Things Past – Unresolved matters
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   Unresolved matters
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Mon Jun 10, 2013 @ 5:53pm
Location   En route to Starbase 185
Timeline   Sometime between SD 60 - 70
Back info:

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis continued to review the semi-classified intelligence reports detailing the Tau Volantis incident. It made his blood boil to even imagine that a Trill, a joined Trill could have the capacity to commit such a heinous and unforgivable crime as genocide against an innocent population.

The Prime Directive, basic decency as a Trill, there were countless reasons that should've stopped Captain Rex from partaking in the political slaughter that took place on the planet. But for whatever reason, she did not do it. In fact, she assisted the ruling authority in their bloody conquest.

Trellis knew that his skills as a pilot were not up to par, furthermore his nerves would be too unsteady to successfully pilot the vessel the entire distance to the Starbase. Moreover, he felt more comfortable bringing a fellow Trill along with him. The incident itself had been devastating to Trill across the Federation, it was not something they enjoyed discussing with outsiders.

Trellis looked at the fellow Trill. "According to the scant information I've been able to obtain, Commander Veronica Sterling has been held in confinement onboard Starbase 185 for over 30 years for her involvement in the genocide on Tau Volantis." He added. "Hopefully she'll have information that can lead us to her partner in crime, Captain Anaia Rex." He said.

"That would make two of us.. Sir.." Malak says as he glances to the man. He dips his head, he looks to the man and back to his console. He slowly continues to tap at it,"I'm not even sure why I was chosen for this op - but I am glad to help." Though there is something that catches his attention as he glances back,"Sorry - Sir.." Apparently Malak had been too busy to read the complete mission,"Anaia... Rex?" He offered as his head dipped.

"Captain Anaia Rex, former Captain of the USS Freebird. Her shuttle crashed on Tau Volantis. There was a civil war going on and the Captain violated the Prime Directive and helped commit genocide against the native population. Once she was captured, the Rex symbiont was removed, and she was to be court-martialed, but she escaped and killed several Starfleet officers in the process." He responded.

"How can someone just throw away the gift of a symbiont?" Trellis asked in disbelief that someone would not recognize the life-changing burden of being a host.

"Some people just.. Can't take it.. Or they're trying to hide." Malak mused with a frown as he sat back. He opened his mouth about to say more when he dipped his head.
Trellis was about to respond when he was interrupted by a hail from the Starbase Docking control.

=^= "This is Starbase 185 docking control to shuttlecraft Leonis, we require to have your credentials sent to us before you dock." =^= The docking control said.

=^= "I'm transmitting our credentials, now." Trellis responded. "We are here to see inmate Veronica Sterling." Trellis added, he knew how odd it had to be for anybody to come visit the inmate after almost 30 years of confinement. However, he had a lot of questions and hopefully this woman would be able to answer.

=^= "Very well. Your credentials have been recieved, you and may proceed to dock in bay 2. The Warden will guide you to Sterling's confinement from there." =^=

=^= "Thank you, Leonis out." He responded as he closed the channel. "Alright, take us down," He said to Lieutenant Muz.

"Aye sir." Malak offered as he glanced to him once more and then went deeper in thought, moving forward and guiding the ship down.

[Docking Bay 2]

The doors made a high-pitched clicking sound indicating that the walkway had been pressurized and it was safe for the two Trills to proceed towards the Warden who stood waiting for them.

"Have you ever participated in an interrogation before?" Trellis asked the pilot beside him.

Malak shook his head slowly as he watched the man and moved forward with him.
"Well, this should be educational for us both. Hopefully having more uniforms in the room will prompt the former Commander to be even more truthful." he replied.

"Lieutenant Trellis" The Tyran woman in front of Si'Lar nodded. "Welcome to Starbase 185, gentlemen. I'm Lieutenant Commander Cacia, and the Warden of this facility."

"Thank you, Warden. This is Lieutenant Malak Muz, he is accompanying me from Deep Space 5." Trellis said briefly.

"A pleasure to meet you too, Lieutenant" Cacia nodded again, gesturing the Lieutenants to follow her. "If you will follow me, I'll guide you to Sterling's confinement. It's not very far from here."

Trellis continued. "Has Inmate Sterling made any statements to you regarding our meeting?" Trellis asked, wondering if she had volunteered any useful information regarding her former Commanding Officer.

"Indeed she has." Cacia replied, while she turned around the corner. "She stated that she would give you two full co-operation in your case. She's been here for 30 years and has finally realized the error that she made back on Tau Volantis. But she's been very lucky to be alive, as she nearly risked a death penalty with her action." She looked back at Trellis. "But if Captain Rex had never escaped from that shuttlecraft, I'm pretty sure that Rex would have been prosecuted with the death penalty."

Trellis followed behind the Warden while she walked. "That's why we're here, I received a reported sighting of a woman whose description is consistent with that of Captain Rex, and I believe that Sterling can be of assistance to the investigation." He replied as they came before the doorway towards the secured room that had been established for their conversation.

"I'm quite sure she will." Cacia said, while opening the door to the designated room. "You both can take your seat behind the table, gentlemen. I will oversee the conversation behind this glass with a security team. If anything would go wrong, we will respond immediately. Sterling will be brought to you in a few moments."

Trellis nodded as he brought up the case information on his padd. Several minutes later he looked up and saw as the woman formerly known as Commander Sterling walked in.

"Hello, Ms. Sterling. I am Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis and this is Lieutenant Malak Muz. We are from Deep Space 5, and I'm here to talk to you about Anaia Rex." He said.

Sterling, a woman in her mid-50s, sat down on the chair on the other side of the table that Trellis and Muz were sitting at, and looked at both men. "Lieutenant Trellis and Lieutenant Muz." She nodded. "I don't get many visitors, so excuse me if I would behave out of the standards. However I'm glad that you came. I probably have the answers of your questions about the Captain."

"Former Captain," Trellis replied sternly. "She stopped being a Starfleet Officer the moment she turned her back on protecting others." he said quickly, but then regained control over himself. "I'm here to talk about what happened on the planet and how I can find her." He said to the woman.

"Wait, Lieutenant..." She suddenly exclaimed. "Does that mean that Rex is... alive?! That she survived that explosion?"

Trellis noticed the surprised tone in her voice. "Yes, I have received evidence that Anaia Rex is still alive. That's why I'm here to talk to you about what you know and whether you can help me locate her and bring her to justice for what she's done." He said.

"Well, in that case, I can offer you the knowledge that I posess about her." Sterling said. "You know, Anaia wasn't always like how she was down there on the planet. Something... changed her."

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Malak Muz
Executive Officer Starfighter Wing


Veronica Sterling
NPC by Saria Rex