Beg, Steal or Borrow – Bathing in Blankness
by Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Bathing in Blankness
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jul 30, 2009 @ 4:34am
Location   Observation Distance from Deep Space Five
Timeline   SD9 - 1230 hrs

Kirtrov sat next to the window staring at the station that rotated far below. It was a solid enough looking place. Docking doors that could enclose all docked ships, preventing them from leaving but also preventing anyone from entering. They had an extensive amount of defenses, which made sense considering where they were. Scores, at least from what he could see, gave evidence of a recent battle. Probably what the crew was yammering about before he was released from his quarters.

Mr. E's temperment was about as stable as dry rotted wood on the outskirts of a temporal rift. Still, he was in 'command' of this Gorn Vessel and the crew was loyal to him. Sean had begun wondering, ever since they left the Romulan ship and the Sarek back at that planet, whether or not this venture was worth his time and effort. Not to mention the risks it posed. Maybe he could find a way to warn the station. If he worked it right he might even be able to get himself out of a court martial or conviction.

He stiffened when the doors to the small eating area opened. Yes, he had been let out of his room but only to make it to the mess area. From here, he had a better view of the station, but the comings and goings of the Reptiles made him nervous. They often looked at him as though they would prefer him over something replicated to eat.

"Missster Kirtrov. You are looking well, but I cannot help but sssensse an air of apprehension from you, in fact I can sssmell it!" He hissed as he passed the former fleet man who sat with a tenseness in his frame. "What troublessss you?" He asked, tongue flicking outward.

"That tongue of yours picks up too much." Sean said without looking at the Gorn. "What troubles me is the way I've been treated by you and your crew." He turned and stood, facing the Gorn - but not too closely. "I gave you the information you needed on both the Romulans and the Humans and still I'm treated as an outcast. Now we sit here, hovering over a Federation Space Station and I've only recently been allowed out of my quarters." He emphasized 'allowed' with a notable amount of disdain. "I've a right to know what's going on, what your planning and..." His words drifted away as he caught the cold stare from his reptillian counterpart.

"Right!" He spat, "you human have no right. You are a traitor, a defector and if you had the opportunity, you would have killed me and don't deny it, ssaw the way you eyed the airlock a few days ago." His small arms waved to the bulkheads of the ship/ "Rightss. Ha!" He grumbled turning away from the human. "If your information had been correct and you had not been fawning over that female, we would have crushed the Sssarek, but you have a hidden agenda." The Gorn plodded to the porthole, peering out onto the shining beacon in space, calculating a means of entry onto the starbase.

Sean was seething, but he kept his temper in check. "Yeah, I was eyeing the airlock. Wondering how long it would be before you tried to push me out of it." He said stepping up next to the Gorn. "My information had been correct. Anticipation of alterations was your department. How could I have known they would change their plans?" He looked out the portview at the station. "If you had let me know we were coming here, I could have gotten intel on it too."

He looked up at the Gorn, mildly disgusted at the way he flicked his tongue. "The Sarek should have been easy prey. The crew was more imaginative than either of us could have foreseen. Perhaps it would be prudent to let me go ahead and investigate the station for a weakness we could exploit. On a station that size, there's bound to be people who have a destructive agenda."

Mr E eased his snout around to Kirtrov and eyed him suspiciously through half slitted eyes. He didn't know if he turn tail after everything else that had preceded this, or if he would indeed relinquish information about the Federation Space Station.

"Tell me Missster kirtrov, can I trussst you? Will you actually make good on your promissessss to bring the Federation to it's knees? Or are you sstill hoping to curry favour with your ex patriots and hand my head on a platter to them?" His temper was growing shorter, the human irked him and he had not been as useful as he had portrayed himself.

"Consider your options." Kirtrov said. "You can either trust me to retrieve and return the information that will assist you in your conquests." He paused for a moment to allow the idea to sink in. "Or you can try to battle it out without any intelligence."

He stared at the Gorn, eyes to eyes though he doubted that Mister E saw things the way he did. "Just remember that you're one ship right now. You sent the rest of your fleet somewhere else. This," He said, gesturing to the station outside their window, is supposed to be reconniscence."

E absorbed what the former intelligence officer said and though he no longer trusted him, he also knew that the federation uniform and human bearer, would be of some use.

"Reconnoitre then, but I warn you, do not missssjudge me." He told Sean sternly, "My ships may not be here, but my kind are never far away!" He warned turning on his taloned feet and looking back at the glinting lights that was Deep Space 5 and wondered about contacting his own on station source.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Sean said. "I'll depart immediatley." He turned to walk out of the room and make his preparations. Stopping at the door, he turned back and smiled. "Just don't forget what was promised to me either."

Mr E turned around in as swift a spin as his legs could manage.
"Don't forget, that I have enough evidence to have you locked away on that ssstarbase for a very long time if you do should happen to get yoursself caught. Now go!" The Gorn seethed, his eyes becoming slits.

Kirtrov nodded. He would indeed go to Deep Space Five and he would indeed send information back to the Gorn. A smirk crossed his face as he entered his quarters to gather what little he was allowed to have. Moments later he was launched from a lifepod. Convincing one of Mr. E's underlings that it was the best way to get to the station without raising too many questions wasn't as difficult as he had thought. Still, the idea of being in a pod and waiting to be discovered gave him time to think and to plan.


Sean Kirtrov
played by Petro

"Mr E"
played by Tasha