he washed off the grease on his face he spoke to her reflection in the mirror, "how has your day been so far?"

"Um rough, basically. Yours?" she replied, her voice tired as she continued to recline in the shower.

Dunham frowned to himself in the mirror, clearly Chelsea was not all right. Full dressed he pulled open the shutter to the shower and stepped in, not caring about getting wet, only having concern for Chelsea. He began to rub her shoulders to massage out the tension. "Are you ok honey?" he asked with concern.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks" she rolled her neck, enjoying the relaxing feeling spreading across her shoulders at his touch.
"You're getting all wet" she protested but with little conviction. She was too interested in the heavenly relief in her neck, back and arms.

It didn't take long though before the stress-relief took effect and she was able to summon enough energy to become interested in the way his wet clothes were clinging to his strong arms, shoulders and chest. "mmmmm, yes, *very* wet" she murmoured, snuggling against him, tugging softly at his clothes and smirking up at him mischievously.

"I think I *might* survive with a little CPR...." she added, her eyes sparking at him.

Dunham gave a wolfish smile, "I think you require mouth to mouth," he said leaning in for a long kiss.

Chelsea made no objection whatsoever!

Some time later, they were both drying off and getting dressed. Dunham sat at the end of the bed enjoying watching Chelsea brushing her long hair. He thought to himself that he was the luckiest man in the world. He smiled to himself at how even in the face of adversity here on the station, she was still amazing. He loved her so much it hurt, a slight feeling of guilt crept in to his thoughts, when he realised the he hadn't consulted or talked to Chelsea about his purchasing endeavours. "I bought spaceship" he blurted out with a guilty look.

"Oh yeah? From whom? Gul Vikal Whatsisface?" she replied with a huge grin, disbelieving every word as she honestly thought such an unlikely prospect *had* be a joke. "and he promised you it's *not* self-combustible right?"

Dunham chuckled at that. "No, I bought it off the owner of that new place down on the promenade, you know the Box of Delights. Think I got a good deal too. Though she will need a lot of work."

"A lot of work? You mean you're serious? A *spaceship*??" it began to sink in that Rick actually wasn't joking.

Dunham smiled "A Bedford-class freighter to be precise."

"But......." She was taking it in slowly but too many questions were trying to rush out of her mouth at the same time and were getting stuck pushing each other around. "What *sort* of work. Why? I mean why would you need a spaceship.. You didn't mean a fighter? But then you *have* one of those... and you could create anything you wanted for amusement on the holodeck, so why *the real thing*? Are you going into the privateer market? What cargo will you haul? When? Where to? Who for? But why? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick?" the elongation of his name was a complete surrender accompanied by a bewildered open armed gesture of incomprehension. It wasn't a hostile reaction, just totally confused, surprised and unable to understand where this came from.

Dunham crossed the gap between them knelt down besides her and gave her a hug. "It's a banged up tramp freighter, that needs some re-fitting. Its just going to be a side hobby nothing big. I'm just going to work on her now again, and fix her up. Then when I'm done we can take it for a spin now and again. I'm not going anywhere, I'm not changing jobs, and I'm certainly not running away from you on some rust bucket ship." Dunham looked into Chelsea's eyes with a smile. "Just boys and their toys you know"

Chelsea rolled her eyes back. "Whatever makes you happy" she smiled indulgently. "Um... when you say *needs doing up* - how long is this going to take you? Ball-park?"

"Oh its a long term project," said Dunham nodding to himself, "a seven months ish maybe" he said tentatively. "You still love me right? even with my odd idiosyncrasy's?"

Chelsea laughed and slid into his arms. "I still love you with all your uniqueness and insecurity and scruffy old starships and gorgeous sexy..... " she looked him up and down and tugged her lower lip under her top teeth suggestively before raising her eyes to his face and finishing that with an unlikely "... eyes". A smirk played about the corners of her mouth.

Dunham returned the smirk, laid the palm both hands softly on each of Chelsea's cheeks, then gave her a long tender kiss on the lips. "Good, because I love you for your eyes as well" he said mischievously.

Chelsea's beam was as wide as a Cheshire Cat as she put her arms around his neck and drew him backwards into the bed, giggling.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams