Incommunicado – Meetings and Briefings
by Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Meetings and Briefings
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Thu Aug 16, 2012 @ 2:08am
Location   Engineering
Timeline   SD58, 1400h

David walked out of the turbolift and saw Commander Freeman, "Ensign David Straggard, reporting for duty sir!" David said.

Bruce having been looking at the generators heard the yell from across the room. 'Great' He thought to himself. He turned around and responded. "Calm down Ensign, this isn't the Army. Now you've made me lose count." Bruce turned back to the Generator and taking into consideration he'd be conversing as well he started to watch the output while also noting it on the Padd he had in his hand. "What are you specialized in Ensign?"

David settled down a bit and said confidently, "Propulsion systems, sir. Mainly warp, but I can work with pretty much any system that is needing maintenance." David looked around seeing all the systems and mouthed under his breath all the systems he knew of.

"And why is it we need a propulsion specialist on a Station?" Bruce asked curious to hear the answer.

David was surprised at the question. "Commander Villiers believes my specialties can help in investigating to cause for the anomalies. I also anticipate my skills needed for doing work on docked ship as well as maintaining the shuttle craft and other ships on board the station." David continued. "Being the base of operations for Task Force 21, wouldn't a propulsion specialist be needed, sir?"

Bruce thought about it as he finished his check of the Generator. He motioned David to follow him. "I suppose the XO is right on this though I could probably do most the work myself, it will make things easier around here. As for the Base of operations, every ship has their own capable Chief Engineer. But yes on a rare occasion they may need some extra help. What are your thoughts on the anomalies so far Ensign?"

David was following the Commander as he read from his PADD. "Well, reviewing the information that I was briefed on the situation nothing is dangerous to the crew except for the fact that we can't get a channel open to anyone else. A text book incommunicado situation." David continued. "It seems the anomalies are localized and focused on our station as I found out upon my arrival as my assignment was transmitted via a message carried from this station to the nearest starbase to be communicated back to me on Earth via Starfleet. One way we could reestablish contact for the time being and get back in direct contact with Starfleet would be to revert to conventional ways of opening communications. We build a long range subspace transceiver array and load it aboard one of our Wyvern Hopper Transports as well as attach a cable lined with a link to our communications that would be roughly 10 km in length. After the Transport has reached the limit, we can test the array for a signal. If need be, add more length to the cable..." David said.

"And you're looking at 3-4 days to build the array, another day to get it prepped and into position. Too risky to have a tether as well, you have too many variables with traffic patterns to safely put it in place. Plus who knows how far the bubble so to speak goes out. Reports have come in that ships are having warp core problems when coming near the Station, do you think the two phenomenon's are related?"

David started with his second idea. "I also am considering the possibility that these phenomena might not be mobile and can be moved away from. We would basically have to move the station away from here possibly 500,000 km and try to reestablish contact."

"Unfortunately your 4 off. This station is far to big to attempt to move it. Would would have structural integrity problems left and right if we tried that. You didn't answer my question though." Bruce replied. He didn't care if O'Brien had done it with DS9, it was luck if the draw and he wasn't even going entertain the thought.

"Sorry sir. I have been looking into the correlation between the anomalies. It's possible that the anomalies cause subspace phase variances that affect the warp cores as well as cause a sort of dampening field for our subspace communications. Something to cause this though may seem to suggest, and I do not claim that I'm the expert on the subject, that there may be some form of intellect behind such a pattern of a phenomena. A phase variance and subspace interference with our communications would not suggest a natural occurring phenomena. Even if they were natural occurring, the odds of both separately occurring at the same place would be astronomically low. Therefore, they could be related to "something". Again sir, I am not the expert. I suggest we collaborate with the science department in this investigation. I know the Chief of Science quite well." David said.

"Then I'll let you talk to Science and I'll expect a report back within the day Ensign." Bruce said turning to David.

"Understood, sir." David smiled. He was excited to have a chance to impress the Commander.
