Judgement – Reactor parts
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein

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Title   Reactor parts
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Robert Feinstein
Posted   Mon Feb 21, 2011 @ 9:41pm
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   1300 hrs
((Main Engineering - DS5))


Vince sat frustrated in his office. He continued to look through the list of officers on staff here at Deep Space Five. He truly was not sure who was going to be able to help. He had submitted requests through proper channels, and had followed up on those the Chief had made before leaving on an away mission, but he had not received a proper reply on some of them. He knew that everyone was busy with there own tasks. The station was huge and complex and more was going on than he could think about. But his responsibilities were to get Main Engineering and the 4 Main Reactors up and fully functional. He was not prepared to go over anyone’s head just yet. He knew that he could go to the XO at anytime, but it was best to use proper procedures and let the system work.

Slightly frustrated Vince leaned back in his chair behind the large desk of the Chief of Engineering. He looked out through the transparent walls onto the floor of Main Engineering and it’s activity. All the damaged instruments and displays had been repaired or replaced by this point. Standard testing was taking place. But repairs to a couple main reactors was another matter.

He looked down at the desk in front of him. It wasn’t just a big ego that the Chief needed a large desk. It was also a 3 dimensional imager. It was set up for real-time display of the workings of any part of Engineering or any part of the Starbase for that matter.

Looking back at the scheduled maintenance, He confirmed that they were not behind schedule yet, but they needed to get the parts in while the man-power was available. 2 special teams had been dispatched to DS5 to make Reactor repairs. Looking at the parts list needed, Vince a little annoyed at the delay. Many parts had been replicated on DS5, but some could not be replicated and had to be brought in from the manufacturer. He had not been the person that placed the order, but he was put in the place of responsibility to get the job done.

Vince looked back at the list of Station Administration. Then his eye caught a name “Ah.” Vince exclaimed. “Lt. Robert Feinstein, Chief Operations Officer. Let’s try him.”

“Computer, take a letter.” Vince began.

The computer chimed acknowledgement. “Proceed when ready.”

“No. No more letters. Computer cancel the letter,” Vince stated. The computer gave a low tone. Vince kind of thought it sounded sad. Someone must have programmed it that way; crazy.

It was time for first hand action. Moving around and getting comfortable in his chair, Vince pressed the Comm-link button on the desk. “Chief Operations Office.”

“Chief Operarion’s Office. How may I assist you?” Came a very pleasent response.

Vince froze for just a second, He didn’t want to seem to wishy washy with titles. ‘Assistant Chief of Engineering, Temporary Chief of Engineering’. He needed to get something done.

“Hello?” The soft female voice asked curiously.

“Yes, sorry. This is Lt. Vincent Kramer, Chief of Engineering! I need to speak to the Chief of Operations. Would that be Lt. Feinstein?”

"Do you have an appointment?" replied the sweet voice.

Kramer knew that she was only doing her job, but this was just not a job. He had to make her understand it's importance. “It is vital that I do not get put off or get the run around.” Vince sounded adamant, yet in control. “Do you understand?”

"Well, Sir. This is highly out of the ordinary." She was being polite, but had her protocals to follow too. "Just one moment, please. "

“Thank you,” Vince replied. “Please put me through.”

"Operations, this is Feinstein"

"This is Lieutenant Kramer down in Main Engineering."

" Ahh yes, Lieutenant how can I help you? "

"Well, I'm trying to complete the repairs on a very needed fusion reactor. Some of the parts are being brought in from the manufacturer. I didn't place the order. I'm just trying to find out when I can expect them."

"Well, I saw that come across my desk, yesterday." Feinstein replied calmly. "Yes, here it is. Those parts are expected here in 2 days on the transport ship Bristow."

"2 days, hum." Kramer thought aloud, "That should give me the time I need to get the radiation contamination cleaned up and removal of the old parts, before they arrive."

"Sounds like you have things well in hand." Feinstein stated encouragingly.

"Thank you for your assistance Lt. Feinstein." Kramer said

"Not a problem." Feinstein said with confidence, "that's what we are here for. I'll have your office notified when the Bristow arrives."

"Thank you, again. Kramer out."


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Chief of Engineering


Lt. Robert Feinstein
Chief of Operations