Beg, Steal or Borrow – Off the grid
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Off the grid
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Jul 26, 2009 @ 3:51pm
Location   In Orbit of Cardassia Prime
Timeline   During the invasion of Cardassia prime
Jarred and a platoon of both Klingon and Star Fleet marines stood in the drop bay getting ready to board their hopper and join the landing on Cardassia. He'd been waiting for this moment for six agonizing weeks; he'd managed to put his unit on the group that would assault the Dominion guard unit that was responsible for the massacre of the 135th Marine Division.

Jarred had hand picked his unit for this mission, The five Klingons and six marines that made up his squad had all worked with him before, and all of them knew that this wasn't war this was vengeance, this enemy unit was the one that had earned a death mark, and Jarred was going to fulfill this debt of honor to his brother and brother marines or die trying.

The drop master called Jarreds' unit next, the twelve men sat down and got ready, they all knew their jobs, and they all knew that there was no coming back if they failed. One of the Klingons walked over to Jarred and handed him a d'k tahg, he acknowledged the Klingon. Now it was on, the hopper dropped out of the bottom of the Excalibur class ship and began it decent in to the atmosphere.

"Two minutes." The pilot said

The squad stood up and readied there weapons, the low hum of disruptors and phaser rifles powering up along with the clank of blade weapons and ballistic weapons being readied filled the squad bay. As the hopper landed the air was filled with smoke, fire, and weapons fire of every kind, the assault ramp dropped and the squad exited, being greeted with Jemhidar disruptor fire.

Jarred and another marine fired into the formation allowing the rest of the squad to disembark, one marine shouldered a Mark 16 missile launcher and fired into the bunker that was firing at them, the missile flew fast and hard into the bunker exploding in a brilliant orange and red fire ball, to his left Jarred saw a squad of Jemhidar approaching, he pointed to them and the squad switched focus too the approaching enemy.

The dominion troops were at a full charge, the marine support weapons team fired into the approaching formation cutting down six of the eight troops approaching, Jarred lifted his rifle and fired, the approaching Jemhidars' head exploded in a hail of brain blood and bone, a few meters away a Klingon was in a knife fight with the remaining jemhidar, Jarred pulled out the d'k tahg dagger and drove the blade into the base of the alien warriors skull killing it instantly.

"Lets' move out!, we still have a command bunker to take out, Ka'Vet, Johnson take point. Ayers get Mothership on the comm tell them mission accomplished."

As the squad marched forward they could see the surrounding country side burning, fires and smoke billowing up from the nearby city, Jarred looked at his second in command Nevik, and said "Lets get moving, the last report I had was that Cardassian units have turned on the Dominion we could use this to our advantage, our supply drop is 4 clicks that way." he said pointing in the direction they were already marching.


Jarred Wallace