Beg, Steal or Borrow – In Memorium - Part 5
by Colonel James Darson & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   In Memorium - Part 5
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Mar 21, 2009 @ 5:30pm
Location   Deck 72 - Marine Complex
Timeline   SD8 - 04:00 (Backpost)


As he said that, the Nveid next to Isha waved his hand and froze the simulation again, “Let's leave myself and the good Captain to their work, and check up on how some other people, including our good friend the Major are doing, shall we?”

”Oh yes, let’s,” Isha said clapping her hands together with insincere and feigned enthusiasm, nothing could make this night more perfect!”


Isha’s sarcasm made a slight whistling noise as it flew over the Holographic Nveid’s head. He clapped his hands once more, and the entire frozen scene turned transparent, and seemed to float away, when in reality they were merely passing through a holographic replica of the vessel. The trip ended in a relatively untouched corridor leading to the massive hanger bays on the rear of the vessel.

As Nveid unfroze it again, he said to Isha, “First, let’s see how the rest of the Romulan detachment got off the ship. This plays a slight role later on in the story.”

There was a clamoring from the end of the hall, and a group of people rushed out, and ran towards the pair.

Flight Officer Sergeant Carol Brown, better known to the ship’s Marine contingent by her call sign, “Robin”, waited for the Jem’Hadar to round the corner. She shot him in the head, and the tall son of a bitch dropped like a rock. The pilot took a quick peek, verified that the next corridor was clear, and motioned to those behind her, “Come on! Let’s get while the getting’s good!”

Three pilots, an equal number of ground crew, and a squad of Romulan soldiers looking slightly confused followed as Carol thundered down the empty hall. She was a tall, broad shouldered woman, and she ran with a flat-footed determination. The plan, if the wild assed scheme she’d concocted could be dignified as such, was to make it down to the ship’s launch bay, jump into their Wyvern Hopper transports, and their Firefly class transports, and get off the Valkyrie before the cruiser smacked right into the planet below.

At best, it would be a tricky takeoff, and a messy landing, but she’d rather die behind the stick of her bird than trust her fate to some lifeboat jockey. Besides, maybe some transports would actually come in handy if anybody made it off this ship alive.”

That was looking like an increasingly big maybe.

“They’re behind us!” One of the Romulan troops yelled in that annoyingly calm tone that the Romulans were famous for. One of the pilots shouted for them to run faster.

Carol wasn’t a sprinter…she was a pilot dammit. She spun on her heel as she was running to take aim on her pursuers, when a sizzling bolt of disruptor fire blasted past her ear, so she kept on spinning.

“Screw this!” She yelled, and then ran with renewed energy down the hall.

It was fascinating, Isha thought, she had never been near a battle. The closest she had come was to be caught up in an unruly crowd that turned nasty during the failed Shinzon coup, and Rh’vaurek had quickly extracted her from that. This was quite different and quite disorientating, even for an observer.

A little further on, right outside the shuttle bay, Brown and her companions skidded to a halt, turned back the way they had come and let loose with everything they had. Their weaponry included two Phaser pistols, a Phaser rifle, and a swarm of Romulan disruptors, as well as a Jem’hadar pistol somebody had managed to scoop up along the way. It was enough of an arsenal to knock several of the big lumpy creatures off their feet, and put them down to boot. She moved towards them and caved in the last one’s skull for good measure.

Eager to get aboard their ships, the group ducked under the docking bay hatch, closed it behind them and ran for the ships. There was already a gaggle of Marines around, frantically throwing whatever supplies they could carry into the transports’ holds. Robin spotted her bird, gave thanks for the fact that it was undamaged, and ran up the ramp. But something stopped her at the top.

She back towards the deck, and saw the Romulan troops just standing there. She cursed under her breath and yelled, “Come on you pointy eared fools! Get on, or we’re leaving you to go down with the ship!”

The Romulans shared a look, and then ran up the ramp without a word. As the rest of the Marines cleared the flight deck and got into position, Robin moved to the cockpit. As always, the ship was fueled, armed, and ready to fly. Takano, her copilot, dropped into position behind her, with Crew Chief Goldman bringing up the rear.

She strapped herself in and ran a highly abbreviated preflight checklist, and started the transport’s engines. They joined with the rest to create a satisfying roar. The main bay doors cycled open, but there was no force field keeping the atmosphere in. As a result, loose gear began tumbling into space as the entire bay explosively decompressed.

Moments later, the carrier entered the world’s atmosphere, which meant that the transports could depart…but they had to do it soon. Reentry friction was already creating a wall of fire around the ship.

“Damm!” Takano exclaimed, “Look at that!” and pointed forward.

Robin looked; saw a Jem’hadar fighter coming straight toward the bay, braving the heat generated by the carrier’s entry velocity. There was a limited window of opportunity to get off this sinking ship, and this Dominion bastard was right in the way.

She swore, and released the safety on this ship’s phasers. Firing the weapon in the enclosed space shook the ship, blazed across the fighter’s shields, broke through, and finally hit something vital. The enemy vessel shuddered, lost control, and spun into the Valkyrie’s hull.

“Alright,” the wing leader said over the ship-to-ship frequency, “Let’s go down there and meet our hosts. See you on the ground. Robin out,”

She clicked off the transmitter and whispered to herself, “Good luck.”

One by one, the drop ships left the bay, did a series of wingovers, and dropped towards the looming planet. Brown struggled to maintain control as the atmosphere tore at her ship. The status panel flashed a heat warning as friction created a massive thermal buildup along the transport’s fuselage. As the heat increase, the leading edges of the ship and nacelles began to glow.

“Jeez, boss,” Takano said, his teeth rattling from the constant jouncing of the Hopper, “maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

Robin made some adjustments, managed to improve the ship’s glide angle, and glanced to her right, “If you’ve got a better idea,” she yelled, “bring it up at the next staff meeting!”

He nodded, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Until then,” she added, “shut the hell up and let me fly this thing.”

The hopper hit an air pocket, dropped like a rock, and caught itself. The transport shook like a think possessed. Brown screamed with anger and battled her controls as her ship plummeted toward the surface.

At this point, Nvied froze the simulation once more, “Don’t worry about them,” he said in an almost careless fashion, “They made it down alive. Let’s go back and see how the Major does his job,” he clapped his hands, and the cramped interior of the transport warped and resolved itself into the Valkyrie’s engine room.

Isha folded her arms, "You know you are really beginning to annoy me," she said takning a deep breath to disguise a yawn. She had quite lost track of time and already fatigued by two nights that had not presented much opportunity for sleep Isha was getting irritable.



Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian