Cascade – Overworked, Underpaid, and still they send missionaries to Qonos
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Overworked, Underpaid, and still they send missionaries to Qonos
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sat Apr 20, 2013 @ 11:55pm
Location   Deck 576, inside a plasma conduit.
Timeline   1200 hours, SD71
The Operations repair roster had grown longer by the day over recent weeks. First they Promenade blew up, then a series of glitches appeared in various subsystems, then a product recall on power converters required half the ones on the station to be refitted. To call Chief Relma an overworked man would have been one of the understatements of the century. Now there was some prisoner in security complaining of an intermittent whistling in their cell which had been tracked to a slight alignment issue with a plasma conduit junction three sections away.

If there was one way to ruin the big Bajoran's mood it was to make him crawl around in Plasma conduits all day. He'd grown up being used to the small, cramped spaces of Bajoran craft. That was fine, but his time on DS9 had gotten him used to the, palatial by comparison, Cardassian design. In comparison the Federation ones were far more 'compact'.

Four hours after he'd begun his search he'd finally come across the source of the problem and with a simple wave of his tools the problem was solved. As he placed the tools back in his toolkit and prepared for the fifteen minute crawl back to a normal corridor he chuckled to himself that he was actually praising Cardassian architecture. "First time for everything I suppose." he muttered to himself as his commbadge chirped into life and a strange voice addressed him.

Tapping the badge he answered. =/="This is Chief Relma. Identify yourself, please."=/=

"Chief this is Wayne Bradshaw at the BII offices if you have some time we could use your help in tracking and fixing a problem we are having with the trinitary power taps our office uses. Your help would be greatly appreciated assuming you have the time." Said Wayne calmly

With the channel cut off for a moment Relma groaned. Reactivating it and putting on the nicest voice he possibly could. "Of course, Mr Bradshaw. I'll be right... down... or up... or... wherever I am now. I'll be there, anyway, Sir. As soon as possible."

"Just let the secretary know who you are when you come in and she will see to it that I am called right away so we can get this taken care of." Said Wayne softly.

"Aye, Sir. I'll see you shortly." replied Meryn before cutting the transmission off. Cursing under his breath he racked his brains for a moment before muttering "Now what, by the Prophets, is a trinitary power tap when it's at home."

As he began the long crawl back to civilisation he tapped his commbadge and said =/="Computer, prepare all database information on trinitary power taps for me."=/=

=/="Please restate request. No information can be found on requested subject."=/= came the eminently annoying reply.

Groaning further - more-so because he'd just hit his head off a bulkhead - Relma muttered "So it's going to be like that is it then... By the Prophets this is going to be a long ruddy day."


More than forty minutes later the Bajoran, bathed in sweat and with a uniform marked with long black streaks over the shoulders, staggered into the reception area of Bradshaw Enterprises. As he approached the desk he coughed and spluttered "Sorry I'm late - Chief Relma for Mr Bradshaw - a micro power relay blew up rather literally in my face on my way here.

The Secratary took one look at the man before she spoke. "Mr. Bradshaw has been expecting you, Chief. Just have a seat and relax for a minute I will let him know you are here." Said the secratary softly

"Sorry for the delay, Chief, I am Wayne Bradshaw." said Wayne calmly as he extended his hand toward the man.

The Bajoran nodded and shook his hand firmly. "No problem at all, I'm sorry for my own tardiness, and appearance - I had a run in with a rather faulty micro power relay on my way here. What seems to be the problem?"

"Now since I am sure you are very busy shall we head down to ops and get started trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with that power tap." Said Wayne calmly as the lights slightly flickered

Meryn nodded "Indeed, seeing it would probably help as I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the designation you gave over the comm-line." He turned to follow the proprietor as he began to move into the depths of his operation.

Wayne walked toward the back of the office and to a secure door. After scanning his eye the door opened. "Chief what you are going to see is considered to be restricted information. I ask that you not tell anyone what you see or hear from here on out." Said Wayne as he entered the lift "Level 7" He added

Relma nodded. "But of course, Sir. I think even the plans are restricted to me, Capt Tahir and Commander Villiers. Maybe Security too."

A few seconds later they walked into a small room that would not have been out of place on any starship as the chief operations officers office. On the wall was a full diagnostic display with a second display on the table in the middle of the room. "Welcome chief to the Operations office for this facility. From here you can track any possible problem that we have. As you can see the problem we have here is that the power tap we have to the station that normally would supply our capacitor bank has somehow been interrupted ." Said Wayne calmly he could see that the man was having a little trouble so he paused to give the man a chance to come to terms with everything

The Bajoran gazed around in wonderment for a moment, soaking in all the information that was flying his way all at once. "I don't suppose your interior decorator's available? My office could do with a bit of an overhaul - and this is stunning!" He took a few further moments to examine the layout. "So, Sir, would I be right in saying that your power taps run in two directions: allowing power flow from the station grid to your capacitors, and from your capacitors to your systems thereafter? And the problem you say is in the first stage of that process? Have you run any diagnostics or maintenance on the system recently?"

"You would be correct in your thoughts and we run diagnostics on a weekly time table. We also preform maintenance on a biweekly time table. This problem cropped up a day ago as a cascade power failure. My own people managed to work a bypass for a short time which you can see here and here." Said Wayne as he pointed to two areas on the table infront of them. "These fixes were intended to allow us to function for a period of 3 days but to be honest I would rather get the problem fixed sooner then have to make a mad dash to solve it when time is about up." He added

The Bajoran nodded along. "Absolutely, Sir. Quite right too." he replied still doing his best to be polite despite his dreadful mood. He pulled his tricorder out and took a reading of the systems. "I can't say I've seen a set-up exactly like this one before. But we did play around with a similar idea for the impulse engines on the General Borath-class ships in the Militia, though we couldn't get the power flow to remain stable once the weapons systems were in use too." He thought for a moment. "I can't see any problem with the power flow in... so I wonder if it might be something else." He put his fist to his chin for a moment. "Do you have any sensitive equipment which might react badly to any power fluctuations?"

"Chief this facility houses the R and D labs for the company you better believe we have sensitive equipment though as soon as the first fluctuations were noticed we shut them down. It would not do for them to be fried." Said Wayne calmly "I am not an engineer but considering that it is unlikely that the problem is from the station I wonder if it might be that our own capacitors are the problem. We rely on them quite heavily for our own distribution system here and if one or more of them would fail it could cause the problem. At least I think it could." He added

Relma thought for a few moments. "It's possible, Sir, but to be honest with you I'm going to have to take most of this system apart to get a proper look and test the individual components. The main problem with a set-up like this is that it could be something as simple as a mis-aligned circuit but I can't know for sure until I get right into the innards. With your permission I can get started now, but I'd have guessed it'll be at least an hour before I have any answers, and probably three before I can get it fixed."

"Take whatever time you need and use whatever is needed to get the job done. Until this problem is solved I am putting my own operations section under your command. That should give you a team of 4. They will be here in a few minutes. If you need anything else do not hesitate to ask though I must ask that you stay on this level until the job is done. There are things in other areas that well best you do not know about." said Wayne calmly though his tone left no doubt that his request was in fact an order and one that could be defied only at great risk to ones health or career.

Meryn was somewhat perplexed and intrigued by the man's interdiction, but would of course obey. "Of course, Sir. And thank you - that will certainly make the job go quicker and they may even be able to help me figure some of this stuff out as I go. I'll let you know once I have anything."

"Think nothing of it chief I am just glad we will be able to solve the problem sooner rather then later." Said Wayne calmly. About that time three men walked in and headed for the table. "Well here is your team best let you get to work then." He added as he exited the operations office


Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space Five


Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated
Deep space 5