We All Fall Down – Violent insurrections continue on Tau Volantis
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Violent insurrections continue on Tau Volantis
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Dec 17, 2014 @ 3:33am
Location   Federation Associated Press Newsfeed
Timeline   Current
Federation Associated Press has received information from multiple sources that the situation on Tau Volantis II has become escalated in the past year.

Primun Norval Set spoke at a recent press conference:

"My administration has been focused from the very beginning of working diligently to contain the violent uprisings caused by extreme members of our community." The President said in a prepared statement.

"We recognize the diligence the terrorists have displayed in their attempts to destroy our prosperous way of life." The President said with more force in his voice. He looked up from his notes and looked directly into the projector screen as he delivered his final line.

"We will not tire; we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and Freedom will prevail at all costs." The Primun concluded as he stepped away from the podium.

[Cut away to reporter]

While Primun Set has refused to mention the opposition by name, it is clear to any observer that he is referring to the "New Order" cadre that has claimed responsibility for various attacks throughout the years.

The planet of Tau Volantis III has been mired in an ongoing civil war for over 30 years. The planet was a pre-warp civilization that was in the middle of a violent internal upheveal when Starfleet Captain Anaia Rex, former Captain of the USS Freebird, survived a catastrophic event that destroyed the Freebird. The Captain and several surviving crew members crash-landed on the planet and injected themselves into the conflict by providing technology and weapons to one of the presiding government in their battle against a faction known as the "New Order".

The shift in technology and equipment resulted in the government being able to solidify their position of authority over the planet and violently eliminate those within the native population that supported the "New Order".

Eventually, Starfleet discovered the location of the crew and immediately raced to recover them from the planet. However, once Starfleet recovered the Captain they realized the extent of her atrocities. Once she was captured, the Rex symbiont was removed, and former Captain Anaia Rex was to be court-martialed in 2360. Unfortunately, the former host managed to escape and killed several Starfleet officers in the process of fleeing Starfleet custody.

Since the retrieval of Captain Rex, the planet has struggled to maintain stability, but recent years have seen a rise in violent attacks on various government facilities and installations. Despite its prior role in the conflict, Starfleet has refused to step in to resolve the matter outside of providing mediation between the abrasive parties.

We at Federation Associated Press will continue monitoring the situation.