Database: IRW Dhelan

The Dhelan is one of a new generation of Norexan design which accounted for the weaknesses of the original that were so embarrassingly revealed during the short-lived Shinzon coup. Elements of the defunct Scimitar design were successfully incoporated into the Norexan resulting in a ship comparable with Starfleet's finest.

The refitted Norexan Class Warbird quickly became a favorite amongst the High Command within the Empire because of its ability to carry out the hit-and run attacks of old, a feature the D’deridex class never truly had the finesse to achieve with any great success. For its size, the Norexan Class remains one of the most maneuverable vessels in known space.

The designers of the original Norexan Class learned from, and in many ways built upon the knowledge gained from the D’deridex Class. Armed with fifty two primary focus disruptor arrays and twenty seven photon/quantum/plasma torpedo tubes, the Norexan Class can bring a withering hail of firepower down upon any enemy. A favored tactic of its commanders is to engage an enemy vessel head-on where the class is able to take advantage of its cloaking device, weapons systems and respectable shield grid.

The Norexan Class uses an artificially created quantum singularity for its warp drive that is able to propel the ship along at a normal cruising speed of warp 7.

The ship employs an advanced version cloaking device, as opposed to that used on the D’deridex Class, but rather a Scimitar grade cloaking device, thus making the ship less invulnerable to being detected by the Tachyon emissions its warp engines emit.



Class   Norexan Role Heavy Cruiser

Expected Duration 110 Years

Time Before Refit 8 Years

Time Before Resupply 8 Years

Length 603 Meters

Width 911 Meters

Height 115 Meters

Decks 29

Standard Velocity Warp 7

Maximum Velocity Warp 9.975

Emergency Velocity Warp 9.985 24 hours

Standard Compliment

1250 Officers

150 Enlisted Officers

1100 Emergency Capacity


52 Class-IX pulse disruptor cannons

12 Class-VIII heavy disruptor cannons (fore, aft, starboard and port, turret)

1 plasma cannon (forward facing) 2 plasma bolt generators (for the cannon)

27 torpedo launchers (photon, plasma and quantum capable) (Torpedo Compliment 500 photon torpedoes; 400 quantum torpedoes; 50 plasma torpedoes)

Defensive Systems

Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 8 cm High density armor

Class 12 Structural Integrity Field generator with Class 8 backup system

Class 11 Inertial Dampening Field generator with Class 8 backup system

Advanced Class 12 Cloaking Device (Scimitar grade)

Redundant Shield System (Primary and Secondary) total capacity 5,508,000 terrajoules (3,240,000 terrajoules primary and 2,268,000 terrajoules secondary)

Auxilliary Craft

2 Shuttles

16 Standard Shuttles

4 wings of Scorpion class fighters (24 fighters)

Deck Listiin

Deck 1 Commander's Ready Room, Main Bridge, Briefing Room/Observation Lounge, Airlock

Deck 2 Senior Officers Quarters

Deck 3 Docking Ports 1-3 (Port/Starboard/Aft), Senior Officers Quarters, VIP/Guest Quarters

Deck 4 Senior Officers Quarters, Holosuites

Deck 5 Junior Officers Quarters, Primary Computer Core, Gymnasium

Deck 6 Primary Computer Core Control, Cargo Bay 1 & 2, Upper Primary Computer Cores - 1-2, Upper Main Shuttlebay, Impulse Engines (P/S)

Deck 7 Sickbay, Physician's Offices, Mind Primary Science Labs, Primary Computer Core, Impulse Engines (P/S), Main Shuttlebay

Deck 8 Computer Core, Junior Officers and Crew Quarters, Secondary Science Labs, Firing Range, Main Impulse Engines, Phaser Range, Master Tactical Officer's Office, Main Brig, Secondary Weapons Control, Secondary Armory, Upper Shuttlebay Maintenance and Support, Upper Aft Lounge, Transporter Rooms 1-2

Deck 9 Computer core & Holo imaging chamber (Highly protected and shielded, authorized personnel only)

Deck 10 Recreation Deck, Living Quarters, Holodecks, Dorsal Docking Port, Environmental Support, Transporter Rooms 3-4, Lower Shuttlebay Maintenance and Support, M/ARA Deuterium Injector Assembly, Aft Crew Lounge

Deck 11 Upper Engineering Support Area, Secondary Deflector Control, Living Quarters, Deuterium Injector Assembly

Deck 12 Main Engineering, Lead Engineer's Office, Primary Maintenance Support Center, Fore Torpedo Bay Control,Living Quarters, Hydroponics, Stellar Cartography, Deflector Control, Secondary Navigational Deflector

Deck 13 Lower Engineering, Primary Systems Support Compartment, Environmental Support, Living Quarters, Forward Torpedo Magazine

Deck 14 Living Quarters, Deuterium Storage, Power Distribution, Operations Department Office, Forward Torpedo Launcher

Deck 15 Living Quarters, Cargo Bay 3 - Primary Cargo Bay, Lower Forward Torpedo Bay Control, Deuterium Storage, Commander's Yacht Docking Station, Upper Shuttlebay 2, Fighter Maintenance Deck

Deck 16 Secondary Computer Core Control, Living Quarters, Transporter Rooms 5 and 6, Secondary/Aft Tractor Beam Control and Emitter, Shuttle Bay, Navigational Deflector, Main Engineering Upper Level, Shuttlebay Maintenance and Support, Upper Secondary Computer Core, Plasma Transfer Conduits

Deck 17 Secondary Computer Core, Primary Shuttle Maintenance Hangar, Tertiary Science Labs, Navigational Deflector, Main Engineering Lower Level, SIF/IDF Generators

Deck 18 Secondary Computer Core, Primary Machine Shop, Stellar Cartography, Master Scientist's Office, Microlabs, Navigational Deflector, Aft Tractor Emitter, SIF/IDF Generators

Deck 19 Main Tractor Beam Control and Emitter, Environmental Control, Aft Torpedo Control, Navigational Deflector, Troop living quarters, SIF/IDF Generators

Deck 20 Troop living quarters, Secondary Armory, Troop Training Facilities, Plasma Bolt Generator Assemblies

Deck 21 Transporter Rooms 5 and 6, Waste Management, Environmental Support, Aft Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Magazine, Plasma Bolt Generator Assemblies, Troop Living Quarters

Deck 22 Brig, Armory, Power Transfer Conduit Control Center, Environmental Support, Forward Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Magazine, Troop Living Quarters

Deck 23 Tertiary Maintenance Support Center, Secondary Systems Support, Gravimetric Polaron Generators, Antimatter Storage Pods, Forward Tractor Emitter Deck 24 Plasma Cannon Control, Secondary Controls and Relays for Plasma Cannon

Deck 25 Plasma Cannon Assembly, Tertiary Controls and Relays for Plasma Cannon, Plasma Bolt Generator Connection Assemblies. Deck 26 Troop and Internal Security Training Facilities, Secondary Gymnasium, Military Use Holodecks.

Deck 27 Anti-matter Storage Pods, Antimatter Generator

Deck 28 Antimatter Injector Assembly, Anti-matter Storage Pods, Anti-matter Injection Reactors

Deck 29 Antimatter Injector Assembly, Anti-matter Storage Pods

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