Unity – The eye of the storm
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   The eye of the storm
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Sat Jul 10, 2010 @ 2:30pm
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   SD 16 - 15:45
So'Ran signaled for his men to keep their weapons trained on the Engineering officers as he climbed down the platform and walked towards the entrance to Main Engineering. He pressed several buttons on the panel to release the locking mechanism. Several moments later the door unsealed and revealed the arrival of Tan'Rek and his crew.

"Did you obtain the bio-mimetic gel from Sick Bay?" So'Ran asked as he inputed the commands to re-seal the door behind the last individual.

"Of course we did, are you suggesting we have failed in our part of the mission?" Tan'Rek immediately took the question personally and bit back in typical Klingon fashion but he had the containers in his backpack which he unloaded from his huge shoulders with a swing that nearly took out the three people nearest him. He pulled back at the last moment to avoid smashing the precious containers and allowed the pack to land softly on the desk in from of So'Ran, his dark eyes still flashing a unnecessary challenge that would not be met.

"Good, have your team begin setting up the containers in the assigned places throughout the bay. We'll wait for Ryouske to get here with the explosives. Once we have planted everything correctly, this station should generate the energy we need for the anomoly." he said excitedly.

"Should? That's an uncertain type of word considering all the trouble we've been through. It had *better* work! Are you *sure* it will?" Tan'Rek was still spoiling for an argument.

"Of course this will work!" He responded. "Why else would Elliot have us on this suicide mission unless he believed completely that we could change the past and fix the mess that the Federation and other deluded governments like it created!?!" he replied defensively.

So'Ran walked over to a nearby console and tried to access the safety mechanisms for the plasma flow regulators. Unfortunately, the access had been blocked by a security protocol that he had not expected. He immediately withdrew his phaser and grabbed the hair of the nearest Engineer.

"Unlock the console, or die. Very simple choice." He said through gritted teeth.

"I would but I don't have the proper access codes to do it." The officer told the saboteur.

So'Ran shook his head in disappointment as he grabbed the Engineer by the back of the neck and drove his fist into his stomach, causing the wind to escape from his lungs. He then slammed the Engineer's face into the console with enough force to draw blood from the Engineer's nose.

"I really do not wish to kill you, or anybody else in the this area. But I will if you don't give me exactly what I need and STOP STALLING!" he said forcefully.

Tan'Rek moved forward with a growling sound. Perhaps he would get his quarrel after all. He loomed menacingly. "Give him to me! I'll get it out of his hide." he offered darkly.

So'Ran tossed him into the general direction of the Klingon and went over to a nearby console to begin setting up the correct frequencies for the charges.

Tan'Rek caught the unfortunate Engineer and was about to administer further gratuitous violence.

"I told you I do not have the proper access codes!" The engineer yelled. "The only one that can do it would be the chief engineer and I don't have the faintest idea where he is."

So'Ran watched with little interest as the fear began to consume the Engineer's face. "If he continues to be uncooperative, kill him. There are more Starfleet Engineers where he came from, I should know, I used to be one." the man replied coldly.

The shaking Engineer began to implore Tan'Rek. "I d... don't have the c.... codes.. i TRULY don't... no matter what you do to me, i CANNOT help, I'm not senio......." he didn't speak again, he just screamed as the sound of dislocation cracked across the room.

At that moment, one of the other Engineers from the back of the room lunged forward, there was some doubt as to whether he volunteered or was pushed but he arrived at the front of the group of hostages. Tan'Rek looked over and dropped the agonised Engineer in his huge hands, transferring his intense gaze to the 'new arrival'.

"That's enough!" the new man spoke haltingly. "He doesn't know anything, he's telling the truth". He sucked in a breath. "I'll do it... just leave him alone. Ok?" He glared behind him and went on. "It's not right, we shouldn't compromise the needs of the many.... but.... " He moved to the console and put in co-ordinates, slowly.

Tan'Rek snarled at the delaying tactics and moved towards the floored man who whimpered at the oncoming approach. The senior Engineer cried out "NO... I'm doing it... I have to concentrate" and began to work faster.

As the Engineering began to work, So'Ran slowly gained access to the necessary areas. He began to disengage the primary and secondary couplers in the plasma-flow shafts while keeping the anti-matter/matter interface mix at a stable level. He knew that if he rushed through the task the station would explode pre-maturely.

"Your friend sure does know how to take his sweet time." So'Ran stated to the lumbering Klingon. "We need the charges to be set and detonated in concert with the opening of the anomaly." He said. "Not whenever he sees fit to get to it." So'Ran stated in an annoyed tone.

Tan'Rek seemed affronted to be getting the blame for the Solider's reluctance to be a hero. "He's not MY friend" the Klingon bellowed, his huge, sharp teeth showing as he fronted up to So'Ran. "Don't start laying the delay at MY door, P'Takgh!" He threatened, advancing towards his *fellow conspirator* menacingly, his attention briefly diverted from the Engineers.

So'Ran was not fluent in Klingon language, but he knew enough to know that he had just been insulted. So'Ran turned to Tan'Rek while covertly unsheathing his blade, but keeping it out of Tan'Rek's view. "Then who the hell should I blame for Ryouske's FAILURE to arrive here on time!?! We don't have time to wait for him, we have a strict timeline that must be followed!" he said as he stood inches from the Klingon's face.

"I am not Ryouske's keeper!" Growled Tan'Rek, not giving an inch of his 6'11" height. "And YOU are not mine!" he continued to argue his innocence. He did not take well to being made a scapegoat and he wasn't far-sighted enough to realize that fighting amongst themselves was counter-productive. His huge hands flexed, ready to deal a blow if need be.

[En route to Main Engineering]

=/= “I’m on my way Elliot!” =/= Ryouske shouted into the transmitter before running even faster down the corridor. His group was almost at Main Engineering when a squad of Marines rounded the corner back from where they had come, and opened fire.

The hail of phaser bolts cut down two of his men instantly. They fell with cries of pain, spilling their equipment all over the floor. Ryouske turned to fire a couple of shots at the squad, sending them running for cover, then dashed into Main Engineering.

“Seal the hatches!”

Moments later large heavy shutters, ordinarily used to seal off Main Engineering in the event of a mechanical disaster, slammed shut, effectively locking them in.

Ryouske triggered his comm. Unit, =/= “Elliot! I’m in Main Engineering. Planting the charges now!” =/=

So'Ran re-sheated his weapon as the Engineer reported that the necessary systems were accessible. "Right on time." he said as he noticed the explosive arrival of Ryouske.

Distracted, Tan'Rek stomped back to his position behind the Engineer entering the codes and loomed there, nodding in acknowledged to Ryouske as he stepped back into place.


Soldiers of the Beginning
NPC'd by Thom

Erstwhile Quartermaster
NPC'd by Jools

Hostage Engineers
NPC'd by Bruce