Judgement – Open for Business, Part 1
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus

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Title   Open for Business, Part 1
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Arrival Augustus Cyphadrus
Posted   Tue Aug 09, 2011 @ 7:47am
Location   Security, Deck 576 / Promenade
Timeline   SD 39 0900

Rosh Pelin arrived outside the Box of Delights shortly before nine. He'd had an early night, but even so being awake so early felt slightly strange. But Edward had said they were going to be at Security for nine sharp, so get there early. So now he waited, and loitered, wondering what the older man was going to do.

Edward hailed the younger man, motioning Pelin to join him in his brisk pace as he walked past the casino. "Pel, good to see you," he said, clapping the bartender on the shoulder companionably.

"I take it you have a plan for storming security?" he asked nervously.

Edward didn't miss Pelin's tone, and wanting to pass along a little of his own confidence he said, "Yup. Loopholes. We're gonna be getting Yolanthe a lawyer."

Pelin looked doubtful as he got in the turbo lift and they headed for main security,"I hope it works. I tried going to the PMA, but Ms Tab said there was nothing she could do since Yolanthe isn't a member."

Edward gave him a sidelong, appraising glance. "Initiative. I like it. But I'm not surprised she said that. She's got an axe to grind against any merchant who doesn't want to be part of the association."

The turbo lift doors opened to security reception. "Here we go." the young man muttered. They approached the long desk, waiting for the security officer behind it to finish a comm conversation.

"...that's awful. How'd he die? To shreds, you say?" The two stood in front of the desk and cleared their throats together. The officer held up his finger so the mumbling on the other end of the comm line could continue, "How's his wife holding up? To shreds you say? Well anyways, I'll talk to you after my shift's over." The security officer looked over to the two person's standing before him, "How might I be of assistance?"

"We're employees of the Box Of Delights. We're here to see the charges against the business," Edward replied.

"I see. Well, Ms. Ibalin is currently the only suspect in this case. Unless you get the nod from her legal counsel, you're not privy to information regarding the case."

The turbolift doors opened to reveal a balding man well past his prime, clad in a business suit that fell out of fashion twenty years ago. "Officer Chunk, it's so nice to see you again." He walked in and stood between the two men. Looking back and forth at both of them, he stopped at Rosh and held out his hand, "Harold Wicks, Attorney at Law." He then looked over to Edward as Rosh shook the proffered hand cautiously, "Harold Wicks, gambling addict."

Before Edward could reply, the security officer leaned back in his chair and folded his arms, "You're Nausicaan client is being brought out, Harry. He'll be strangling your incompetent neck in no time."

He just smiled at the man and said, "It's not incompetence if he's actually guilty. By the way, what's your wife think of that new Dabo girl you've been spending all your latinum on, huh?"

The officer grunted and pretended something came up on his console.

"You two aren't in any trouble are ya?" The lawyer asked inquisitively.

The young Bajoran shook his head, "Not exactly, we're from The Box Of Delights. Trellis shut us down last night after a small incident. We need to get him to let us trade again."

The man replied, "This wouldn't have anything to do with why the Romulan Consulate recently detained a rather... skilled Bokkai woman, would it?"

Edward looked at Pelin briefly, one eyebrow raised. "Not exactly," his attention went back to Wicks, "it's just a few zealous customers getting rowdy. Nothing we couldn't handle."

Mr. Wicks put a big grin on his face, "Excellent!"

The Nausicaan convict, with his hands bound behind his back, was escorted into the lobby by two security officers. The lawyer walked up close to the towering alien and simply said, "I quit." The two officers holding him quickly braced the arms of the Nausicaan as he tried to lunge at his ex-attorney. Harold jokingly grabbed his own neck and made gargling sounds to insult the receptionist's earlier remark as the officers dragged the struggling criminal into the back again.

Wicks readjusted his suit and stood before the two men with his arms stretched out, "Well gentleman, it would seem my schedule has unexpectedly freed up. You were saying you needed an authority on Federation and Romulan Law?"

Edward folded his arms; after what he just witnessed, he wasn't so sure this guy was the kind of lawyer he wanted. "I don't recall us saying that," he replied to the question. But then he remembered his remark to Pelin on the Promenade, and he eyed Wicks thoughtfully, wondering if their conversation been overheard. They hadn't exactly been whispering, but...

"Okay, so I do remember saying we were going to get her a lawyer," he continued to give Wicks a meaningful look. "But all we need is to get the Box Of Delights to be reopened, like my coworker said," Edward indicated Pel with a sideways tilt of his head.

Rosh nodded. "Ambassador Getal said he was going to sort out a lawyer for the other thing." He didn't want to say what. It was hard enough thinking about it as it was.

Wicks took a deep breath then proceeded, "I think this conversation needs some fresh air. Shall we adjourn to the promenade?" He then exhaled as he motioned the two men towards the lift.

Once all three were in and the doors closed, the lawyer announced a destination for the lift then turned and began a more private conversation, "Why don't we skip the foreplay and just get right down to it, huh? You need a lawyer to shove enough legal doctrine into Lieutenant Trellis' face that his spots bleach out and he rescinds the order to shut down the Box of Delights." He folds his arms, "Tell me I'm wrong."

Pelin nodded earnestly, and looked to Edward for confirmation.

"You pretty much have the right idea," Edward replied, nodding like Pel.

Wicks let out a big sigh and let his arms drop, "Whew! I'm gonna be honest, I just pulled that out of my ass. Ya know, I've never had reason to doubt the hunches I pull out of there... unless it was two-for-one racht night over at Q'uit's recently. After that, all my gut feelings turn against me for a few days."

"He doesn't give fresh to non-Klingons," Pelin said, somewhat absently and with a grimace of remembrance on his face. Then he seemed to remember himself. "Sorry, So do you think you can do it? I mean, right now?"

The lawyer put his hands up as if to slow down the moment, "Hold on. Attorneys only pretend to be omnipotent. I'll need a little background on this case before I stake my reputation and more importantly my dignity on it."

"There isn't much to tell," Edward said. "Some guy tried to get a little too friendly with one of the 'Fleet officers, and she let him know how she felt about it. He got violent, she gave it right back, and we had to have the bouncer show him the door." It was a simplified version of the event, but Edward felt that Trellis had put too much emphasis on it in the first place.

Pelin nodded enthusiastically. "Worse, she started it by sending him drinks and leading him on."

"She did?" Edward looked at Pel questioningly. He hadn't expected the lady in question to be in any way culpable. At Pel's nodding again, Edward shook his head and looked back to the lawyer with a shrug. "I guess she did."

"Being led on is no justification. If it was, then those Dabo girls would be in trouble every night. Luckily for them, my wife has passed the kinky phase." He sighed, "Way past..." Wicks lost his train of thought momentarily, "Uh, well then gents. Why don't we find this Lieutenant of yours?"

"That's what we were attempting to do, when you came into Security. We wanted to see what the charges against the Box Of Delights were, and see if we could challenge them. If you have any influence..." Edward let the question trail off.

"Influence is a matter of perspective, but I believe I can help you with the assistance of guile and tact." He held his hand out ahead of them, "If you have no more questions, let us proceed without delay."

...to be continued...

A Joint Post by:

Rosh Pelin
Assistant Barman
The Box of Delights


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy
The Box Of Delights


Harold Wicks, Esq.
Attorney at Interstellar Law