Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Imbued with memories fond. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Imbued with memories fond. . .
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 8:58am
Location   3rd planet of the Tyra system
Timeline   Early 2374, shortly after the ambush of the 7th fleet.

It had been at least 2 days since the crew of the USS Camelot had crashed landed on the former Federation colony. The 7th Fleet was in shambles, burning in the planet's orbit due to the surprise attack at the hand of the Dominion. The Camelot crew managed to reach escape pods before the crash landing, however those pods that evacuated before the ship crashed were systematically destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighters. Those that managed to survive the massacre had crashed throughout the surface of the planet with varying degrees of survival.

Since landing, Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel had attempted to keep his own wits while coordinating with the surviving officers that had landed. At this point, it seemed that the surviving officers were no better off than the dead.

"Gabriel! Gabriel!" the voice shouted as if his voice alone could illuminate the darkness that filled the dilapidated building. The man continued to step over fallen debris and around the sparks that fell from the defective light.

"Gabriel" the man said again as he entered the room. "I need that report on supplies" The Senior officer stated.

"I'm here" Dorian responded as he climbed to his feet to meet the man in the dimmed room. Dorian glanced at the Padd in his hand as its dim light provided the only illumination within the room.

"Scans are less than reliable due to the EMP bombardment that the Dominion has been executing through the planet's atmosphere for the several weeks before we ever arrived in the Tyra system. This colony has no communications, no transporters, replicators, anything of technological value has been rendered useless by the Dominion. How anyone has managed to survive this long is beyond my understanding." Dorian replied to the Senior Officer.

"Supplies are at a minimum. So far we've managed to make contact with only about 17 members of the crew. The rest are either scattered across the planet, or were loss in the initial attack." Dorian stated as he handed the Padd over to the man.

The man accepted the Padd with a furrowed brow. "Before the crash, Kagan reported that the two Dominion vessels we engaged were sending an SOS signal and were descending quickly towards this planet's surface." he said.

"So you mean that not only do we have no ship, no crew, scattered officers, but now we have two ships-filled with Dominion troops who know of our location and probably our status?" Dorian responded.

"No, Lieutenant, recon has confirmed that the Cardassian vessel was severely damaged during the crash and engagement, however the Dominion Cruiser appears to have retained at least half of its crew and troop level." The Lieutenant Commander replied. "More than likely, their ship was significantly damaged in the crash and they lost their ability to send a signal through the EMP field around the planet." he added.

"So that means. . .that Cardassian ship is the only hope for us and them." Dorian replied.

"That's right Lieutenant, I want you to gather up whatever supplies we have left, we're gonna scrounge together any working supplies and we're heading out. Chances are we can reach the downed vessel within 3 days. We're moving out in 12 hours." The Commander said as he turned to walk away.

"Yes, sir Commander," Dorian stated as he gripped his arm that had become more and more discolored. He was no medical officer but it was a safe assumption that the wound from the shrapnel of his escape pod had become infected.

He didn't have time to think about that, at the moment he had to focus on completing the objective of reaching that Cardassian Cruiser.

(To be continued)

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant Commander
eRaff De'Lann
Chief Tactical Officer - USS Camelot