Incommunicado – Go Faster Stripes
by Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Go Faster Stripes
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Aug 13, 2012 @ 10:42am
Location   Starfighter Hanger Bay
Timeline   SD58 10.32

Rick brushed his fingers under the wing of the Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter suspended in a tractor beam just above his head. The Valkyrie looked like an aerowing design, which was suitable for limited atmospheric flight. The smoothed aerowing surface encases the twin warp nacelles and impulse engines. The cockpit incorporates features similar to a standard Starfleet shuttlecraft, with additional mission specific equipment, and the incorporation of a manual steering column.

Rick was having some thoughts on the fighter since seeing the new crew manifest but he needed the expert =^= Ensign David Straggard to starfighter Hanger Bay =^= he said after pressing the badge on his chest.

=^= Acknowledged =^= David responded as he walked into the turbolift. "Starfighter Hanger Bay." David stepped out and saw Lieutenant Commander Dunham. David reached out his hand to shake. "Ensign David Straggard, reporting sir."

Rick took the hand and shook the hand and shook it with a smile "Welcome on-board Ensign" said Rick, he then guided the man over to one of the nearby fighter craft and got straight to business as he walked and talked "I was hoping that as a propulsion specialist you can help me get a little more speed out of these micro warp engines. You see the problem I am having is the adaptation of the neutrino field when enhanced with extra power causes the paraphoretic matrix to send feed back to the subsonic seeker thereby causing a break down in stability in the static event horizon manipulator and a blow out in the bi-spatial polarity loop that feeds into the warp core. How do you think we can get around that?"

David smiled. Now we're talking, he thought. "Actually I would approach the problem from a completely different direction." David pulled out his PADD and showed the Commander his schematic for a new warp assembly. "Here you can see I have been working on making major components of the warp drive stronger and more durable. Making them be able to travel at higher speeds while maintaining a cruise setting. I can possibly apply this principal to your starfighters as well." David walked toward one of the starfighters and walked around it and examined it while also scanning it with a tricorder. "Most interesting, I haven't really worked with starfighter engines but they work similarly to starship engines." David continued. "As I said, I am working on new parts to improve speed and endurance of these engines. I should be able to replace major components with my own and test their new cruising and maximum speeds." David looked to the Commander waiting for his thoughts

"Ok" said Rick as they continued to walk and talk towards his office. "Thats sounds like a plan....however" he started to say thoughtfully "that sounds like a long term project or at least something that will take longer than the time frame we have." He indicated a chair to sit in whilst he sat behind his own messy PaDD strewn desk. "And I need these fighters to be able to push faster, preferably within the next twenty four hours" He leaned back in his chair and scratched the stubble on his chin thoughtfully "your going to need to work the problem with equipment and units that we already have. In summary can you jury rig a mark 4 micro warp engine to increase its warp capacity in the next twenty four hours?"

David thought for a few seconds. "I can replace the warp coils with a more sturdy coil and boost the power output of the reactors while also strengthening the confinement field. I'll need a few men working double shifts and it could take me roughly 20 hours including roughly an hour on top of that to do some final testing to ensure maybe an increase of warp 0.4 on each of your ships. For what I'm looking at doing which would take a few days working at single shifts to achieve an increase of warp 2 on each of your ships." David said.

Rick still thoughtful took some gum out of a packet and began chewing on it. "Even if you use sturdier coils wont the boost in power output of the reactors cause problems with the Antimatter inducer and cause reverse polarity feeds to the Electro-plasma tubes and the Intermix chamber?" queried Rick

"Not quite." David answered. "From what I have come to conclude is basically the concept of having more power output while strengthening the overall assembly to maintain higher speeds, stronger warp fields, and higher cruise speeds. I see the warp engine as a 20th century incandescent lightbulb. The denser the filament, the longer and brighter it can burn. Same thing with warp engines. You just need to incorporate intense compression of elements used to build the components at higher densities. I was given an enhanced warp coil by the Chief of Science a couple days ago and examining it's higher concentrations of Verium Cortenide and inner core of Tungsten Cobalt Magnesium gave me the idea. Through simulations that I have run I have found a substantial increase in warp capabilities." David showed his PADD with all the info he had just shared.

At the mention of the chief science officer massaged the temple of his forehead. His previous experience with the 'erratic' Trill had not left him inspired by confidence, the he was certain she was a competent science officer as they would not made her chief in the first place. Additionally 20th century technology was not Ricks forte (apart from planes) so he really did not get the analogy. As he read the data on the PADD one question did occur to him which he spoke out loud "So why has this not been done before?" However Rick really really wanted to test this theory out and he wanted to do it on his own private banged up tramp of a small freighter that he had down in the cargo bay.

"Warp engines have always been made bigger and faster in the past ever since Zefram Cochrane's first flight. Bigger ships meant faster speeds most of the time. I though of using the idea of basically shrinking engines and making them endure more stress and power within a smaller space and match it's larger counterpart. Similar to the basic idea of how early particle weapons used lager and larger generators to produce a stronger and stronger beam until energy was able to be stored in small power cells and put into a handheld device and now what needed to be the size of a starship to shoot a particle beam is now in your hand, in a manner of speaking." David replied. "It's time we get smaller while still going faster."

Rick was not to sure about this, the Birds of Prey of the Klingon Defence Force were approximately only a hundred and ten metres in length and they could reach a warp speed of nine point eight. So he wondered if the development of the bigger is better analogy actually worked. However he did agree that smaller was better when it came to going fast. He was a fighter pilot after all. He scratched the stubble on his beard thoughtfully "Ok Ensign you go trial show some simulation results and i will let you near one of my fighters with this warp engine. In the meantime work with some of my deck crew to jury rig our existing warp engines to increase their output for their up coming mission....." he trailed off a bit "But your Freemans man so I want you to get his permission before working on these projects for me. Its bad form to steal staff from another man's department"

"Understood, sir." David replied.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Propulsion Specialist
Ensign David Straggard