Beg, Steal or Borrow – Afternoon visits
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Afternoon visits
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Tue May 05, 2009 @ 3:06am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 8 16.00

David felt a sense of attrition as he wandered around the sickbay. He had not been anywhere near DS5 in the last battle a few ago, but he was here now and though the casualty figures were relatively low, they had still lost nearly 200 souls and it hurt him deep in the pit of his stomach.
"37? Is that all we have here?" David asked Chelsea as he caught sight of Ayren and pursed his lips in sadness.

"This is all that's left from those we treated. We've closed the emergency secondary infirmary now and transferred the longer term casualties back up here to *Main Sickbay* - it's been a long and exhausting haul getting all those people fixed up but we're down to less than a third of the original tally now. We thought we were going to have them all in here for much longer, to be honest." Chelsea shrugged, managing an exhausted smile which didn't extend far from the corners of her mouth.

"I suppose your right, it could have been a heck of a lot worse, but from the death tally to the casualty rate, I think we managed to get off pretty lightly. If the guardians had not sprung into life when they did, I am sure it would have been a great deal worse."He said as he felt the touch of Ayrens' hand on his own.
He nodded and turned his lips upward slightly at her touch.

"Miss Kelan, I am surprised to find you in sickbay. Are you injured?" Davies enquired.

She smiled and pointed to the other side of her head, where a still blood stained emergency bandage covered a wound. "Got bashed during the attack, but I will live," she said dismissively. "However, there was an attempted attack on Commander Da'nal's children and their minder got injured trying to protect them, but she will be alright."

This was something that happened across the station, but it did nothing to ease David's feeling of dread.
"Are they OK? Does Da'Nal know? Are they all OK? Did you see them?" He fired the questions, not really expecting an answer.

"The situation is now under control, but they did get away", she explained, but did not elaborate on exactly what happened. Ayren paused a moment sensing a weariness in Davies. "Commander, you had dealt very well with an extreme situation," she said and meant every word.

He shook his head. "I did my duty and I could not have asked anymore from the crew." He replied, as Chelsea pulled at his arm, gently coaxing him away from the diplomat.

As the two women spoke, Davies' comm chirped.

=^= "Commander, we have just received a transmission that Commander Da'Nals assistant is awaiting permission to dock. Shall I give co-ordinates?" Harris enquired.

"Excuse me ladies." Davies said as he turned and made his way out of sickbay and tapped at his chest.
=^= "Do we have any room in the inner ring?" David asked, as he sped his pace, heading to the nearest transporter pad.

=^= "Yes sir, we have room at docking point India 8." Came the Flight control officers response.

David blew out an exhaustive breath. =^= "Direct the pilot there then, I am on my way there now. Davies out." =^= He replied as he stood on the pad and disintegrated, to appear seconds later near the central core and began his course, with a little help from the computer systems to the inner docking ring.

"What the hell!" Vincent surveyed the damage to Deep Space 5 from his shuttle. "How did this happen?"

"Looks like the shields failed," the shuttle pilot added helpfully.

"How is this possible?" Vincent asked rhetorically, mindful that his job was to find out exactly that. Whilst before he had had his doubts as to the claims, seeing the extent of damage to DS5 convinced him that the loyalties of the staff there were indeed questionable. Embued with a greater sense of urgency, he gathered his belongings.

"Docking now, sir," the pilot said, guiding the shuttle to a port.

"Thank you," Vincent said over his shoulder as he rushed out of the shuttle.

Davies had arrived, just as the man left the dock and had began to move away.

"Lieutenant." David called, a little out of breath.

Vincent spun around. "Ah, Captain," he said holding out his hand. "I'm Vincent Tan, your new Assistant Strategic Operations Officer."

Davies shook his head, extending his hand to the man who looked older than the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade afforded. "Please, Commander Davies, I'm not a Captain yet, welcome aboard." He said, taking the hand of the lieutenant.

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, what the hell happened here?" Vincent asked, looking carefully at Davies. "Your shields didn't just fail did they?"

The grimace replaced with a semi smile. "I think it best to say that we suffered some form of breakdown in the connectivity of the relays from main operations to the shield generators which was not a routine failure." He placed his hand on Tan's shoulder, guiding him towards the nearest telepad. "or in other words, we were sabotaged, but that's another story. Have you been aboard a space station before?" He enquired as the approached the telepad.

"I've never served on one, sir," Vincent said. "I've had leave on stations when my ship was docked." He made a careful note of the way Davies was treating him. He had just met the man and already there was a friendly hand on the shoulder plus a candid admission of sabotage. Was this blatant honesty or had his hurriedly constructed cover already been seen through?

Vincent decided to press for further information. "I do look forward to serving on Deep Space 5, sir," he said the two stepped onto the telepad. The warm tingling feeling enveloped as he was transported with the captain to the captain's office. He completed his thought as they entered. "But the attack and sabotage worry me, sir. Have we found out who it was?"

David shook his head as the door swung closed behind them. "Please, Lieutenant, take a seat." He said as he hurried around the desk. "The attack was by some disgruntled Romulans, the cause apparently, the theft of some antiquities, but that has yet to be proven, as for the saboteur, I can only assume there was more than one, Romulan sympathisers, we believe, but we have one in custody and Lieutenant Gabriel is carrying out enquiries."

"That is most worrying, sir," Vincent said. "I hope your investigations go well. I will assist you in any way I can, of course. Afterall, I do need some time to settle into my new job in Strategic Operations. We can't have Romulan attacks every few hours, can we?"

If the situation had been better, David would have laughed, but he did manage a smile. "That we can't, not when the station is not fully operational. I think we were extremely fortunate to have suffered so few casualties." He said, pulling out a PADD from his draw.

"I see," Vincent said. "Perhaps I could find my quarters, sir? It has been a long day for me and I'm afraid I smell like a Klingon Targ!"

Davies lofted the PADD, "I have some vacant quarters, but allocations come from Warrant Officer Petro, so for now, I shall assign you temporary accommodations on deck 88, not the best, but at least it will afford you some comforts until Commander Da'Nal returns." He glanced at the PADD. "Room 34 is vacant, so you can get cleaned up and we will get you properly allocated tomorrow, if you don't mind?" The commander enquired.

"Of course not, sir," Vincent replied, having never heard of a deck 88 before, usually serving on starships with less than 30 decks. Vincent had no idea he had been allocated to enlisted crew quarters. "I look forward to settling in before I meet Mr. Da'Nal."

"Super." He uttered his favourite phrase, "Computer, list Lieutenant Junior Grade Vincent Tan as active, as of 16.30 hours today." He nodded at Vincent, "If there is anything else I can do for you?" The question was semi dismissive, but the offer was genuine.

A million things went through Vincent's mind, but his mouth simply stated, "No, sir. I'll be off."


Commander David Davies

Lt. Chelsea Adams
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. j.g. Vincent Tan
Assistant Chief SOO