Things Past – Tip of the Iceberg: Part 6 - Dealing With Ferengi
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Tip of the Iceberg: Part 6 - Dealing With Ferengi
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Mon May 23, 2011 @ 7:46pm
Location   Enlisted Crew Barracks
Timeline   Backpost (Interlude)

Jennings was still visibly shaken, even weeks after visiting Alpha Mensae. Several of his friends and crewmates had noted how he looked tired all the time. He had gone to medical for a checkup, and they hand found a hyper-increased count of cellular free radicals in his left hand. Though he didn't look any different, this was a telltale sign of accelerated aging. This investigation was begining to take a physical toll.

This investigation was begining to take a monetary toll as well. Even under the reformations of Negus Rom, the Ferengi alliance held nothing more sacred than currency. Anything, any information, was available for the right price. Jennings had put out feelers with some contacts on the station. His impressions were that whatever information he was seeking wasn't held in any special regard by the Ferengi, as it appeared to be with the Federation and the Romulans. In fact the difficulty was quite the opposite. Nobody cared, and what he sought had been lost to obscurity.

He'd had to pay for clerks to look up the details involving some obscure tax writeoff involving a ship that went missing. A search of Ferengi archives did pull up a name of a D'Kora class Marauder, the Genasteo, that matched the letters he had seen on the wreckage. Likewise, the ship had gone missing in 2379, much to the chagrin of the owners.

Apparrently, there had been a single survivor, some lowly peon named Telkare, whom had been incarcerated by the Federation for some period of time in 2379 for undisclosed reasons. Upon his extradition to Ferenginar, the Board of Liquidators had interrogated him mercilessly about why the ship had gone missing. The information from that was proprietary, and thus that much more expensive. Rather than waste time and money, Crewman Jennings decided instead to put his security skills to work and track down the surviving Ferengi himself.

Even that had been a test. Apparently the blame for the ship disappearing had been pinned on him and he had been sent to a Ferengi debtor's prison. Records showed he had bought his way out, but it had left him practically destitute. Having suffered the lowest form of shame in Ferengi culture, this lone survivor had all but fallen off the grid.

Jennings had hired a private investigator in Ferengi space to track him down. He had hoped to tempt him out telling the investigator to tell Telkare he sought to pay him just for the opportunity at conversation. The investigator had reported back that he had found Telkare, and that Jenning's offer had been refused. The agressive reluctance of this particular Ferengi to hear out an offer of profit Vexed the Crewman, but he tried not to let this discourage him.

He considerid things for a time, realising that this Survivor had potentially witnessed on event too horrible to imagine for most residents of the Alpha and Beta Quandrants. His own kind had only greetied him with scorn, and Jennings figured that if a carrot wouldn't draw him out, maybe a feint would. He called the investigator back and told him to give Telkare one final message. After this, the ball would be out of Jennings' court.

"Tell him I know what happened..."


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