Judgement – Not the best introduction. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon

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Title   Not the best introduction. . .
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon
Posted   Mon Jul 04, 2011 @ 7:13pm
Location   Main Security
Timeline   SD 38 2130 (immediately after source of the trouble)

Miranda looked at the turbolift, then back to the Ensign. "Don't be too forceful to an injured and just attacked woman.. God, you people know how to train your security personnel with good manners don't 'cha?" she smiled upon saying this then stumbled onto the Turbolift with the Ensign, he spoke a few words to the computer, then the doors whooshed closed, and the lift began moving.


Trellis walked into his office and took a seat behind his desk and pressed several buttons on his console before acknowledging the presence of the recent source of trouble onboard the station or her security escorts. After several silent minutes he signaled for the officers to leave him and the new communications officer alone.

"Lieutenant Miranda Aeylon," Trellis said while still examining her personal file. "I see that you are our new Chief of Communications officer." he said.

Miranda was nervous "Indeed", she coldly replied.

"Well, I may be security, but I'm sure that proper communication protocols do not require initiating a barfight before even reporting for duty." he replied.

"Protocols do require making sure you get to your duty, which is why the fight was necessary" she walked in to his office from standing at the doorway and stood next to the chair opposite him "May I?".

"Please," he said, gesturing for her to sit.

"Lieutenant, I do not know if you are aware of this or not, but this station already has enough trouble keeping peace amongst its civilian population. We can not afford to incite more distrust through a full-on battle royale." He said sternly as he continued to look at the woman.

"I've had one riot in that particular location already, I will not allow another one to occur." he added.

"That Romulan threw himself at me, what was I supposed to do?" Miranda sharply replied.

Trellis sighed and rubbed his spots on the side of his head. He was not trying to create a confrontation between himself and another fellow officer.

"Lieutenant, we have an obligation to serve and protect the civilians onboard this station. We cannot allow our passions to override our obligations. Otherwise we might end up like our most recent Security Chief, sitting in a holding cell for murder with a chip the size of the enterprise on his shoulder." Trellis replied.

He leaned forward on his desk. "What happened down there?" he asked.

Miranda leant back in her seat, "He tried to have his way with me, so I taught him a lesson", she then looked around the room and back to the Lieutenant "I was trying to find out information about the Romulans aboard, you know, make myself familiar with the place. Chatted the guy up then tried to leave early after getting my info. Then, he grabbed my leg, So.. I stopped him.."

Trellis groaned inwardly. ~Why did it have to be Romulans. . .~ he thought to himself. "Lieutenant, you will learn that various races on this station are easier to deal with than others. " the Trill replied.

"As it stands, the Bar has not filed a complaint of any kind. However, it would be best if you just kept your distance from that location for the near future and simply report for duty." he continued.

Miranda reluctantly nodded "I can see how I'm making your job harder for you Commander, and apologies for such actions. They will not happen again, I promise you that." Miranda sighed and look to the floor, "Just my intrigue delving a bit too far.." she then looked back up to him. "I do hope we meet on better terms on the next occasion" Miranda had fully sobered up by this point and had regained her sense of respecting her superiors.

"Please, I'm not a Commander. . .yet," Trellis said with a smile as he stood from his desk. "I'm just the acting Chief of Security until Captain Tahir officially places me in charge of the department." he added.

"In the meantime, I will be conducting an investigation into the incident as well as taking the statement from the Romulan who accosted you. If there are any questions, then I will be in touch." he said.

Miranda stood up and looked Trellis in the eyes "Thank you for your assistance.. Lieutenant.. If you have any questions at a later date, i'm but a Comm-badge away..", Miranda then winked at Trellis and swiftly exited the room, the large doors sliding tightly close behind her.


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Lieutenant (JG)
Miranda Aeylon
Chief of Communications