Incommunicado – Sheep in Wolfs clothing
by Commander Rakka & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Sheep in Wolfs clothing
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri May 11, 2012 @ 8:09pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD57 16:00
Commander Rakka stepped off of her shuttle and breathed in the multitude of exotic scents that were familiar even after all this time. She clutched a PADD in her hand that contained Command's reply to her request--she had been enormously relieved to learn that there would be a place for her the DS5 fold. During her long journey here she had struggled with whether or not to warn Petro of her return, but it seemed fate had decided for her--she had been unable to communicate with the station at all as she approached.

Rakka realized as she entered the shuttlebay that this was obviously a station-wide issue and the place was abuzz with officers working to rectify the problem and keep track of arrivals and departures minus the usual communications.

The hulking Nausicaan steered around the little human Ensign who approached her about to blubber out a question.

"I'm expected," Rakka said. "I know my way around, thank you."

Ignoring the usual barrage of stares she tucked herself into the nearest lift and directed it toward Captain Tahir's office, breathing steadily all the way to ward off both claustrophobia and nervousness.

Standing stiffly, she hit the chime.

Tasha had arrived back to her desk only a few minutes before the chime rang. She looked up and through the glass saw a huge silhouetted figure. She decided that whilst had the mammoth task of arranging the repair teams to ensure the Pollux was back up and running and science teams to extract the data from the chips, she could do with a little diversion, no matter how small. As she was about to press the door release, the annunciator sounded again.

~Patience ~ Tasha thought as she pressed her console and the door swung open.

Tashas' brow dropped as the Nausicaan strode in and Tasha did not recognise the officer who moved towards her.

Rakka stopped and dropped her shoulders a little, growing suddenly bashful at the expression on Tasha's face.

"C-Captain...?" she managed, pausing to clear her throat. "Commander Rakka... reporting for duty."

Tashas' brow dropped even further as she studied the face of the Nausicaan. Her hand came to her mouth and seemed to push her mouth upward as he hand clamped underneath her jaw. If this was a joke, she was not laughing as she bit her bottom lip. "Rakka!" She exclaimed as she shook her head, dropping her hands to her lap and pushing back into her chair unsure as to why the Commander had come to DS5. "Really Rakka?" She questioned again and now could see in her eyes that it was indeed. "Wow!" She rose from her chair, not sure what to say or do and then the 'reporting for duty' sunk in. "Are you back?" She asked as she rounded the desk and sat on the edge for fear of falling and then asked the most moronic of questions. "Why?"

Rakka blinked dumbly, a spear of worry plunging through her at the Captain's complete shock. "I..." she stammered, and stopped, pulling out her PADD and handing it to Tasha. "I'm s-s-sorry, I.... thought you... knew I was coming. The reasons I left are.... no longer a concern... so I requested a place here."

The only time Tahir recalled Rakka stammering was with Petro. She took the PADD, her eyes not leaving Rakka as she shook her head with a slowness. "Communication problems." She began as she stood. "Please, sit down." Tasha offered as she stepped aside and glanced down at the PADD before placing it on the desk behind her and idly scratched at her temple.

"Sorry Rakka, I never expected to see you back here, you left ... "She trailed off as she turned her back and sough the comfort of her chair. "You left in a hurry." She was going to explain the rumours she had heard but decided that what was in the past, was best left there. "But that does not mean that it is not ..." She paused, trying to find a better word than nice, "...good to see you back." She eased her self into her chair and if she did not know better, she was sure that there tears in Rakkas eyes and it made Tasha feel some sorrow for her.
"There is always a place here, but I don't have a position for a security officer at the moment." She shrugged her shoulders having not even read the transfer orders.

Rakka took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I... I understand," she replied breathlessly. "I'll serve in any way I can... even if it's just... staying out of the way. This is where I want to be. If you could possibly... find a small corner for me to stay..... I don't need much space."

Tasha didn't know whether to be saddened, happy or downright angry. This was not the Rakka she knew but she also knew now was not the time to push anybody, whether they were human or Nausicaan. Rakka was clearly out of sorts, no strength in her. She had obviously been through something and only time would bring her back to herself and only then, when she was ready, would she tell anybody what had happened to her. She so wished that communications were normal and she could press a button and discover what it was that had brought Rakka back to Deep Space five, but she could not.
She let out the breath that Rakka had taken in.

"I know what we can do for you and it won't be a small corner. You are after all, a Starfleet Commander and you still have friends on this station. There is more than enough room on the twenty fourth." She offered, knowing there were at least three rooms that were unoccupied in the Officers wing on deck twenty four.
"As for a position, I'll come up with something." The Captains hand slid across the table and with a single finger, drew the PADD across the table. As she leant back, she slid open the desk draw and dropped the device into it for reading later. "So give me an hour or so and I'll find something suitable for you." Tasha promised. "First though," She smiled as she leant forward pushing to a close the draw, knowing that she could do a little something to ease Rakkas burden and she felt that as conniving as it was, that this would be something that would help.
"First though, report to medical, get yourself checked out, or rather checked in." She said knowing that Petro would be there, under the watchful eye of the doctor, Chelsea. "We'll make that your first order." Her brow raised in hope.

~Damned sickbay.....~ Rakka's jaw clenched up for a moment, her dark, deep eyes showing a little of the old fire. "Aye... Captain," she replied, suppressing a growl as she glared down at the desk. She took a moment to calm her voice as she glanced back up at Tasha. "I should say I, uh... am glad you are still in command here. And that you are well. I suppose the current Security team is holding things together well enough."

Tasha didn't miss the spark. Was it because of the order, or just because it as sickbay she wondered.
"For all my sins," She responded, "but yes, still here and been through the wringer a few times too. As for the current security, had you arrived just a few hours earlier, you would have beaten the new security chief..." She took a breath. "As for your replacement, I put Commander Gabriel in charge of security, more as a challenge, but he surprised me, all of us, by showing he was more than capable of running the secuirty department," Her smile widened, "especially where Major Darson was concerned." Then her smile dropped and it was her turn to look into the desk top to avoid displaying the guilt in her eyes.
She sniffed and rubbed her nose. "Only a few days ago, Dorian was removed from his position. You'll hear rumours, so I guess I'll give you the outline and truth." She grunted a sigh as she clasped her hands together and lay them on the desk.

Tasha recanted Dorians actions whilst he was in office, the aftermath of the Romulan attack and then the excuse for trial and the charges he had faced for supposedly murdering his fiancée and the result. She did not however, tell Rakka about her lack of support for her CSO during his lowest ebb. "... and so he out there, trying to clear his name. I don't know what the new chief is like, I have only spoken to him briefly but you'll get to meet him soon enough."

Rakka let out a huff. She remembered Dorian Gabriel, of course--and she didn't remember many good things. He certainly wouldn't have been among her potential choices for a replacement Security Chief, but she couldn't entirely discount him if he had the ability to deal with Major Darson, a man she remembered as a bizarrely-behaved buffoon who snuck about in some sort of superhero costume.

"Well, I certainly hope he'll have the skills to tame the proverbial circus," the Nausicaan remarked. "And let me assure you in advance... I should have no trouble serving beneath another Chief. A position of leadership is something I accept out of necessity... not a goal for me."

Tasha smiled. In the quarter of an hour they had sat and talked, Rakka had come from unsurity to near normal. It must have been the caslming air that Tasha portrayed, or at least that is what she chided herself as she rose from the chair.
"I am sure you will not," Tasha replied as she extended forth her hand, unsure herself, if Rakka would take it, "but now, you have an appointment with medical." She urged.

Rakka shrank back a little from the hand. "I suppose I do..." she muttered. Not wanting to be impolite, she drew up her courage and gave Tasha's hand one brief shake before retreating back into her own personal bubble of space. "Good day, Captain."


Captain Tasha Tahir
Commander Rakka