Time is Fleeting – Puncture Repair Kit
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Puncture Repair Kit
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Mon Oct 26, 2009 @ 1:54am
Location   Commander Villiers Office
Timeline   SD15 21:00- as Dunham disappears into the anomaly


"Anyway. It appears that this anomaly is a subspace temporal flexure. Something has caused a rupture in space time. The resultant opening or aperture is pumping out chroniton radiation like nothing I've ever seen. A small amount of thoron radiation is also leaking into adjacent space. Not only this, but the flexure has caused a localised gravimetric disturbance. I suggest you recall all ships to safe distance while we figure out what to do."

+ Near the Anomaly +

=^=Errrr Dunham to deep space five. I hate to be problem but I'm being dragged into the anomaly and can't get out=^=

Unbeknown to Dunham, it would be a few minutes before the transmission would make it to DS5 as he had already began to experience the time slip.


"Recall ships?" Davies questioned, "We would if we could contact any!" He exclaimed, looking at Commander Villiers make herself comfortable in the chair that seemed far to big for and for some reason, it made him smile.

He wanted to stand up and walk to the large picture window that encompassed the Ops area, but the Commanders window was higher up and much smaller than his own. He continued, his attention coming back to Tovon.
"Can your array double as a communication device?" He asked thoughtfully.

Greo stared at the commander for a few seconds. The idea had never crossed his mind, and yet suddenly the schematic of the device buzzed through his head. Relays, transtators and isolinear chips flipped through his mind.

"I see what you're thinking Commander. The chroniton radiation could be the cause of a phase discrimination error in our communication systems." Again Greo got a faraway look in his eyes.

Something caught the corner of the Commanders eye and David turned to Bruce, who was looking a little tired and was rocking on his feet.
"Lieutenant, are you OK?" He asked softly giving a slight nod of his head to Karen

Bruce turned toward the command officers. "Yes, just trying to keep awake. Didn't sleep well last night." He held up his arm. "Still bugging me a little bit. I'll be fine just ignore my abnormal behavior."

Greo shook his head, as if waking up suddenly. "Yes, yes! It might be possible sir, but I'd need a portable transmitter. An emergency subspace beacon might do it. I might be able to dismantle it and use the Tempus Array as a signal modulator. The only problem would be that I'd need more power routed through to Astrometrics. And it might not work, I've been working on it for a few days now but the array has only been online for the last hour."

"You can have all the power you need, Freeman can help, if he is up to it." He offered on behalf of the CEO.

"Thank you Commander, but the issue still remains that we should attempt to seal this rupture in space time as soon as possible. With chroniton radiation leaking into the localised area and with the intermittent temporal nature of the flexure we could be looking at spatially isolated time dilation events. Sir this could cause quite a lot of disruption on the station, we need to seal it."

Greo looked back at the computer panel, as he did an idea began to form in his mind. He brought up a 3d representation of the local area. The station sat in the middle and the smudge of the anomaly dominated the right hand side of the screen. Three highlighted areas appeared on the station.

"I think I might have an idea on how to do this."

Not for the first time wished she was faced with something familiar, like an angry judge or a legal loophole, however she was not going to give ammunition to parties that derided her as nothing more than a paper pusher, "Mister Tovon, tell me the impact of that action, and the alternatives - let's not grab the edges of the tear and pull if we don't have to."

She did not know how many others shared her concern that precipitous action might exacerbate the problem; she trusted the Cardassian's abilitiies, but she wanted to be sure that what ever they did now was the right course of action.

"Commander, this flexure is what I would classify as a Class 1 radiative intermittent, cascading anomaly. The interaction of extreme levels of radiation with biological and neurological systems as well as technological assets within the station could lead to unexpected results. We need to close it somehow, but you are right. Our method of subspace interaction and refabrication must be precise. We wouldn't want to exacerbate..."

Petro listened to the engineer speak and it was like learning a new language. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but could you say that in layman's terms?" She asked. "Are the dots areas that pose a threat?"

Greo stopped as the J'Naii spoke. He realised he had slipped into techno talk again. He had to remember that discussing these issues with his colleagues was very different to writing his scientific reports. He took a deep breath.

"Sorry. I get carried away sometimes. Basically, measurements of the anomaly taken by the Tempus Array have allowed me to determine that this anomaly is growing, albeit slowly. As it grows it will be able to emit more radiation. This schematic shows components for a possible solution."

Tovon moved over to the screen and pointed at the highlighted areas.

"The first is the Tempus Array, which I will need to reconfigure for communications as well as setting it up to read the fluctuations in the anomaly as we close it. The second is the main tractor beam array, which we might be able to configure to emit a tachyon pulse into the anomaly. The third is one of the tricobalt device launchers. These weapons are of a high explosive index and are close to crossing the subspace threshold anyway. If timed right the combination of the tachyon pulse tuned by the array with the force of a tricobalt explosion could lead to the reconstitution of the fabric of local subspace."

Greo looked around at the gathered faces, the burden of the moment building on his shoulders. They were looking to him for answers, solutions. He was the one with the knowledge and his nerves were starting to build.

"Unless anyone has an alternative?"

"The floor is all yours, Tovon," Karen said with a nod, "Let's get it sewn up."

"Agreed." Added David as a confirmation.

"Fair enough commander." Greo looked back at the image of the station and the anomaly. "I think we need three teams then. I can head to Astrometrics and get the array connected up for comms and for targeting the tachyon pulse. The second team needs to reprogram the main tractor beam to emit tachyons, which might take a bit of engineering know-how. Finally we need someone at tactical ready to fire the tricobalt devices. They will need to set the explosive warheads to the exact output that I will determine through Tempus. All three things will need to be done as soon as possible and their final output will definitely need to be co-ordinated simultaneously." He looked back at the commander, she had seemed the most level-headed person in the crew so far. "I will head to Astrometrics, if you want to organise the other duties. Commander?"

"Other duties?" David asked with a lopsided grin. "Lieutenant Freeman will assist you as I stated previously, whilst we try to ascertain what effect this radiation is having upon the station. I want us brought up to a tertiary alert status and shields are ........"

=^= "Commander, we have a situation with Blue Delta team." =^= The voice of the man at operations called through.

Davies was cut off mid sentence by the communicade.

=^= "Elaborate Mr Harris." Davies replied.

=^= "Sir, I am unable to. One moment the flight were on our scanners then the three of them just disappeared. I have no explanation or theory sir." He responded, sounding apologetic.

Davies looked at the expectancy on the faces in the XOs office. Karen on the other hand, appeared quite serene, as if this was a normal operation for her.

=^= "No theory or explanation!" Davies remarked, "Well find someone who can Mr Harris. Davies out." =^= He closed the channel, dismayed at the report and for the apparent lack of answers. His hand wiped down from his brow and fell onto his chest as frustration began to gnaw at him like a ravenous animal.

"I was about to say that Deep Space 5 continues as normal, but obviously we cannot allow any ships to leave the station. Mr Tovon, your plan has just been prioritised to primary status. We need to seal that rift, or at least do something to lessen its effect." Turning to Bruce, he hardly stopped for a breath. "Lieutenant Freeman, prepare the station for movement."

David could see the look of horror on the Engineer's face at the order.

Movement! Karen thought as she clamped her teeth on the slick skin inside her cheek, she had her 'court-face' on, it gave away nothing of what she really thought, but even she may have let escape a hint of alarm at the prospect.

"Your serious aren't you?" Bruce asked the rhetorical question instantly waking up knowing he was serious. He thought of who he had available, it was fewer because of the team that had been hurt because of the explosion. "You will have to give me a day before we can even think about starting to move. And once we do we will only be able to move at 1/40th impulse."

"Not possible Lieutenant. I want this station ready to move by morning. We have to put some distance between us and that anomaly. We have just lost 3 fighter craft and I am not prepared to lose any more." Davies shifted in his seat, feeling a little uncomfortable as well as tired. "If that means we have to get out and push, then metaphorically speaking, that is exactly what we will do."

"Commander I would advise against moving the station at this moment," Greo interrupted, even though he wasn't aware such a thing was possible, "with the anomaly growing at this rate the gravimetric and temporal distortions may spread to the station proper. Moving such a vast object that has different regions under these conditions could prove extremely hazardous."

Davies was about to reply when Harris called through again.

=^= "Commander, can you come to Ops, its an emergency." =^=

Davies stood and jumped to the window and his eyes went straight to the viewscreen to see the explosion in mid blast.
"That's not possible!" He exclaimed with a look of confusion on his face.

The explosion was taking place and was evident on the screen, but it was in slow motion. Davies tapped his comm as he looked down on Harris.

=^= "Have you slowed down a the playback?" He quizzed.

Harris didn't reply, he didn't need to but stood at his console looking up at the commander who now looked at him and he slowly shook his head from left to right and back again.

=^= "Are you saying that that is in real time?"

=^= "No sir, it is not real time, but what your seeing there is live." =^= Harris informed David.
The Commander turned to Tovon and beckoned him over with a curl of his finger.

"Any explanation?" He asked with a nod to the viewer now behind him.

"Well," Greo took a deep breath, his mind racing at the possibilities, "I think it's safe to assume we are seeing the result of temporal proliferation in the anomaly region causing a time dilation effect. Basically the anomaly is pumping 'time' into the local area, spreading out events in local space. This is effectively slowing down events, from our perspective. It's likely the pilots have no idea this is happening."

Greo was sure the Commander was aware of the consequences, but he didn't want to alarm any others. If events were already in motion he had little time to get to Astrometrics and start the sealing process. Even though he tried to remain calm, as small amount of worry tinged his words.

"Commander, I should get to Astrometrics."

Davies nodded as Greo stood and waited to be dismissed.
"In a minute. We have several problems here and we must make sure the station is properly shielded against that." He said pointing to the growing explosion on the viewer. "Lieutenant Freeman, can you alter the shield to give us some form temporal shielding whilst Lieutenant Tovan works on sealing this rift in time?" He asked

"What can I do to help?" Petro asked. "Those areas are clear of population and if the station does get immersed in that thing then I'm not sure anywhere will be safe."

Davies agreed. "I don't think any of us are safe." He said turning his attention back to the two lieutenants.

Greo looked from the commander to Freeman. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath. Suddenly a thought came to him.

"Sir, if I can realign the Tempus Array to measure the fluctuations in the chroniton radiation emissions as would be needed to seal the rift that data might be useful in manipulating the shield nutation. It could mean we could manually adjust the shields to protect against, well this." He said pointing at the screen.

Bruce played with his beard a little bit while thinking. "In theory it should work. It would at least give us a little more time to get the station prep'ed for transport."

Greo started moving toward the turbolift. "Well commander if there is nothing else, I'd say time is of the essence. I should get back...."

"I'll send out the notices so people don't panic." Petro said, heading to the door. She stopped after a few steps. "Unless there is something else you require of me."

"Nothing more," Karen said, once they'd solved the issue she was, however going to invite the little woman out for a drink, she herself had once been considered shy and it was only a matter of attitude and expectation that could turn an uncut diamond into a blaze of light.

Davies shook his head. "Nope, carry on Lieutenant, Ensign." He said standing, looking at the eager officers intent on their course of actions, not saying 'Dismissed' but hoped he didn't have to say so.
He held out a hand and lay it on Karens shoulder, just resting, not pressuring her in any way but signally his need for her to stay.


SIGN OFF GUYS - this is ready to post

Commander David Davies

Ensign Petro

Lt. Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt. Bruce Freeman

In Sickbay - Lt JG Jarred Wallace