Beg, Steal or Borrow – Intros and Melds
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Intros and Melds
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Fri Mar 06, 2009 @ 11:13pm
Location   Lt. Claire's Office
Timeline   SD 8 12:45

Claire and Melody were sitting in her officer together when she paged T'Lan. She had not received the help that both she and T'Lan were hoping for from Vulcan Medical.Claire got the impression that he had been hiding something and seemed almost afraid of what she was asking him.

T'Lan entered the office. "You sent for me?"

"Please sit down." Claire offered her the chair across from her and Melody. "This is my colleague Melody Bray."

T'Lan nodded, "What have you discovered?" She said simply.

"The Vulcan administrator wasn't as forthcoming as we had hoped. The weirdest part though is that it felt to me as if he was scared about something and he was lying. That was all that I could get out of him."

T'Lan thought a moment. Suddenly her mind went completely active again. She saw it, the red sky. Red lightning covering what seemed to be a pillar in the blood-red sky. Firing beams of destruction down upon the colony. Her mind heard some words. 'I serve those who marched under the Raptor's Wing, and I will decimate all but my masters.' T'Lan suddenly snapped back to reality.

Claire grabbed her head, she had left her mind open and saw exactly what what T'Lan was seeing. "Ohhh..." She heard T'Lan's voice, and looked at her through the vision in her own mind.

"Claire!" Melody cried out, she was scared when she saw her friend in pain. She grabbed her friend by the shoulders unsure how to comfort her friend. Claire was also experiencing Melody's emotions making everything more difficult.

Claire's vision disappeared as soon as T'Lan snapped back. "Mind explaining that one Commander?" She said breathlessly.

"Those who marched below the Raptor's Wing? Romulans?" T'Lan stated.

"It would make sense...they are sitting outside our door." Melody volunteered.

T'Lan spoke. "It said that it served those who marched under the Raptor's Wing. Yet the Romulan Star Empire has no knowledge of it. " The Vulcan thought a moment. "During my world's ancient war. Many artefacts were created, or discovered, that were made into weapons. Some of them were psionic weaponry against other Vulcans."

"Vulcans? I thought you said Romulans?" Claire asked, grabbing Melody's hand before she spoke out of turn.

T'Lan spoke, "I am now even more confused than I was when I began loosing control of my Logic."

"I can understand that. I should have mentioned this before but, I have brought Melody in on this situation because it looks like I will be a little preoccupied with the Romulan situation. Melody has read your file, she is human so she wont be able to see what I see when you lose will have to explain what you see."

T'Lan nodded, "She'll need to know what I see. I can transfer the experiences to her with a mind meld, but it won't be pleasant."

"I know but I am here to help you Commander." Melody responded. "I will leave you two then." Claire stood up. "I'm sorry I couldn't be more help." She extended her hand to T'Lan, Claire would have to do her own meditation after leaving her mind open like that...she should have known better.

T'Lan put her hand on Melody's face. "My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts." Almost immediately, it happened. An apocalyptic vision of a colony being crushed by a giant black pillar that rained destruction across the planet. 'Human, Betazoid, Vulcan. It dose not matter. Three corpses, in one grave.' As quickly as it began, it was over.

"Wai..." Melody tried to say before the Vulcan placed her hand on her face. Mel saw the vision, she reached up and grabbed T'Lan hand trying to pull it away. She was breathing heavily when the vision was over.

"I apologise, but you had to know what I am going though. You had to see it... in order to understand it." T'Lan stated. It's in my meditations now, and my dreams. "I'm loosing my logic, and soon there will be nothing left but blind fear."

"Yeah, I can see that." Melody said wrapping her arms around herself trying to distant her mind from what she saw during the meld.

T'Lan spoke. "After this crisis with the artefact. I plan on going to Vuclan. If they will not provide answers over a subspace communication, then they will explain it to a Starfleet Officer."

"And I will company you." Melody said without thinking.

T'Lan nodded, "I cannot gurantee you that it won't be hazardous, and I cannot guarantee your safety should I loose my mind."

"Even though it may not look like it now, I can hold my own." She tried to sound confident.

T'Lan just thought of something. "I must also ask that you keep this confidential under Patient Confidentiality. I am currently having difficulty with this bases' Chief of Intelligence. Apparently Mr. Gabriel feels that the Federation should cart its prisoners off and 'make them disappear.' As the humans would say."

"That was a given Commander. I would never speak of this to anyone else unless you gave me permission. I will have to explain to the Chief Counsellor though as to why I would be leaving the base."


Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie & Lt. (JG) Melody Bray (played by Zorana)
XO: Commander T'Lan