Beg, Steal or Borrow – A situation that requires a solution
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Nicholas Gregory & Ensign Brian Moxis & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   A situation that requires a solution
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Nicholas Gregory & Ensign Brian Moxis & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Apr 27, 2009 @ 11:24pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   15:00

*Taps* Gabriel to Ensign Moxis and Chief Ayers, meet me in main sick bay *immediately*" Gabriel said into his comm unit as a slight twinge of feedback responded to him. He was certain that communications on the station were still operational, however it was still a hassle to communicate across great distances on the station.

At the moment he wanted everybody in one central area while he tried to sort out the chaos that was beginning to consume the station. Although the battle outside the station had concluded, there was still the issue of securing the station internally.

Gabriel was painfully aware of the looting and general disorder that ensured after the station's battle with the Boaorans. He was not about to allow such mayhem to take place again.

Gabriel entered the sickbay and began searching for his new Chief Assistant of Security. This was going to be a hell of a way to introduce one's self, however he had no other choice.

Brian proceeded quickly to sick bay. Moving through the disorder that had broke out on some decks. He tried his best to find a route that would allow him to get to sick bay with out confrontation. Passing through he was pushed, things was hurled at him and there was a lot of shouting. Luckily Brian made it through with just a minor cut on his face. His movement quickens as he runs through the hall to sick bay with a little mob following him.

The chief just groaned at the message. "c'mon cadet, lets go see what super cop wants!" as the chief and Cadet perth made their way through the maze of fallen debris and other carnage they realized the mayhem combined with who knows how how many other agents were conducting sabotage aboard the station. He spoke to the cadet "in my 15 years in starfleet, only Mr. Wallace and Captain Kellenger have ever treated me as an equal, this Gabriel guy is a real piece of work, makes up rules that suit his needs, doesn't follow procedure on investigations, and then gives false reports on missing personnel" he grumbled.

The cadet pondered that statement, she wasn't going to disagree with him just not speak her mind since it wasn't her place. "Chief do you think finding that saboteur has made matters worse?"

The chief just shook his head, and they kept walking he held the PADD with the report the Jarred had in fact survived the attack he didn't think to highly of Lt. Dorian, and thought even less of Mr. Moxis, he'd only met him once and he didn't make a very good impression.

Gabriel looked up from his Padd as he saw Ensign Moxis enter the room in a flustered manner. The more Gabriel observed the officer, the more timid and unsure of himself that he just appeared to be. It was understandable considering his first post was just involved in a sneak attack by the Federation's so-called allies and there was no telling just how much damage had occurred.

"Moxis, the next time I request your presence, please be sure to leave your fanclub at home." Gabriel stated.

"I will sir." Brian stood in the corner of the room with straight posture. He wondered what his new orders would be.

"Hmph," He said in response as he observed the arrival of Chief Ayers as well as that Cadet that he had observed earlier. Why was she here, and more importantly why does she continue to follow Chief Ayers around like a lost puppy. "You!" Gabriel said as the Cadet crossed the barrier and entered the main foyer of Sickbay. "Get me a cup of coffee." Gabriel ordered. At least it would get the child out of his hair long enough to meet with his staff and try to get a hold of the immediate situation.

Brian moved to the other side of the room with the arrival of Chief Ayers. He did not like the way he looked at him upon entering but with him being of higher rank he kept his mouth shut and watched as he arrived with the cadet.

The Chief just gave a nod to Cadet Perth. The Chief handed a PADD to Dorian and spoke, "We found one saboteur, actually it was Cadet Perth who subdued him, also Mr. Wallace survived, he's on the medical ship Nightingale which is en route too the station right now."

The Chief stopped and looked at Dorian and Moxis, "Also I liked the lack of security around the Intelligence office after the sabotage was discovered, I hope you realize he nearly took out the comm system completely." Ayers stated indignantly.

Gabriel noticed the slight hesitation in Cadet Perth before following his order. It almost appeared as if she was confused a s to who was the senior officer in the room. He glanced down at the Padd and then back up at Chief Ayers.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that *Chief Petty Officer* Ayers disapproved of the condition of station security, but I'm not sure if you were aware of the fact this station was *under attack*!" Gabriel said as he took the cup of coffee from Perth.

"If you wish to be in a more secure location I am sure that there is a garbage scow route going from Earth to Venus that would love to accept a new Encryption Officer" He added. "I've got enough to deal with from disappearing officers, to renegade Romulans. You two have phaser, the rest of the civilians on this station don't have such a luxury." He said wearily.

The chief looked at the younger man again, he'd seen Cardassians who were less arrogant than him, he looked at Cadet Perth, she was very angry and he could tell, he just looked at her and motioned 'No' to her, before she said something before she did something stupid.

"Good, by the time that actually occurs, this station will probably be back in shape." He said taking a sip from his cup and looking at the Padd again. "Here's what we're going to do: Ensign Moxis and Cadet Perth, you two will go to Ops and work with the officers on duty to find out exactly *HOW* a saboteur was able to understand the ADHD and Guardian Platform systems in such a short time. " He ordered.

"Ayers, since you are so concerned with the security then I want you to investigate how the hell the Romulan task force and Isha were able to penetrate station shields and internal security and kidnap Ensign Opaka and still get the hell outta dodge." He additionally ordered.

The chief looked at the younger officer and just shook his head. "He's in the brig, hes your problem." Ayers paused "Or should I do things old school and break out the Klingon pain sticks and brass knuckles?"

"Hold off on that idea," Gabriel responded. "Lieutenant Gregory will handle the interrogation of the Romulan prisoner to find out what he knows." Gabriel said gesturing to the officer. "Your job, Chief Ayers, will be to interview Chief Diplomat Kelan about the attack on the Da'nal's family. No doubt somebody used this attack as the prime opportunity to seek out their vendetta against him. I want to know what connection they have to Da'nal and if it has anything to do with the Romulan attack." He said as he glanced down at his Padd for a moment.

"I'll get in contact with Lieutenant Silonez Ericson on the Freedom to arrange an interview with Da'nal as well, theres' no such thing a coincidence, do we have a group bio on this group that was involved in this attack?"

Gabriel nodded after thinking for a moment. "No, all we know is that they launched their attack around the same time as the Romulans did. Check with Kelan to see all that she remembers." He responded.

Various thoughts ran through Gregory's head as he gathered himself and prepared to leave the sickbay area. "Is a man flawed at birth? Does he exit the womb into a world that steers him into mistake after mistake? Or is it simply that our nature is flawed?"

His father once told him that “to be flawed is to be human and to be human is to be flawed”. These words still held true for him, as his life was still filled with mistake after mistake. Of course he rarely got called on it and got away with it many times before.

His conscious had been cleansed by his actions and it began to become a little bit brighter every time he resisted his own tendency to be a flawed individual. Today was suppose to be the start of a better life, but as before the world he lived in steered him into a different course.

After nearly half an hour of being treated for plasma burns he had been released, however, reluctantly by the nurse on duty. As he was putting on his duty jacket he heard various shouting coming from the front of main sickbay.

He turned the corner surprised to see his superior officer.

"Lieutenant Gabriel?" Nick queried not exactly remembering if indeed the man in front of him was his superior officer.

Gabriel was about to dismiss the group to their respective assignments when he was interrupted by the confused officer. "Well thank you for gracing us with your presences Lieutenant." Gabriel said

"Right now we have several emergencies that need to be taken care of. Your job as of right now is to interrogate the Romulan pilot that we obtained during the Romulan attack. I want to know everything that he knows." Gabriel said to his new Chief Assistant Chief of Security

"Moxis and Perth, you have your assignments. Coordinate with Ops for any other information you need to know about the breach and head on down to interrogate the saboteur to find out everything you can from him." He said as he tossed a Padd to them.

"Ayers, speak with Kelan to find out about the attack. I want this taken care of before the Freedom is repaired and begins departs the station." He said quickly.

"Any questions?" He asked.

The Chief looked at Dorian, "I think the security monitors will have to be off when I talk to our saboteur. I don't want to have to have to explain anything other than what this guy knows."

The Padd hit Brian in his stomach as he caught it. "Right away sir." He said as he waited to be dismissed.

Gabriel looked towards the Cadet, "Yes, that means you will have to leave the side of Chief Ayers in order to complete an order onboard this station." He said to her. It was becoming annoying that everytime he saw either one of them, they were glued to each other's hip. It wasn't good nor was it productive for the department. He needed capable and INDEPENDENT officers, not tag-team buddies.

"Chief," Martina finally was allowed to speak "I would like to check his quarters, see if we can find something incriminating, might make him talk easier."

"I'm going to talk to Joran, but I'm going to check the internal recording sensors first, if I don't get any where then we turn him over to fleet security." The chief said

Gabriel nodded to the assembled group. "Very well, you all have your orders. I'll be in touch with you all for an update. Dismissed" he said.


Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG
Nicholas Gregory
Assistant Chief of Security

Brian Moxis
Security Officer

Chief Craig Ayers (NPC-J. Wallace)

Cadet Martina Perth (NPC- J. Wallace)
Intelligence Officer in training