Interlude – How to Lose Friends and Alienate Romulans, pt 1
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   How to Lose Friends and Alienate Romulans, pt 1
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Aug 16, 2010 @ 9:23pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD30 - late evening

Checking her reflection briefly in the glass window looking into the Box of Delights, Arrienye adjusted her belt and walked inside. It was pretty late and the place was packed with people, as it always seemed to be. Declining an offer by one of her colleagues to join him for a drink, she walked over to the bar and took a recently vacated stool to sit on. Crossing her legs, she leaned against the bar and waved over at whoever was tending bar.

The pretty Bajoran barman, Rosh Pelin, began to work his way towards her when Yolanthe appeared at the Arrain's side, placing a tray of empties onto the bar. "It's okay, Pel, I've got this." She turned to the Romulan. "What can I get you, Arrain?"

"A Caribbean sunrise, please," Arrienye ordered. As she watched Ibalin prepare the cocktail, she spoke up again. "So, I'm glad to see the vermin are taken care of," she began.

Yolanthe strained the cocktail into the hurricane glass. "You and me both. I thank every power in the universe for replicators. I wouldn't be open without them" She put the glass in front of t'Merek. "Though its going to take a few days to replace the stock i lost. little buggers."

"It's good you managed to get it done so quickly. I heard you had help," t'Merek said casually, taking a small sip of her drink.

Yolanthe smiled, more to herself than at the arrain, her body flushing to a shade of violet more pink than blue. "Of a sort. The Cardassian Ambassador decided to offer his expertise." Then the pink blurred briefly to a light orange and back to pink. "I don't think the fleeters were very impressed. He was a little enthusiastic about it."

"Yes, I've noticed he gets enthusiastic about killing things," Arrienye observed.

"A gladiatrix knows every fight might be her last," Yolanthe had a note of warning in her voice. "I know you have something against Cardassians, Arrain. But I've had nothing but charming company and good custom from all of them; I can live with a few flaws."

"Not Cardassians. Just him," Arrienye pointed out. In fact, the Romulan thought, she had a pretty good relationship with Sotar, which Yolanthe might realise if she could get her head out of the candy coloured haze her mind seemed to be in from Tharek's 'charm'.

"Really? So if it was just him, you wouldn't have chewed Sotar out in front of my entire bar a few nights ago. That was not very," she paused, searching for the word she wanted; she failed. "Nice." Her patience with the Romulan woman was beginning to stretch. She started to turn from rose to sandy yellow.

"Sotar and I have put our differences aside," Arrienye told her, sipping her drink calmly. "So, yes, my only problem is with Getal. And I think it would benefit you greatly if you open your eyes to what he's like," she added honestly.

The sand became a sunny yellow, but the Bokkai's mood was anything but sunny. "Arrain, I will admit he's not to everyone’s taste, and he can be a bit of a handful when his spirit's up, but Tharek is not-" she bit off what she was about to say. She never discussed customers with other customers. Not like this.

"A cold-blooded killing machine?" Arrienye supplied, her anger rising again, despite her trying to control it.

The bartender was leaning on the bar now, bringing her whole height to bear on the smaller woman. "Not just a cold blooded killing machine. Everyone has layers Arrain, not just what you see on the outside."

"Yes, I'm sure he's very warm and fuzzy under all that brutality and self-absorbed arrogance," Arrienye scoffed, crossing her arms to look up at Yolanthe as she tried to obviously intimidate her with the height advantage.

"As much as you are under all that viciousness and frigid bitchiness." Yolanthe shot back.

"Then you agree with my point," Arrienye smiled.

Yolanthe ground her teeth. This was not going well, and she'd just insulted a customer. "I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. And whether I find him 'warm and fuzzy' is really none of your business." She pushed herself back from the bar, and picked up a tray, ready to go in search of empties, and spat out a barely polite, "Enjoy your drink, Arrain."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Chief of Security, Romulan Consulate