Beg, Steal or Borrow – Death of an Officer
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Death of an Officer
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 1:27pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD 9 - 14:35 hrs

"How many that does that leave, 3 by my reckoning." He nodded to himself as he slipped the weapons back into his pocket. "I do believe we are proving our worth now." He said, but not before a disruptor fired and he felt the surge of power running through his body as he fell to the floor, before darkness enveloped his consciousnesses, he managed to curse himself for not relinquishing the Klingon of his weapon and sighing heavily as he shot a glance of regret to Jo'el as his body fell to the cold surface with a resounding groan.

"COMPUTER! END SIMULATION!" Gabriel said as he witnessed a disruptor discharge despite the dampeners that were put in place.

The surrounding environment of Engineering dissolved into nothingness leaving only the four officers within the black and gold grid. "That wasn't supposed to happen!" Gabriel shouted rhetorically as he knelled over Fox's body.

*Taps* "Security to Sickbay! Emergency beam-out from Holodeck 4 directly to sickbay!" He shouted as he examined the fatal wound.


Gabriel walked into sickbay and searched the immediate area with a purposeful stare. He didn't wait to be directed by a nurse, but instead went directly towards the operations area.

"Doctor, report!" Gabriel said in an unapologetic manner as he saw the body of Lieutenant Fox that had dematerialized several minutes before.

Chelsea had been presented suddenly with a *crash* situation and as the casualty was beamed into Sickbay with the briefest of warnings, her staff had rallied in their usual efficient manner, surrounding the patient and each taking up their part in the mandatory but essential, life-saving routine.

Ed McBain had raised the med-arch and begun configuring the life-support and Sally Newin had already fetched the appropriate drug phials and equipment. Chelsea ran a scanner over the man and began an initial diagnosis.

The report when he was being transported in had been sparse to put it mildly. All she knew was that he'd been hit by disruptor fire. She scanned using the overhead multiview instead of a hand-held because it would save time.

"Left-hand side, 50% surface damage" she narrated, partly to the computer link and partly to Gabriel whose rudeness she was used to by now. "Left lung collapsed. Cellular coronary damage." Chelsea turned her head slightly and directed an instruction to Ed. "Cardiopulmonary support, strap that with a retention field, Ed"

McBain complied as Chelsea moved up the body, now holding a scanner in her hand as well, double-timing with the main computed analysis that was scrolling onto the med arch. "Respiratory failure. I'm going to have to re-inflate that lung." She did her best to work on the lung but the ribs were destabilized as was the whole of the left side of Fox's torso.

A monitor that had been flashing began to give out an audible signal to add to the pressure and Sally moved closer to Chelsea, attempting to assist by adjusting the angle of the med-bed to tilt the body's feet higher. Chelsea nodded approval at this and then glanced across at Ed.

"There's not enough for it to hold to, Doctor Adams" he said, the formality this address being his own established way of drawing her attention to the fact that he disagreed with her. In the experienced Nurse's opinion, disruptors did so much damage that there was little point in their combined attempts to resuscitate and repair this man but he knew Chelsea well enough to realize that she wouldn't rest until she had tried everything.

Chelsea normally achieved a professionalism that controlled her and kept her head clear but violent, accidental death was not an easy situation to deal with, no matter how clear the signals might be and despite having a great deal of respect for McBain's judgment too, she 'had' to convince herself she had left no stone unturned.

"Brain function?" Chelsea asked, looking for even one reason not to give up. Sally shook her head silently.

Still wrestling the various controls of the bio-arch to administer and control as many failed functions as possible, Chelsea's hands didn't stop flying over the lights, sensor pads and pick-ups on the various sections. It was an art, like flying a plane and it was what Adams did best, yet her struggles on this occasion were in vain, too much had collapsed, ceased or simply been blown away.

"Cortical activity?" she demanded.

"None" Replied Ed softly. "Doctor Adams, we have total organ failure, complete internal system failure, circulatory collapse and major trauma to 40% of the exterior."

"ED! I'll say when we're done here!" Chelsea snapped banging a fist on the edge of the med-bed in frustration as it sank in that she was beaten. "I don't *DO* losing patients!" she growled at no-one.

"This one wasn't a 'patient', Doctor." Ed soothed as only he knew how to. "A body was delivered to us. Not a patient we could save."

"What was his name?" Chelsea's voice was small as she looked at the overview on the console and accepted at last that Ed was right. She began to switch off the lung-inflator, the heart stabilizer, the brain-stimulator and the cell regeneration functions one by one.

"His name was Derick Fox" Gabriel replied as he stared at the body of the officer who had fallen under his command.

"How old was he?" There was no longer any emotion in her voice, it was flat.

"He was 39" Gabriel said in disbelief.

As if speaking to herself, Chelsea returned to the narration of the audio report. Her fingers tapped in a command to transfer the medical data to the padd too. "Time of death recorded....." Hesitating, Chelsea looked over at the med-panel for the time and deducted 10 minutes that had seemed like 10 hours.

"Ed, I'm so sorry I snapped at you, that was completely out of order. Could you fix him up nicely please? He deserves that after the way I've been pulling him around." She apologized.

"I'm sorry for your loss" she said, turning to Dorian with genuine sympathy for the shocked look on his face. Handing the padd to the Chief of Security without further words, she walked slowly away, leaving Ed and Sally to do the necessary final tasks.


A JP between:

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


CPO Ed McBain (npc)
played by Chelsea