Cascade – Old things never die
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Old things never die
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Tue Jan 08, 2013 @ 8:40pm
Location   Antique shop
Timeline   SD70
Chris was always one to take a late night stroll down the promonade, just as the shops were nearing close and the civilian population that actually slept where in thier beds, he liked the quiet it put aside his busy lifestyle and allowed him to take it all in. Deep space five was a truly stunning place perhaps even as far as a home.

He was not short of making his way back when he noticed a shop still open filled with such amazing sites. Old relics of the past from all walks of civilization and as he proceeded towards the store a one display caught his attention the most, it was a very worn down model of one histories most amazing feats of artistic supremecy and death, a cliche of what life on earth was like before the federation, it was the HMS victory an old naval vessel that defied deafeat in one of earths important sea battles and next to it an old record player dull and tainted over the decades but it still looked usable.

He reached the display and looked for a record after an almost hopless search he opened a chest which revealed a box of broken records but 2 remained intact picking them out and dusting them.of.with a subtle blow he placed one one the player. The music was... Sential and pure bliss.

Atlana was finishing up a unboxing a few last minute things she wanted to organize into a display Bajorian religious relics she'd gotten off a ferengi some months ago, she had hoped they'd lead her to Anjar... in truth there had been of little use, so now they served a new purpose. When she heard the record player pop and crackle to life Atlana poked her head out of the dust rags of her store room. She saw a federation enlisted man standing there completely delighted with what he'd uncovered in her shop. She could see it in his eyes. "Good Evening." She smirked slightly. Yes, yes some cardassians could be pleasant.

Chris almost jumped as the Cardassian female spoke, for one of two reasons he felt awkward towards her the main reason was she must think he was mad after seeing him stand almost soullessly listening to the music but the other and almost a dark feeling produced itself and it was the fact she was Cardassian even after the conflict their was still a instinct inside of him but he had mostly learnt to suppress it. "Evening, sorry for intruding on your store at such a late time but I couldn't help but look at such a treasure". He explained.

"I'm quite the night owl as they say." She offered, "You're not intruding. You're exploring, and that's always welcomed here." She offered him a genuinely warm smile, Atlana had a real passion for her relics and antiques. As she approached him she could see he really liked the recorder player from earth history. "Do you like Ancient Earth history?" She asked,

"There was a time in their history I'm told when most people were consumed by the acquisition of personal property. The more they had the better they were." She offered.

"A very true statement some humans still hold that custom I for one just like collecting things. I'm a bit of an hoarder" he joked, "I've never noticed your shop before, is it new or just me not paying attention?" Luke asked.

Atlana smirked at his joke, he was friendly enough. "Well I am tucked away over hear on the East wing but no, I only opened my store today." She admitted. "I'm Atlana Durak..." she offered him her hand... the human custom had become universal for a welcoming way of communicating pleasantries and friendship.

He smiled and met her hand with his "Luke Wyatt, The stations Marine Sergeant, How much are they both?" He asked her eyeing the Model boat and record player before facing back at her.

Atlana looked over her shoulder at the model and smirked at him. "You're an interesting man Sgt Wyatt, Earth History." She offered as she went to get the model down for him. "25 federation credits for the two of them, and the record you fell in love with." She grinned. "There are more in the back..."

"You've got yourself a deal there Miss Durak, and lets speak more about the other Records" he replied following her.

She has a gentle warming laughter, it wasn't overwhelming it was somewhat sweet like an older womens laughter. She pulled the model down and set it on the counter. "I have never been to earth, but the pieces of history that you all have make my home seem less culturally rich. But much of our history was lost, the cardassian culture as a whole is all I know." She admitted. "I love the concept of different countries, different states, different languages all on one planet." She said. She pulled the curtain back and let Luke into the back room. IT was full of storage boxes and items wrapped up. A box of old earth records was off in the corner, "They're a bit dusty." She added. "But they're the best in my collection."

Luke smiled "A bit of dust just adds to the beauty of it right!" he picked one of the records out of the box and brushed the dust off "These are truly remarkable things, lasting the test of time and much more, how much extra for the rest of the records?" he asked picking up another two in each hand and holding them up.

Atlana waved her hand at him. "Take then with you Mr. Wyatt." She smirked. "There is not much of a demand for them, and you are the only person on the station with the means to use them." She grinned.

He Bowed his head "Why thank you and here are your credits" He handed the exchange for his new belongings "I may have to send my daughter to check out your store she is much like myself a little more naive but like me none the less"

Atlana smirked. "I would very much like to meet her. If everyone on this starbase is as friendly and welcoming as you are, Sgt. I have retired to the right corner of the galaxy."

"In that you have Miss Durak" he smiled and gave a genteel wave before picking up his things "Have a good night, bye" he said as he departed the shop.

Atlana smirked as she watched him good. Maybe this was a good move, quiet. Out of the way, and humans weren't all bad. Sgt Wyatt was definitely an interesting individual.

Gunnery SGt Luke Wyatt
First Sergeant


Atlana Durak
Owner Unique Antiques