Interlude – En Passant
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   En Passant
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri Oct 22, 2010 @ 6:03pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 34 2030

Yolanthe had her feet on her desk, and was throwing darts at the dartboard without much enthusiasm. She was worried about Klia, and was consequently in no colour to be front of house, being a dingy olive. She'd picked up the darts just to take her mind off it.

"Boss?" She looked round to see Pelin opening the door, "I know you said you wanted to be alone, but he insisted. He stood aside to reveal the looming figure of Tharek Getal.

Tharek raised his forearm and pushed aside the Bajoran. "Leave us." He stated. As he kept his gaze fixed on Yolanthe.

Seeing him, she pulled her feet off the desk and stood up,her skin warming to a hint of red. As Pelin looked to make his escape, she glanced at the bottle of kanar she kept on the mini bar. "Pel, can you get us a new bottle of the special reserve, I'm almost out."

Her assistant barman nodded and slipped away, while she took Tharek's hand and led him to the white velvet couch "Its good to see you," she planted a kiss on his left ridge. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I heard of Klia." He stated quickly. "In a time like this a person by your side is invaluable."

"That's very kind of you." She sighed and sat down next to him. "I just don't know where she's gone. No-one's seen her and I've looked everywhere, even asked the Romulans. Though it cost me this," She gestured at her swollen blackened eye. "But they couldn't find her."

"What happened?" He asked in alarm at her eye. Tharek then went to gently examine the mark. "Who did this to you!"

"I got in argument with T'Merek when she wouldn't let me in her consulate." she admitted. "We called each other names, then I said it wasn't surprising her cousin would rather get comfort from his bajorran girlfirend than her, because she was an emotionless harpy. So she went to hit me, and I let her." She winced slightly as his cool fingers touched the sore bruise. "If I'd remembered that Romulans hit so much harder than most humanoids, I would've got out the way."

"I'll see to t'Merek, you wait." He said with anger in his voice. "And you shouldn't go to Romulans for intelligence. Come to me, next time something is to be known. The Obsidian Order sees all."

"Yeah, well I learnt that the hard way." There was a knock on the door; Pelin with the Kanar. She took the tray with the bottle and two glasses from him and set it down on the mini bar. Fishing around for the bottle opener she kept on a chain round her neck she opened the kanar to let it breath. "If it wasn't for Rianni Monteros, We'd probably have killed each other. But they didn't find her either. Its like she's vanished completely."

"I'll find her." Tharek said, as he eagerly watched Yolanthe pour the Kanar. It had been hours since he last drank. An eternity to Tharek.

"Thanks." She watched the liquid flowing into the glass. It came out in irregular glugs. She frowned as she watched. Then from inside the bottle came an audible clink. "Huh?" Surprised, she held the bottle up to the light. The frosted glass made it hard to tell, but it looked like something was in there.

"Hold this," She passed him the glass, and turning the bottle, worked the blockage through the twisted neck. It fell into the cardassian's drink with a plop. Now sitting in a puddle of Kanar, was a finely crafted cone shaped Kotra piece.

Tharek opened his eyes, in shock and awe. He threw the glass in a fit of rage to the other side of the room, and, for one of the rarest moments in Getal's life. He was scared.

"çlaykothoul!" Getal yelled! "çlaykothoul! çlaykothoul! çlaykothoul!!

Yolanthe's own muttered, "What the hell?" was lost in Tharek's scream of rage, And she herself had turned to livid yellow. Someone had tampered with her drinks, in her bar. But it obviously had more meaning to the Cardassian than a simple act of sabotage, she didn't understand his words, but the raw power and emotion of them was plain enough. The sight of that piece had scared him. "What was that? What did it mean?"

Tharek raised quickly, the rage physically present in his face as he did so. He was shaking. Getal hit his chest with some force, and shouted down the comm line.

"All Cardassian staff under my command, form up in the barracks now!" He bellowed. "There's a traitor in our midst!"

Yolanthe's anger that someone was attacking Getal, even indirectly, overcame her concern for Klia That they were doing it in her bar, her sanctuary made her furious. "Traitor?"


"Meran?" she repeated surprised. Then it came to her. "He made me raktajino. He had access to everything behind the bar." But she wasn't sure she believed it. "Are you sure?"

"Romulans don't come here any more. Meran visits regularly. He's the only one with the codes to open my office. He's jealous. He'll pay." Getal ranted, still in a haze of anger.

"But you've told everyone there's a traitor now. Won't he run?"

"He won't run. He may be a traitor, but he's no idiot. Running from me is futile. His body is no longer his own. It belongs, heart and soul, in this world and whatever world may follow, to me." Tharek said, the anger refusing to subside. Every raw emotion flooding out of him like a burst damn.

"What will you do to him?" Meran had attacked not just her, but a man she considered one of hers. She no longer had sympathy for him.

"He is Cardassian. He won't die. But, he will be imprisoned for as long as I see fit."

"Good." She retrieved the Kotra piece from the shards of crystal. "Put him away before he can do you any more harm." She put the evidence of Meran's treachery into his palm and closed his fingers round it "Be careful, he was supposed to be looking after you. Who knows what other 'souvenirs' he could have left you."

"Denat Meran... " Getal said through gritted teeth, as his fist closed tight around the piece. "... Will never see the light of his home again. I shall keep him in the cold and the light. I shall make him pay for every bit of treachery that has forsaken him. May some of the Galaxy's gods have mercy on him. Because I won't." He exclaimed, as he shot up and went to storm out of the room, intention in his steps.


A JP Between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box Of Delights


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator