Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Picnic - Part 6 : Peace
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Picnic - Part 6 : Peace
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Nov 30, 2008 @ 8:41am
Location   Bajoran Gardens
Timeline   BACKPOST : Around 1.25pm
Isha’s brow wrinkled, perplexed. “Fishing?” she said, she liked seafood as much as anyone, but had no inclination to catch it herself, “You know there are people who will do that for you,” she ventured.

"Fishing is rebellion against what is required of us!" She explained. "There are ancient lyrics to a centuries old song from Earth. Shall I sing it for you? I apologise in advance for my lack of tone!" she offered.

Taking her glass and draining a mouthful Isha nodded, “I’m ready now,” she smirked.

Chelsea smiled sheepishly and began to sing softly and rather sadly.

"I'm goin' fishin'.
I got me a line
Nothin' I do's gonna make a diff'rence
So I'm takin' the time.
'Cos you aint never gonna be happy
anyhow, anyway
So I'm goin' fishin
and I'm goin' today.

And when my time is come
I'll look back and see
Peace on the shoreline
that might have been me.

I'm goin' fishin'
It sounds crazy, I know
I know nothin' 'bout fishin'
But just watch me go!

You can waste a whole lifetime
Tryin' to be
What you think is expected of you
But you'll never be free......
May as well go fishin! "

Chelsea finished the soft song, downed the spring wine and looked rebelliously at Isha.

"See! Inspirational, isn't it?" she grinned, wondering how such a slow, sad, seemingly dejected song could inspire such opposite feelings, but it did without exception, in anyone she sang it to.

Isha smiled. “My mother would wring my neck if she thought I’d developed such a selective attitude to duty and responsibility … I think I’ll give her the opportunity to try next time I have to see her,” she replied leaning back on her elbows and staring up at the … at the ceiling. For just a moment Isha had been somewhere else; the stream that gurgled through the rocks was not pumped, and the light warmed her skin rather than adding its own artificial pallor to her complexion, “Yes, that would be amusing, or maybe not … I wonder what she’d make of you.” Isha mused.

"I'm not sure if I’d want to meet your mother... she sounds more scary than Raedheol!" Chelsea said, hoping that came across lightly even though she was only half joking.

"Nobody wants to meet my mother," Isha replied snidely. She was about to protest that Chelsea was mistaken about Raedheol but reluctant to resume the argument that had almost led to a falling out Isha let the subject drop.

"I wonder if I could persuade you that sometimes, you might need to *go fishing* in whatever form that takes for you, just to stop and recharge your batteries. We all go on much better if we're fresh!" Chelsea offered a theory.

"Sometimes it just isn't possible to let go," Isha said, "even when I'd like to, but I do try to keep some perspective, even when events seem to be conspiring against me."

"Is that how it feels at present?" Chelsea asked gently but then added in case Isha might think she was being nosy: "You don't have to say any more if you're rather not?"

"Its how life always feels, Chelsea," Isha said, "believe it or not, one gets used to it and most of the time it isn't an issue then something happens that upsets everything and then matters that usually are no problem become burdens, for a little while at least. As it happens I feel remarkably buoyant, despite the fact that Raedheol told me something I would rather not know. "

"I won't ask what it was, but I'd be interested to know if you think he told you something that might disturb you precisely to bring on that very effect?" Chelsea asked tentatively.

"Only, if you were aware that was the purpose, then perhaps your remaining immune to it is one of those moments of rebellion?" she went on, careful not to linger on the angle that Raedheol might have done something unpleasant on purpose, but getting straight to the point that Isha was capable of self-defensive perversity.

"Why would he want to disturb me?" Isha said examining her fingernails and turning her hands over to look at her palms and back again. "Does it matter? He is an insufferable busybody and can't keep his nose out of other people's business - something to do with being a diplomat, I suppose," she said rather quickly.

"Diplomacy is a dual-edged sword, methinks!" Chelsea smiled, still walking on eggshells on the subject. "I'm sure Arrain R'Vharek knows as well as anyone how many functions it can be adapted to."

"Chelsea, I gave up trying to understand his motivations a long time ago. My conclusions are inevitably wrong. He has a certain amount of access to information, and he informs me of what he thinks I need to know. Raedheol can be a little too direct, if you take my meaning."

"Yes, but I'm sure you must know one another well enough by now for him to feel free to be blunt if he feels it's appropriate, without the need for wrapping things up in pretty manners?" Chelsea ventured a guess that she had no idea was so wide of the mark.

Isha laughed, “He’s never felt the need for pretty manners, nor would I expect it of him. This is the first time in thirty years he and I have spent more than few days in such close proximity, and we have not always been on such reasonable terms. But he is not my only source of information, Chelsea, I also had some very welcome news, from an entirely unexpected party, if you will forgive me for being cryptic."

"Of course! There's nothing to forgive. I have no business enquiring on such matters anyway!" Chelsea backed off. "I am only glad to hear that you have been receiving good news and not bad. Would it be intrusive to ask if your family are well? You mentioned a daughter yesterday...... I hope you have had good news regarding her."

”Not at all intrusive. My family are quite well, Aidoann, my daughter is taking her time getting used to the responsibilities of office, but that’s not surprising – she has little tolerance for politicians or their arts, she’s very much like her father in that respsect.”

"One day, if you would like to, I should very much like to hear more about your husband.... Nivead was it? " Chelsea struggled with the name she thought she remembered and the pronunciation she hoped was close enough to be respectful.

“Nveid was a very great man who acquired himself a somewhat irascible and ungrateful young wife yet he never did anything but try to delight me,” Isha smiled at some distant memory, “I’m quite sure I didn’t deserve him. I did grow to love him dearly,” she added.

As they continued to discuss their respective families, the two friends finished their picnic and both took a part in packing it away before walking together back to the shopping area.

"I'm so sorry to have to run away now but I'm due back on duty at 1.30 and I shall be late! I've really had a lovely time Isha. Thank you so much for arranging all this! I really appreciate all your efforts and attention to detail, but most of all, your candour and your friendship which both mean more than you can possibly know or I could possibly put into words!" Chelsea hugged Isha again, this time without reservation about showing affection now that she felt so much closer to her Romulan friend than ever.

“Its lovely to be able to talk with someone without having to search their words for hidden meanings,” Isha said, “I’m so pleased you enjoyed it.”

After Chelsea left Isha returned to the picnic spot and sat alone on the rug just listening to the sounds of life around her, a few brief moments of freedom and reflection before she joined the world again.


Isha t'Khellian
Lt. (jg) Chelsea Adams