Interlude – Allocation of Resources
by Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Allocation of Resources
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Aug 27, 2010 @ 10:22am
Location   SD DS5 / U.S.S. Hagnon
Timeline   SD 27

Darson sat in his icy chair inside his frigid office. He brought up the computer terminals and, after wiping some frost off the keypad, inputted his access codes to gain access to sub-space communications. After a brief consultation of charts and communications protocols, he entered the data to establish a communications link with the Hagnon.

He was trying to get in touch with the ship, specifically with Margaret and Kim Dunham, who had left a couple of days ago on an expedition to the Klingon Empire. It had been a couple of days, but they should probably still be in range of the subspace network.

While not technically an authorized use of the sub-space communications array, he was Colonel James Darson. Who the hell was going to question him? In the interest of at least putting forth a basis of a purpose for the communiqué, he had a decent cover prepared.

As the connection went through, he found himself staring at the communications officer of the Hagnon.

The young Vulcan in his red collard Starfleet uniform stared back at the image on his view screen, one eyebrow rose inquisitively, at the informal use of the sub space network.

Adopting his most official tone he said, “Good afternoon. I am Colonel Darson, Marine Commandant of Sector 151 (OOC: Not sure of the real sector, replace when more information becomes available). I have an urgent tasking order for,” he consulted a PADD, “Captain Matthews, your detachment commander. Please put me through to him. Also, could you please inform the ship’s Captain that I wish to speak with her.”

"Indeed" said the Vulcan in that familiar non-committal, monotone, and emotionless voice. He said nothing else, nor did he question the improper use of protocol. He instead put the communications link straight through to Captain Mathews, who it seemed was wiping himself down with a towel; as he had been caught in the middle of his gym routine. As he spoke to his superior officer he wore only shorts and T-shirt. The T-shirt had a faded insignia of First Marine reconnaissance on it. "Sir" he said with a salute.

Darson gestured for him to lower his salute and said calmly, “At ease Captain. I appear to have caught you in the middle of some down time, and for that I apologize. However, I have new TASKORD’s for you. I need to send a crucial update of troop and logistical movements in the sector to my counterpart on Kronos. However, sub-space network maintenance has rendered a direct connection…un-reliable. You were the only ship in range at this time going to the Klingon Empire, and this information is time-sensitive, so I need you to carry it and deliver it to him personally.”

The Captain mulled it over in thought briefly. "Yes sir. Shouldn't be a problem." He considered the route the Hagnon was to be taking to Kronos. Yes they were taking the Fast route by warp. The Captain of the Hagnon was certainly keen to arrive there soon. "What our arrival at Kronos wise for me to take extra precaution when delivering this data personally...perhaps in the form of a few more armed marines?"

Darson waved a hand, “I trust your judgment Captain. Use whatever security measures you think are appropriate. Just make sure that it arrives as soon as possible at its destination. Now then…you’re dismissed. Good Hunting Captain, and please see if the CO of the Hagnon has decided to take my call.”

"Yes I have" came the strong female voice. Her image replacing that of the marine captain on the view screen. It was an image of a Starfleet, Starship Captain. The Captain of the USS Hagnon to be precise. Mrs. Dunham. She was an elderly woman with long grey hair, and the first signs of wrinkles on her skin, she shared many features with that her two children. Except for her eyes which were steely and cold blue. "What can I do for you Mr. Darson?"

“Captain,” he said in a polite voice whilst bowing his head in greeting. Though they were of equivalent rank, Darson was the one calling on her and thus owed her a measure more of respect than vice versa, “I was just calling to deliver orders to your Marine detachment, don’t worry, its nothing that requires deviation from your current mission. And I realized who the Captain was, and realized that I must speak with you.”

"Indeed," said the captain thoughtfully. , raising one eyebrow in provocative inquisitiveness. linked her hands together; her fingers intertwining in front of her mouth.

“I work with your son actually,” Darson said casually, “And I would even go so far as to say that we’ve been able to become good friends,” a lie, but one that wouldn’t hurt anybody, “But it is actually the younger generation of Dunham that I wanted to speak to. I’ve been…what’s the word I’m looking for here…mentoring Mr. Dunham’s niece in the fine ways of the Marines. She’s a very smart girl…a quick learner too. I have the feeling that she’ll grow up to be an upstanding member of the Federation. But in the meantime, I just wanted to check up on her. I missed my chance when she was on the station, as I was returning from my triumphant carpet bombing of some planet somewhere.”

"My granddaughter is doing very well thank you for asking." The captain gave a polite tilt of her head in a thankful nod. "She is currently enjoying being with her mother again, and looks forward to being re-united with her farther." The captain smiled politely. But didn't really like marines and especially didn't like the idea of her granddaughter becoming one.

“Ah yes,” Darson said with an acknowledging cock of the head, “I had heard about your little…expedition…to Kronos to retrieve him. Of course, he will be given a hero’s welcome; especially after all he’s been through. I’ve already drafted orders to have him transferred here, too Deep Space 5, where he will be placed in my Regiment. That way Kim won’t have to uproot herself again from this station and everybody’s happy. I am truly an accommodating man, am I not?”

"Hmmmm.....interesting" said the captain tapping her finger against her lip in contemplative thought. "Well I suppose...but what of my daughter, she is Starfleet and assigned to Starfleet intelligence on Kronos, and well....." she spoke in deep thought "....they have not seen each other for some ti......" she waved an idea away with a gesture of her hand. "We have to see what the Gunnery Sergeant wants to do. After being in prison for so long he may well want to retire" Then the captain frowned. "What is my family's business any concern of yours Colonel, why would you be so accommodating, surely my granddaughter is not worth so much as one more potential recruit?"

There was a moment of hesitation on Darson’s part, a miniscule almost instantaneous moment, but it was there. He couldn’t rightly explain his reasons why; explain Kim’s importance, without revealing things that were not meant to be revealed. Instead he said calmly, “I wouldn’t expect you to understand Captain…but she is important. And you underestimate the resolve of the Marines ma’am. While Fleeters might roll over and retire after an ordeal like that, I can all but guarantee that a Marine will get right back up on the horse and get back to work. If Kim’s mother wants a transfer as well I can arrange that. My power to allocate resources of the Federation is vast...except in the most critical of situations.”

There was a moment of silence, followed by Darson saying, “I can assure you though, that I have nothing but Kim’s best interests at heart. Of that my dear Captain, you can be sure. Now I must bid you a good day. I simply do not have all day to chat...I have a coup of the station to thwart. And relay all this to Kim…and tell her to give me a call sometime. Goodbye Captain,” Darson reached out a hand to the side of the screen and closed the channel.

The Captain looked at the blank monitor for a moment then turned in her chair to face the window behind her. She stared out into space watching the stars as they shot pass at warp speed. She sat there in contemplative thought and considering her options. A Marine Colonel wouldn't just want a fourteen year old girl and potential recruit around. No something else was going on. She didn't know what yet. Captain Dunham made a mental note not to pass on the invitation. She leaned back in her chair deciding on what she should tell the gunny when they met on the Klingon home world.


USS Hagnon Marine Captain
and ship’s Captain
Played by Dunham


Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer, Deep Space 5