Interlude – Nine minus One pt 2
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Nine minus One pt 2
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Sep 06, 2010 @ 12:10am
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD 31: Small Hours

It really was a long night and it was the early hours of the morning before Chelsea and Ben emerged. As they walked out they were both peeling off layers of sprayed on or covered over layers of hygenic protection, wiping their brows and exhausted faces but finally..... smiling.

Yolanthe and Klia stood as the two doctors entered the waiting room, holding hands tightly. "Is he...?" The Bokkai asked

"Your friend is lucky you acted so quickly" Chelsea told Yolanthe and Klia. "Another few minutes' delay and we would have had an early night because there would have been nothing we could have done."

Yolanthe's grey skin began to lighten towards a shade of blue. "He's going to be all right?" She asked, "Completely I mean? No lasting damage?"

"Woah... I said he's still alive!" Chelsea held up her hands in a surrender motion. "But I have every reason to think he's going to stay that way now. Alive and with all of his primary functions, Prophets willing. As to no minor damage, that we won't tell until he regains consciousness. We've had to re-attach some major blood vessels and nerves so he could have set-backs in his Cardiovascular systems and his Pulmonary system took a beating too but lungs are more forgiving than hearts or brains." Chelsea explained.

"We kept his oxygen levels up so he shouldn't have any brain damage and we've repaired the cut in his liver from the knife wound. All his liver functions have been restored without obvious readings to indicate problems." She took a breath.

"Let's see how he goes, but basically, he *should* be fine......." she allowed herself a smile and patted the shoulder of the Orion woman who appeared to be the most worried. "We ARE the best in the Quadrant!" she indicated Ben and herself with a grin. She wasn't *really* that immodest but the woman needed to hear something to reassure her and it wasn't *that* far off the truth.

There actually wasn't another facility in their sector of space with the state of the art equipment that DS5 could boast, nor a team with so many combined hours of experience and sufficient qualifications between them to paper the walls with.

If it offered them some comfort to know Ding had been given the best treatment available then it was worth the distasteful 'blowing of their own trumpets' for once.

"Is he allowed visitors?" Yolanthe asked. "Can we see him?"

"He's still unconscious and is likely to remain so for a good while. He'll be in High Dependency care - you know, no infectious anythings within 4 million light years.. that sort of thing..." she smiled, trying to lighten the severity of what she was saying. "So basically not for at least 24 hours. "May as well go and get some sleep. Check back with us tomorrow afternoon, we'll let you know how well he's doing."

"Thank you." It wasn't the hundred percent all clear Yolanthe wanted to hear, but she knew that if there was anything more that could be done, the two doctors would have done it.

She gave Klia a hug, and they made to leave. At the door a thought struck the tall woman, and she turned back. "I, er. Someone did this to him doctor. What if they try and finish the job?" She didn't want to imply that she didn't trust the doctors, more that in a busy sick bay, an assassin might easily slip through unnoticed. "I mean, that's not a random mugging. Whoever's responsible might be very determined."

"I'll alert Security but anyone wanting to finish him off would hopefully be clever enough not to do it in a fully staffed, carefully restricted environment like HDU... I think he'd be in more danger once we discharge him, frankly... if that's the case. By then it's a case for Security there too. I'll put in a call before i leave." she promised.

The bokkai turned a pale green. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or not about getting security involved. "Thanks." She took one last look through the window as the caitian was wheeled off to the HDU. "I owe you yet another one, doctor."

"I'm keeping count!" Chelsea smiled lightly. "I might have to call them in sooner than you think, if the words Hen Night ever turn from a threat into a real danger!"

Yolanthe gave a wan smile. She was pleased for Chelsea, but her concern for Schrödinger dampened her spirits. "I look forward to it. Take care of him, Doctor."


A JP Between

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams


Lt Ben Kensington
ACMO - NPC'd by jools


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box Of Delights