Interlude – Doctors' Orders
by Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Doctors' Orders
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Jun 07, 2010 @ 2:33am
Location   Dr Milarno's Quarters
Tag   (4)

Ryan had left the Cardassian consulate for his training, which he was keeping very secret, he was quite tired, he headed to Chelsea's quarters for their weekly tea session, before starting a short shift in sickbay so that he could get back into the swing of things. When he arrived he tapped the panel at the side of the door and waited for her reply.

Chelsea was under medical instructions from Ryan to rest after the concussion at the hands of the Terrorist Tan'Rek. She was obliged to do as her doctor instructed, even if she outranked him. Medical took priority. She knew she'd not been resting, it bored her so much. She was glad of some company and maybe it might be Rick back. She rushed to the door to open it but the rushing made her head spin and she was wobbly as it opened.

“Sorry to disappoint...wasn’t who you were expecting” he smirked. He grabbed her arm to steady her. “Good job I brought my med kit...” he sighed. “Come on...sit down...honestly I don’t even think I need to ask this question because I know you and I know you won’t have been resting” he told her as he led her to the couch.

Chelsea was too dizzy to argue so she let herself be led and looked a bit sheepish.
"Ry, you *know* how bored i get" she complained weakly, knowing he was right and knowing he knew he was and that he knew that she knew he was.

He opened his med kit and took out a hypospray, he removed the current vial and inserted a new one that would deal with her dizziness, and he injected it into her neck. "I don't care, how bored you get, I gave you an order" he was serious.

Chelsea looked up at the eyes she had once wanted to spend her life drowning in. He was still capable of making her do as she was told. There were few alive who could. Usually, although she wouldn't be confrontational, she would find a way of getting her own way somehow. With Ryan however, there was some special chemistry that made her give in to him. It hadn't always been a healthy part of their relationship; in retrospect she could see that now. Perhaps it was part of what went wrong. She didn't really know but she did sit still and allow herself to be reprimanded, making suitable promises to comply this time.

"How long do I have to rest for?" She knew the answer.

"Until I say so, which will be when I'm certain that your head injury is healed" he told her as he closed his med kit and sat back.

Chelsea stuck out her tongue in a childish gesture and laughed.

"You know, I could become Captain of this station and I'd STILL never outrank you, would i?" she smiled. "It's a state of mind."

Ryan smiled. "If you wanted too, you would"

Chelsea shrugged, a smirk playing around her lips. She didn't have to answer.

Ryan nodded. "Actually yeah it does..." he said before standing and walking to the replicator. " hot pot of tea and two mugs..." his order materialised within seconds and he picked the tray up and he took it back to the sofa and set it down on the coffee table.

"In that case, i should have got myself bashed more often!" she grinned.

Ryan frowned. "No...I don't think so" he laughed as he picked up a mug and handed it to her.

"Thanks" she responded, taking the mug. "Awww. But if it gets me waited on?"

Ryan smirked. "Don't get used to this..." he laughed as he took his mug and made himself comfortable, he knew
Chelsea well enough to know she wouldn’t mind.

Chelsea not only didn't mind, she was very happy that he was still able to be comfortable around her.

"What relieved your boredom reports?" he chuckled.

Chelsea blushed. "Dancing" she muttered, honestly because there was no point lying to him but embarrassed because of the subject. "I was only just trying out ballet because it seems serene and restful and I knew i wouldn't be allowed to throw myself around like i usually do. I have a tutorial.... " she showed him the long cylindrical data stick that she'd been playing. She had no idea how he would react, considering their past.

Ryan didn't want to bring anything up from the past he simply nodded. "Hmm...Interesting seen as though I didn't say the words dancing were related to rest" he smiled. "What you like?" he said.

Chelsea smiled, relieved that the subject hadn't caused them to become uncomfortable.

Ryan smiled. "Yeah it is actually" he laughed. "So how’s life treating you lately then?" he asked

"Good thanks, I've been very lucky." she replied quietly. "How is it going with your new identity?"

Ryan smiled. "'s going quite well...I dunno what happened but maybe it's a combination of a few things but things are looking up"

Spontaneously, Chelsea reached out and took his hand, squeezing it with genuine relief and pleasure for him.

"I have to admit I was really worried. I'm SO glad you're working it out. How's that lovely counsellor working out for you? Does she help.... " she stopped, smirked and blushed.

"I meant professionally... " she responded to his sideways look and smile.

"Yeah she does...she seems to have a tactic of annoying me" he laughed. "Which actually works in getting me to talk...Well not annoying jokingly I mean like to the point I'm really annoyed and I feel like I have to walk away...she's only done it once but it's strange"

"That doesn't sound like standard Counselling protocol to me" Chelsea looked concerned. "Do you want me to pull her and allocate you someone else? You two could still be friends of course but you'd get a more constructive Counsellor.... "

Ryan smirked. "Noo there won't be any need for that, she's an excellent counsellor Chels and it's paying off" he smiled.

Chelsea's frown lightened. "Oh, okay then. I was worried she was bullying you.... but then, I should know better." she smiled.

"Y'know actually, I've been getting on with a few Cardassians too, it was a shock to the system...they're not as bad as I thought"

This time the shock was Chelsea's."How did *that* come about?" she asked, genuinely surprised.

"Well erm...I bumped into one in the corridor, started talking and then I met a younger woman, very briefly but it was...nice" he wasn't lying completely...

"But didn't you hate them? I mean... before... how did you just change your mind? Have you really come to terms with it that far?" she was astounded at his progress.

"One of them told me, I can make a difference...and not to let my father overshadow me...I guess they're right...I have come to terms with it, I think yeah"

"A young woman eh?" Chelsea smiled. "That would make most men come to terms with a lot."

She rolled her eyes. "Same old Ryan. I wonder if Pia knows she has a rival with better shaped eyebrows?" she grinned.

Ryan chuckled. "Nah...It’s not like that..."

"Pah-wraiths it's not, Ryan Milarno" she laughed, finishing her tea.

She got up and went over to him, sat on the arm of his chair and put her hand on his shoulder. "Be happy, Ry. That's all i want for you. Whatever it takes. Cardassian, Bajoran, hell, if you turned blue and discovered Andorian genes, it's all the same. Just as long as you can be happy with it and with yourself. Just as long as you don't change your inside. You're too special to get all tangled up over your ancestors. I love you just the way you are and so do all your friends."

Ryan smiled. "Thankyou...and i won't change I promise"

Chelsea held out her hand, a tear moistening her eye. "Scouts' honour?" she asked, offering to shake on it.

Ryan smiled and held out his hand. “Scouts’ honour” he agreed and shook her hand.


A JP between:

Lt. Ryan Milarno
Asst. Chief Medical Officer


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams
C M O - D S 5