Incommunicado – Dinner Patrol
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Dinner Patrol
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Tue Feb 07, 2012 @ 5:32am
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 39 - 7pm - BACKPOST

Ben Kensington arrived slightly later than the 7pm he had agreed with Dr. Stapleton, and came puffing in as if he had been hurrying.

He looked around and spotted Bridget sitting at a table near the middle of the room. He was rushing over to her full of apologies for keeping her waiting.

"SOO sorry.. Jana and the baby were late settling tonight and I was late leaving Sickbay too. So... have you ordered? Would you like a drink?" He didn't stop for breath as he looked around for a waiter/waitress.

Bridget broke into a chuckle and motioned for him to sit down. "No worry, I just got here myself. And Chelsea's running late?" she asked, assuming Ben would know. But given the whole time warped crew, she would have been surprised to see the Commander arrive on time.

"Was I meant to be inviting the Boss?" Ben looked worried.

"Oh. I thought it was gonna be three of us... I invited her," Bridget's smile turned sheepish. "Well, we ran into each other and I figured she could use a bit of relaxed catch-up. But she hadn't committed to coming, so we can go ahead and order. And if she gets here, great," Bridget suggested.

"Cool." Ben picked up the Menu padd and scanned it quickly to see if he could spot his favourite. Sure enough, there it was. "Reman mollusk special," he announced happily.

"Mollusks?" Bridget asked, an eyebrow raised. "I like seafood, but I don't know I'm that daring to order it without knowing what it was going to taste like. But... well, would you give me a bite of it when it comes?"

"Sure!" Ben said with a grin. "If you're sure you'll like them. They're more like giant Terran snails than seafood, though. But the sauce they come in is DE-licious!"

"Deal. I love snails." She closed her menu and set it off to the side, having decided on ordering a French onion soup. Changing the subject, she told Ben about her conversation with Chelsea regarding Kaelin’s anorexia.

"Right. We talked about it after you left her office. She asked if thought she should try to talk to him. She said she could do it officially - as his concerned HoD, or unofficially - as a friend, or she could keep out of it if I thought that would make it worse," Ben replied. "She says we should all have a talk about him and see what we all want to do, then move on from there."

"Yeah," a grimace briefly crossed Bridget's face. "Taking an official line with Kaelin would probably go over about as well as a golf course atop a submarine." She quieted and sat in thought for a moment. "Friendly approach would more than likely be best. She's good at that sort of thing. At least she's had a lot of practice at it, with Lance. And Kaelin's nowhere near as obnoxious as that guy." At the mention of the Chief Surgeon's name, Bridget's grimace returned.

Ben's face creased into a mix of a smirk at the common feeling they both had, and a grimace to join hers. "I'm so glad I don't have to sit in her chair for too long," he agreed.

"Yeah, you and me both," Bridget nodded. Seeing the confused look on his face, she realized he hadn't understood the colloquialism. "Sorry, that was slang. I meant I didn't envy you the position you're in. Especially with what you just went through on the away team, and Jana and the baby and all. The fact that you're still vertical is an impressive feat on it's own, let alone taking on Chelsea's duties while she was away."

Ben was modest enough to turn pink at the cheekbones. "I did understand. And thank you for your kind words." he said quietly.

At that moment the person whose ears must have been burning arrived. "Hey Guys," she sighed as she sat down to join them. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"We knew it wasn't going to be easy for you to get away." Ben nodded sympathetically. "I was just saying how tough it is 'in your shoes'. I'm glad I don't have to be you too often," he smiled.

“Yeah, he’s having trouble fitting into your uniform,” Bridget joked.

"Well it's the high heels that kill..... " Chelsea smirked as she started looking at the menu, enjoying her coworker’s laughter. "Did you guys choose yet?" she asked.

"No, like the noble folk we are we waited politely for you." Ben exaggerated a little, but with a huge grin.

"Awwwwwww!" Chelsea was moved. "That's SOOO sweet! You must be starving!"

“Not too badly,” Bridget said, wearing a grin. “We gnawed at the table legs a little bit, but if they turn the table toward the wall, it won’t be noticeable.”

The waitress came over on cue.

"I'm going to have Reman Molluscs.... " Chelsea said, after some thought.

"ME TOO!" Ben exclaimed with surprise.

Wavering on indecision as the waitress looked at her, Bridget belatedly decided to join them. “Make that three.” She grinned at her coworkers and shrugged. “Might as well.”

Until the food arrived they were provided with their drinks and sat chatting. Ben was the first to break the informal dancing around the thin ice and plunged in.

"So.. how was the honeymoon, boss?" he asked nonchalantly, sipping at his drink and then pausing as the food arrived. When the waitress left and Chelsea's blush seemed to have abated he added quickly, "Intimate details excluded please! Naturally!" He grinned affably at the CMO.

"It was idyllic. The planet was almost uninhabited.... certainly the Island where we stayed was... uninhabited by humanoids at least. There were loads of little creatures and insects though.... " she shuddered at the thought and began to describe the sizable multipeds they'd had to expel......"Rick was heroic....well, he'd like me to say that but I have a suspicion he kept bringing them in so he could *save* me from them," she laughed.

Ben snickered, imagining this ploy and nodded with an impressed expression. He decided he would have to get together with the CAG and swap a few ideas over a beer or two. He was just imagining this event when a look from Chelsea caused him to cough over his current drink and straighten his face back to a suitably sympathetic look.

"How did you like your namesake?" he changed the subject hastily. "Rick's been working hard getting her spaceworthy, I understand."

Chelsea's face lost it's warm smile and turned ashen. "It's alright." she said flatly, clearly not offering whatever was making her look so pale and stretched. She began to push her food around the plate.

"You're not hungry?" Bridget asked, attempting a diplomatic approach. The mollusks were fantastic and she was glad she'd chosen to join them in making the same order. But she'd noticed the change in her friend's demeanor at the mention of the ship, and knew it wasn't the food.

"I.. I lost my appetite. It's the thought of that other Chelsea," She admitted. "I did like her at first; but Rick and I were joking about how I couldn't fly her, so I sat in the cockpit and tried to start her up, but I set off the auto-routine for her to fire at Rick, who was outside laughing. I couldn't make it abort and as it had locked the doors, I couldn't warn him, either. I really believed I was going to have to watch him die at my own hands."

She sighed and looked at each of them with a sheepish expression seeing their horrified looks. "Don't worry, it turns out he hadn't armed the weaponry yet so it was a false alarm, but I was very shaken and I learned my lesson. I told him I never want to set foot inside her again. Do you think i should try to talk it over with him? Or would that make it worse?"

"Well yeah, if you want to know what I think: you should go right back out in the Chelsea with him, toot-sweet." Bridget started to say more, then stuffed a bite of food in her mouth to prevent herself from doing so. She didn't want to upset her friend, but the way she saw it, Rick's very essence was being rejected because Chelsea didn't like the ship. Being a pilot was fused to his bones, and she'd better get that understood quick, or there was gonna be hell to pay in their relationship.

Chelsea looked seriously at her friend, sensing there was more that she wanted to say. "But.. " she began, shuddering at the thought of taking on the monsterous craft again. She had a real dread of it now.

"I was terrified. I don't often get scared that much. Usually I can cope with most stuff... in this job you have to learn to... but that was so... imagine having to believe you're watching the light of your whole life die in front of your eyes, knowing it was your fault and not being able to stop it as it counted down. It felt like it was making me wait for it. Counting..... counting.... I was screaming but it had locked the door too. It was the stuff of my worst nightmares. Watching my whole life couting down to destruction, one number at a time... taking an eternity, closer and closer....all the time helpless.... trying to make him hear, banging on the door, scrabbling, desperately trying to make duo-skinned trimetallic alloy give way to bleeding flesh...." Chelsea shivered violently as the scene ran through again on the inside of her eyes, her mind recalling every detail and every terror that she had felt. "What if...... next time the bitch might actually be loaded?"

"Chels," Bridget quickly swallowed with a hand on her friend's arm. "Hey, I apologize, I didn't mean to upset you, hun. It's just -- well, okay." She put down her fork and paused to gather her thoughts. "You know Edward's a pilot, right? It's something I learned about guys like our husbands, that they get so wrapped up in their aircraft that the beasts become a mechanical extension of who they are. There's a wierd kinda symbiotic relationship," she looked at Ben for a second before giving him a brief grin. "It's a guy thing."

"So when you rejected the Chelsea, you effectively told Rick that there was a part of him you also rejected. That's why I think you're going to have to get back in that ship and s-l-o-w-l-y learn it inside and out. You will validate your love for your husband in a deep and enduring way, because he knows you fear that ship and he'll know how hard it is for you to step foot back in her."

As she talked about showing love and support to Chelsea's husband, Bridget was confronted by how she'd been treating her own husband lately. It was a sense of sharp clarity, and it brought forth guilt, embarrassment, and shame. She pulled back her hand and picked up her fork, using the movement to disguise her features before any of that thought process showed on her face.

"I'm not saying it will be easy," she continued, both to herself and to Chelsea. "But it has to be done."

~An extension of who he is? That thing? But he's wonderful... and kind.... and caring.... and loving... and generous... and he would NEVER do anything so mean and ornery....not even as a joke....~ Chelsea's mind protested. She shook her head slowly in confusion. ~Is she saying it's a representation of his *dark side*?~ Chelsea continued to wonder silently thoughtful.

She had misread Bridget's reaction of withdrawal and her covering of her facial expression as signs that this subject of conversation was closed so she did not voice her thoughts, other than that her brow-ridges creased together in confusion as she took another forkful herself.

Ben drew in a breath at the awkward silence and decided he should start a new avenue of conversation. "Did I tell you guys that my sister was coming to stay on DS5? Her husband is an Ambassador and he's making a political visit so Lara and I are going to explore the station together! I can't wait to introduce her to Jana too." he chatted.

Bridget looked at Ben with a grateful smile, willing to pass over the uncomfortable air that had settled between herself and Chelsea. She'd think on that later; for now, the diversion to a happier topic was welcome. "Oh a diplomat in the family, huh? What race is he an ambassador to?"

"How would I know, I'm a doctor, not a zenobiologist, dammit!" Ben did a good impersonation of his hero, Dr. Leonard *Bones* McCoy and Chelsea dissolved into laughter.

"Okay Bones!" she grinned, making it clear that she had recognised the quote. "Nice that you're such an attentive brother-in-law!" she teased.

"Listen, I'm a doctor, not a good relative, dammit," Ben continued the joking while Bridget groaned. He , grinned at himself for having brought the mood back from serious to light again.

Chelsea relaxed and grinned back, "I think you deserve to spend the next week on sterilisation duties to teach you to be nice to your family!" she threatened lightly. "Is that a severe enough punishment do you think Bridget?" she drew Bree into it.

"Bedpan duty and changing diapers in NICU,", Bridget added, nodding.

"OOOH!" Chelsea smirked and nodded, apparently impressed.

Ben winced. "Hey!! No ganging up on the poor guy. I should have known better than to let myself get outnumbered by women!" He objected with a grin, taking it all in good humour, glad to have the three of them back into the banter again.

"Outnumbered? You were outnumbered before I arrived, my friend. One to one, men are always outnumbered by women. It's nature's way." she stated matter of factly as if this was an universally known and acknowledged fact.

Ben opened his mouth to add another, stronger protest.

"She's right, you know," Bridget interjected, attempting to hold a straight face. "Girls do mature faster than boys." Her lips twitched.

"Oh yeah... Riiiiiiiiiiight! THAT old chestnut!" Ben smirked, still attempting to be serious about this. "You know, that's a vicious rumour, put about by soft, inferior girls in an attempt to discredit their superiors. It's too much nonsense to be taken seriously." He countered with what would have been a saunter if he'd been standing up. It was an air of confidence and testosterone that was waving a red rag to his companions and his smirk said that he knew it.

"Oh get over yourself, big boy," Bridget laughed. "You know those hormones just eat your brain."

"Do they?" Ben put on an exaggerated alarmed look and began to pat the sides of his head to see if they were solid, making the girls collapse with laughter. His smirk and the twinkle in his eye gave away how much he loved to play the comedian and he kept them amused with a whole pantomime. The more he fooled about the more they giggled and laughed, which only encouraged him more.

"When do we get to meet your sister? I can't wait for the double act!" Chelsea laughed. Little did she know what was around the next corner!


A JP Between:

Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner)
Main Sickbay, DS5


Cmdr Chelsea Dunham
CMO & 2CO - DS5


Lt Ben Kensington
NPC - by Jools

Mmmmm, I think nothing more dramatic than three coworkers hanging out; it preps the foundation for talking about Lance and Lara.

Okies :)