Beg, Steal or Borrow – Ship Parts
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Ship Parts
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon May 25, 2009 @ 10:19am
Location   Cheif Engineers Office
Timeline   2000 Hrs
Bruce entered his office and sat down at his chair. He kicked his feet up onto his desk and started to doze off. He eventually fell into a deep sleep. It had been a long little while and was glad to have some rest even if it would only be for a few moments. He was interrupted with a chirp alerting him to someone requesting access to his office. He looked up and saw that it he was wearing a uniform showing he was from the stations garrison of fighter pilots.


Dunham smartened up his uniform before entering the office. He entered the room taking it all in. He looked at the officer in front of him. Lt Freeman seemed tired to him something he could empathize with. The DS5 fighter element had been flying cap and doing reckies since the Romulan attack in case of reprisal. None of them had got much rack time recently. Dunham tried a to smile. "Sir. LT Richard Dunham. Squadron Leader. I...Um need a favour of you and your team sir?"

Bruce's eyes widened afraid to ask what what the favor was going to be. Of course he was behind with his work as it was but he knew that he would be in trouble if he didn't. He sat up straightened his tunic. "Of course Lt. Dunham. Come in and take a seat, what can we down here in Engineering do for you?"

"Thank You" said the pilot with a smile to try and relax the situation. He took a seat. "Chief basically what I'm looking for are ship parts for my fighter element. The deck crews are struggling with repairs and a shortage of spear parts. So the Wing Commander can't get as many birds in the air and that lowers are defense capacity, is their anything you could do to help us out?

Bruce picked up a Padd and started looking through some different data charts he had. As of now he couldn't spare any time replicating fighter parts since the replicators were being used to make parts for the Freedom and the Station herself. He then noticed a error in one of the charts. "Hmm, I didn't think I would be able to do it for a while but luckily we have a new recruit doing the time allocation charts and has double booked a time slot. I have a replicator that will be able to give you spare parts free for about two hours every other day." He then turned to the computer in his desk and pulled up his crew's time schedules. "However I am not so lucky with being able to give you a full Engineering repair crew. I can spare two maybe three people during the hours you have the replicator. I know its not much but all the damage has set us back quite a bit."

Dunham smiled "Thank You Mr Freeman. That's more than enough. It's really the parts that count. I can get the Deck Chief to maybe do a shift around on the duty rosta to get more men in around those time. I can appreciate how much hard work yur team has to put in at the mo."

"Thank you for that. Not many people seem to think that, want a replicator fixed so they don't need to walk into another room. They think its more important than making sure that the station has defenses." He shook his head, "They don't realize that no defenses on the station means no replicators period because the station would be gone."

"True. True. So how long have you been on the station Mr Freeman?"

"I haven't been keeping track, but I think about a year now. How about yourself?"

"I only Just got here. The moment i stepped off the transporter it's been manic. I have seen more action, plot and adventure in the las few days than in a year at my last posting. Is it always like this?"

"Sometimes the days are better than others." Freeman chuckled. There was a beeping as another problem came in through the computer. "If you will excuse me I am needed back checking the work of my crew. If I don't the temporary CO will be breathing down my throat."

"Its been great Mr Freeman. And Thank You again for the Parts. When the chance Comes I will buy you a beer as thanks" Said Dunham with a smile and twinkle in his eye.

"I'll pass on the beer but will take you up on your offer with another drink." Freeman said splitting away from Dunham and going down the opposite way to check on his crew.


Lt. Freeman

Lt. Dunham
Squadron Leader DS5