Interlude – Black Roses
by Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Black Roses
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu Aug 26, 2010 @ 4:08pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Arboretum
Timeline   Midnight after 'That Pesky Padd'
Denat had a cloak draped over him, concealing his face and his body. He resembled the infamous Moriarty. Exiting the turbo-lift, he placed 3 Umbreon Daffodils at the vacant reception desk with card that said "Handpicked from the Arboretum."

Denat made a quick getaway and managed to enter the same lift he left, without the door closing.

"Arboretum" He instructed and the computer obeyed. He removed the cloak and folded it neatly into his hand. The lift door opened and a small walk was set in front of Denat to the synthesized garden, where he waited for Isha, by the Chamelia.


When the flowers were brought to her Isha was in her apartment.

"We checked for devices," the night receptionist explained, "but its only flowers ... and a card."

Isha took the card, reading it as she spoke, "And you did not see who delivered this? I thought we were maintaining a full security presence," she said.

"I had stepped into the office for a moment. The guards were on hand but as the force field was on ..."

He stopped speaking as the ambassador fed him a hard, cold stare. "Don't ever give me excuses," she said, "This lapse will be reported. Now find my bodyguard, I cannot sleep and I wish to take a walk," she ordered imperiously. Isha knew who the flowers were from, she was expecting them, but she did not like it that they could be delivered without their courier being seen.


"Meran," Isha said as she approached their meeting place, her bodyguard a respectable distance away. "Are you here?"

The familiar ruffle of leaves was heard like their last encounter, but this time it was just the breeze, and Denat was walking around the synthesized lake with his hands in his pockets.

He approached Isha slowly and bowed. "Ambassador," he greeted.

"I confess that I was surprised to hear from you so soon," Isha said the thought of the outrage their prank had caused Getal still brought a smile to Isha's face.

"I'am eager to know what else it is I must do for your help." He dove straight to his business. "Have you thought anything for me?"

Isha tilted her head to one side, birdlike, as though thinking, "Would you be able to provide me with a schematic diagram of Getal's embassy?" in a tone that suggested her request was no more consequential than if she were asking him to lend her a novel.

"That is completely within my capabilities. How shall I get it you, is the question." Denat responded.

"Perhaps you might transmit the schematics via the padd you left for me," Isha suggested, letting him know that she had worked that part out. "The question for me is what is our next move. I am more than willing to come up with little ways to give the impression that I have access to his embassy, but it will be of little purpose if it is discovered that you are the one doing it. We can only play games for so long," she continued, "You are considering murder, whilst I am claiming revenge. What would you propose next?"

"I am not considering murder, many would call it mercy." Denat tried not to sound like a crusader. "But next, i would suggest that we give him something to worry about." Denat began to conjure a plan. "We need more people for this: It won't work otherwise. Do you have anyone you can trust?" Denat asked.

Isha could have quibbled about that. Had one of her staff been considering her assassination she would think it nothing short of a conspiracy for murder regardless of the motivation behind it. As it was, Isha could not deny that the quadrant would be a better place without Getal in it so she let it pass. "I have advanced my plans," she told him, "your ambassador is not a popular man among my friends and acquaintances, or in the wider populace I think. There are several people I can call upon. Tell me what it is you wish them to do, and I will find the right person to do it." Isha could share only a fraction of her wider plan, but if she could find a way to put one of her pieces into play, then she would.

"First, someone needs to grab his attention, anything to do with 'the Plague of Cardassia' would do it. Second, while Getal is occupied, someone must bug his office, I can do that. I have someone who can do the rest. Everything must run like an oiled engine." Denat warned.

"I understand the risk," Isha said. She had been certain that as his cold blade touched her neck Getal was about to cut her throat before he changed his mind and raped her instead. She had little doubt that he would snap the neck of a traitor if he was found out. "The Plague of Cardassia?" she asked. "Why?"

"He's so patriotic." Denat pointed out. "Any bad words and it will undoubtably annoy him."

Isha sighed and sat unceremoniously on the grass. "I am no expert on Cardassian history. Sit down, and save my time by telling me what it means," she said patting the grass beside her.

"Ambassador, we have little time to discuss race relations. We can discuss history on a more, formal meeting, but now, we have pressing issues. "Who will be working with us?" Denat asked: This had to be planned, tonight.

"I choose to discuss it here," Isha replied, "Please learn to see what is not obvious. The members of my guard is positioned appropriatly to maintain the dampening feild. Sit, and we may talk here. At least appear to passers by that we are friends."

"Fine. What exactly do you want to know." whatever it was that Isha wanted to know, she wanted to know now, and Denat felt obliged to feed her the information.

He was obviously frustrated with her so Isha chose to explain first why she wanted to know. "You have told me that this event, this 'Plague of Cardassia' is a touchy subject with him, if I am to understand his psychology and the impact it will have on him I need to know why. A brief outline will suffice," she told Meran.

Many many years ago, Cardassia became so corrupt that any action taken by anyone would be dealt with as a severe act of treason against the people. Eventually turmoil engulfed and overwhelmed absolutely everyone, leaving Cardassia politically inert, and due to the sudden surge, defenceless, from all angles of warfare. Tharek hated that era of our people and suppresses its very existence." Denat informed.

Isha released a thoughtful sigh as she rolled her lower lip between her teeth, the more they could do to destabilise him, the more likely he was to make a mistake. She had come up with another way to emphasise her continuing presence and power. "You still have some of those Kotra pieces I gave you?"

"Of course, you gave me several. I still have a few that fell from the table before they were smashed. They are in my quarters. Why?" Denat asked.

"I'm imagine you are familiar with the bar owned by Getal's whore," she said, Isha had not forgotten that, piece of information that t'Merek had given her. "I am sure that she keeps a special bottle of kanar just for him," she mused. "Slip one in his drink ... no, better still find a way to put one inside the bottle, that way you will likely not be present," she said. "Some form of transporter device should be able to transfer the piece into the unopened bottle and then one day when it is poured he'll find it in his drink, hopefully when he chokes on it."

"Ambassador, you are an incredibly devious woman." He applauded her technique. "I shall work on that right away."

"How wonderful!" Isha said with a thoughtful smile, "I shall remain here just a little longer," she said picking a blade of grass with a sharp pinch between her fingertips. "Goodnight, Meran," she said her gaze turning to some inner thought that only she could see.