Beg, Steal or Borrow – Count down
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Count down
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Aug 18, 2009 @ 8:48pm
Location   Intel Office, Cheif of station
Timeline   sd 10 0730
Jarred was sitting at this desk, Admiral Morgan was due in 90 minutes to supervise the exercise. Jarred was going over final checks before the Admiral arrived whe he was interupted by an incoming comm signal. "Wallace here."

"Jarred, this is Morgan, I need to speak with you."

"Is this about the wargame or something else?"

"Can you fill me in on these alligations of collaberation with Romulans?"

"Collaberation?" jarred was puzzled

"Yes an officer has made several accusations about collaberation or some other kind activites innvolving the Romulan population on the station."

Jarred rolled his eyes and looked at the Admiral "Dorian Gabriel again, the only Romulan that there is collaberation with is the Squadron CAG, and shes an expatriot."

"What about the Ambassador?"

"I know there being friendly but nothing that I would call collaboration, but then again, this place is starting to become an armed camp now with Cadassians and Klingons on the station, I'm not happy about it, I'm even more annoyed that this JAG officer has a snitch on the loose."

Admiral Morgan looked at Jarred then spoke in thoughtful tone "Jarred, if this starts to turn into a witch hunt I want you to do nothing."

"I'll do that Admiral." Jarred was confused, but knew better than to challenge the Admiral on this.

"If this war game goes the way I think its going to, I'm going to fully support your proposal about bringing the Thunder out of stoarage." Moragn paused "I'll see you in 90 minutes, Morgan out."


Vice Admiral Curtis Morgan (NPC)

Lt. Jarred Wallace