Interlude – Running To Stand Still
by Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester

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Title   Running To Stand Still
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Posted   Mon Jul 19, 2010 @ 11:48pm
Location   Shuttlebay, Crew Quarters
Timeline   SD27 11:00


"Chief Jester, wake up."

Jaskson's eyes shot open and he began to blink until the focus of his sight was regained. Looking around for a moment he again realized he was in the rear seat of a Federation shuttlecraft, on his way to DS5.

Immediately Jackson realized that the young Ensign who was piloting his craft was calling him to wake.

"Yes sir." he called, sitting up into a seated position of attention.

"We've arrived at Deep Space 5." the Ensign informed, a young man, seemingly fresh out of the academy. Many enlisted officers and warrant officers of Jackson's caliber found it sometimes difficult to take orders and suggestions from commissioned officers whom had far less experience and service time. However Jackson understood how the fleet operated, and took every order without bias or question.

"Yes sir, thank you sir." he said simply, continuing to sit at attention.

The young Ensign smiled back at him, "At ease Chief, go ahead and get your stuff ready."

Jackson nodded, "Yes sir." and he stood up, collecting the two bags he had chosen to carry on and not have transported directly to his quarters.

The ship slowly descended into the shuttlebay aboard DS5, and landed gently on the deck. As it did Jackson readied himself at the shuttle's exit.

The door opened slowly and Jackson proceeded out of the shuttle.

As he rounded the shuttle towards the doorway into the corridor, he was greeted by a young female crewmember.

"Sir!" she called, standing at attention, "Crewman First Class Raynor."

Jackson stood at a reciprocal attentional stance and nodded, "At ease Crewman, what can I do for you?"

She nodded and widened her stance, pulling a padd up, "I've been assigned to show you around the Station sir, as well as to your quarters."

Jackson nodded, "Sounds good to me Crewman." he referenced towards the doorway, "Lead the way."

Jackson was led around the station with the dedicated haste that would be expected from enlisted personnel such as themselves. They darted from station to station, the crewman providing prudent and blunt, yet elaborate and informative descriptions on every station's operating procedures, staff, and what to expect from said staff.

Finally they arrived at Jackson's quarters and the Crewman stood at attention outside of his door, "Sir, these are your quarters, I hope you find them satisfactory."

Jackson stood at the opened doors to his quarters peering in. As they stood they appeared to be the standard junior officer's quarters that were provided to high warranted personnel such as himself.

"Looks good." Jackson said, his southern accent now shining through slightly, "Thank you for your help Crewman." he said, commending her, "Let me know if there's anything you need while I'm here."

Jackson turned to enter his quarters before being stopped by the gentle hand of the crewman on his arm, "Well...sir." she said.

"Yes?" Jackson answered simply, raising an eyebrow as his eyes shifted first from her hand on his arm, then to her eyes.

"I could..." The crewman looked down and blushed, "Show you around your quarters?"

Jackson couldn't help but flash her his winning smile. His green eyes glistened against the light that shone behind her.

Jackson motioned towards the inside of his quarters and nodded, "After you."


Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Jackson Jester
Chief of the Boat
Deep Space Five