Judgement – The wounded and the vulnerable
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   The wounded and the vulnerable
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Mon Jan 03, 2011 @ 9:06pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD36 - 11:00

"Romulan consulate." Getal called out to the cold, cylindrical tube of the turbolift. His voice echoed far beyond what it normally should. He smiled to himself, at the prospect of seeing t'Merek, the last person standing between him and total control of t'Khellian, in pain. Total pain.

As the doors of the lift swished up on arrival, Getal was met with the usually quiet reception area, now occupied by a few Romulan uniformed officers. From her way from the Mess, something in Arrienye's pocket beeped. Taking out her tracker, she narrowed her eyes spitefully at the thing as it showed her Getal was in the Consulate. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out confidently into the reception area. The few officers saluted her and one handed her a padd which she examined, paying no attention at all to Getal.

"t'Merek." He called. "Pay your respect, or feel the sting of respects whip. A whip, and a sting you won't soon forget."

Arrienye raised her head and looked at him, unimpressed. "Ambassador, I fear you may have mistaken this for your own Consulate. For only Cardassians bow to their inferiors, however few there may be" she called back and a few of the officers lowered their heads to hide small smirks.

"I think you mistaken me for a Romulan. Was it not the entire senate ruled by mere Remans?" He made no attempt to hide his own smirk.

"Yes, for a whole few days. Unlike your own government which was ruled by the Dominion for years before crumbling beneath the strength of better nations," Arrienye stated calmly, meeting his eyes.

"Better nations? The Romulans still believe their Federation-fed vole crap. We Cardassian's have never lost a war, in our entire existence. We turned against our Dominion oppressors in the last days of the war. We are still here, and we are still free." He moved in closer, etching mere centimeters from Arrienye. "You however, still sit in fear of the Federation whip." Getal gently put a hand on Arrienye's back.

Pain erupted across her back instantly at his touch, but she didn't let it show. Suddenly Getal found himself with three disruptors pointed at his head. "Remove your hands from the Arrain, Ambassador," the most senior officer, Arrain tr'Dor, demanded in a calm but deadly tone. t'Merek, for her part, stood firm and decisive and pushed the arm away from herself as casually as she could.

"May I have a word, Ambassador? In private?" she asked, motioning with her hand to the door of her office.

He smiled intently. "Of course! We're all friends here... Right?" He directed his question through gritted teeth at tr'Dor.

"Don't look at me, Ambassador," tr'Dor told him and Arrienye gave him a look. He was never one to keep his mouth shut. Slowly, tr'Dor lowered his weapon, but still kept himself ready. Arrienye nodded before turning on her heel and going to her office after exchanging a look with tr'Dor. Her stride was convincingly normal as the Romulan woman firmly decided against letting Getal see any weakness.

Getal followed slowly after t'Merek. Treading past tr'Dor in the process, giving him a look that could explode antimatter.

Arriving in her office, Arrienye walked to her desk and perched herself on it's edge. Taking the pain it would cause, she crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you here, Getal? Did you come to see me beg for your mercy, to show you my respect for you? Or just to embarrass yourself? Because if it is the last, then you have certainly succeeded," she told him, uncrossing her arms and placing then on the edge, pressing a small, hidden button on the underside.

"I'm here to show you that your actions have consequences. You should know that by now. Also, I came to make sure your wounds are healing well. I wouldn't want my favorite Romulan security officer hurt." Getal spoke down to Arrienye like a child, and wasn't completely unaware to her actions. "And that button isn't fooling anyone Arrain."

"It's not meant to fool anyone," Arrienye said, simply. "As for my wounds, they are healing quite nicely, thank you," she said in such a fake, polite tone, it sounded venomous. "And I'm not the one who seems to have a problem with knowing that actions have consequences."

Tharek immediately caught on, and his laughter filled the room. "My actions have already received consequence. The consequence being, I should've acted sooner."

"That's not a consequence, that is the opinion you got from the lack of consequence," Arrienye corrected. "But I go back to my point. What is it exactly that you thought you were going to get here?"

"I just want to hear you. Say, and mean, that you respect me. Then, I can go. Thats it."

"Well then, you came for nothing. Because I will never, *ever* say those things to you," Arrienye told him simply.

"Then I guess I will never, *ever* leave."

Arrienye rolled her eyes. "Fine, then stay in here. I have work to do," she said, pushing herself off the desk and moving to leave.

He held his ground, and refused to move. "We both know the reason why you got those wounds Romulan. Do not forgot the hand that commanded them, had a hand moving hers."

]Arienye stopped, looking up at him, her blue eyes hard as steel. "You may be able to move t'Khellian, but you will never move me. Because I'm not t'Khellian. I am not some spoiled rich girl that's going to cower under you." Her voice was even, loyal to her tone.

"No your not. Your require more work. But know this t'Merek. This station will become a warzone, and there will come a time when accidents happen. Accidents do happen on a station this big."

“They do, don’t they?” she returned in the same tone.

"Especially to the disobedient." He added in with pinpoint timing.

"And the arrogant," Arrienye added herself, taking a step closer to him, her arms crossed.

Tharek smiled. "You’re good Romulan. But I'm better."

"If it makes you feel better to think that, then be my guest."

Tharek's smile dissipated. "You’re testing my patience, Romulan. You know what happened to t'Khellian when she tested me. What will happen to you?"

"She did not test you. She underestimated what a filthy dog you are," t'Merek corrected him. "And your threats, however justified, don't scare me. Because you, Getal, don't scare me. And I know how nervous that gets you." Indeed, Arrienye kept her eyes steadily on his, the blue eyes void of any emotion, even hate for the man that stood in front of her.

He hid his fear well. "I might not scare you, but what use is scaring someone that is truly strong. The strong need to be broken, not scared, and mark my words Romulan. I will break you."

“Who will be broken in the end is yet to be decided, Getal," Arrienye returned coldly. "But unlike you, I am unafraid of either outcome." Stepping back from him, Arrienye still held his gaze as the doors opened, and three armed officers entered.

"The Ambassador has finished his business here. Make sure he safely leaves the Consulate."

With that, t'Merek turned around and walked to sit behind her desk. She sat as casually as anyone without any expression of discomfort on her face as she watched Getal.

Tharek leant into her desk. "This is not over." He added, before turning and walking slowly past the three men, who had more emotion in their eyes than what Arrienye possessed.


JP by

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Head of Security/Diplomatic Aide
Romulan Consulate

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Embassy