Things Past – The beginning of war
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   The beginning of war
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Thu Dec 20, 2012 @ 10:00pm
Location   firebase foxtrot
Timeline   2373
Col. Bradshaw stood on the front line of his firebase overlooking the once peaceful arming plain of the planet Tarnow. He did not need to use anything but his eyes to see the line of dominion forces that were slowly advancing on his command. it was not exactly the nicest feeling as he watched what was happening knowing that men were fighting and dieing out there on his orders.

Over his head he heard the sound of the fighters and bombers as they made their runs strafing the enemy lines and unleashing who knew how much damage on the Dominion forces. This was the 10th day that this kind of attacks had been going on each day the enemy would move closer maybe a mile or two at the most and then stop and withdraw back. Of course their withdraw would be followed by the ground and air forces intent on destroying the enemy. However each time the enemy would simply disappear. sensors were next to useless and they were not leaving and sign to be tracked by. All that could be done was for the marines to withdraw to their own positions tend to their own wounded and bury their own dead. The next day woudl come soon enough and maybe they would be able to finish this fight then.

Wayne looked back at the men he had with him, they were the cream of the corps the 1st regiment one of the toughest units that the marines had. Known to be the first inot a battle and the last to disengage the enemy they were seasoned veterns of the klingon war and in the case of some of the older members they even remembered fighting the Romulans. This was not a unit that would back down nor would they surrender an inch of ground without making the enemy pay a dear price for it.

Suddenly there was action an attack was being launched on the left flank of the firebase. Wayne could hear the sounds of grenades and feel the shockeave of the mortar rounds as they landed. He knew that somehow the enemy had managed to get a lot closer then he had thought possible in order to launch this attack his mind racing with only one thought ~How the hell was dumb enough to fall for that kind of a feint~ he ran toward the fighting followed by a company of men that he had picked up along the way.

When they reached the area of the fighting the sight that greeted their eyes was one of shear hell on earth bodies were strewn all over many of them marines but many more were dominion or cardasian troops that had attacked the position. The smell of death was so strong it just seemed to hang in the air as he took in the scene. True the actual attack seemed to be over only lasting a few minutes but those minutes had been brutal ones. of the battalion of troopers he had covering this flank it looked like they had lost at least a third of their fighting strenght. By the same token it looked to him like the enemy had attacked with a heavy battalion and had lost at least half of their manpower it was not much but it showed him that he had been right in insisting that his men build themselves some fortifications. that construction had saved the lives of a good chunk of men and the enemy would be forced to think long and hard about launching another such attack.

In the morning he would send out an order for the fighters to begin doing something he had not wanted to do. It would waste some ammo but it was the only thing he could think of to help safegaurd the men under his command. He would order that instead of regular bombs the bombers carry firebombs a scorched earth policy that would ensure the enemy would think twice before wanting to mess with the SFMC again.

Now more then ever he was determined to find where the cardasians and the dominion allies were hiding and drive them from their caves and tunnels and off this planet. He knew that it went against his orders, but orders be damned he would not lose more men to such a surprise attack again. Not when he had the means and the men to take the attack to the enemy and make them hurt just as bad as they had made him and his men hurt.